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PS3 60 gig vs 80gig. help please?

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  • PS3 60 gig vs 80gig. help please?

    NEW ISSUE HELP PLEASE! See last post also

    Hope I'm in the right area....this is somewhat of a tech question but more of a what is this person trying to pull. And as hubs asked me to relay this and I am somewhat clueless hope that my lack of proper jargon isn't more confusing. and from experience, when I get that little warning voice, i don't always know WHY but that little intuition has yet to fail me unless I ignore it. odd and weird but true.

    Brother in law wants to trade ps3's with us. We have his old ps3 from when hubs bought it before I married him. Will try to lay this out in comparison to help

    Our current ps3
    - 60 gigs
    - has saved games from ps3, and ps1 and ps2 game data on it
    - the game data from all versions can supposedly (not sure) be saved to memory stick to transfer please correct me on that if needed
    - has two games downloaded from playstation network (PSN) from psn saying sorry for the major hack here have some free game downloads
    - also has two logins, old one from BIL and hubs, also has netflix streaming on it

    What BIL wants to trade us for
    - 80 gig ps3
    - it has previously been sent off to sony from when they had to instal an upgrade and it somehow messed it up/had an error and had to be sent off and when returned alot of data had been removed etc i forget
    - has the chipset for backwards play but not sure if its ps2 AND ps1 or just ps2 games
    - from what research hubs has done the 80 gig ps3 can have some hiccups however his info is dated from '08 and '09

    ALSO it has been said or rumored that gamestop is not taking back certain versions of ps3 such as the 80 gig or the version we have.

    all i can remember is when ps3 first came out there were two versions the 40gig (or 60?) and had backwards play and then the now 80gig that does or does not have backwards play so that the one we have is almost a limited edition used or not.

    my question is WHY does BIL want to trade us for this, is it because gamestop won't take his in for game trade or he honestly just wants a trade. i am highly suspicious mostly because I have valid reasons not to trust BIL. mostly he is game oriented and that little voice in my head says no this is a bad idea! but i am not sure why.
    Also this family uses netflix streaming, DIL uses it almost daily so I don't want to have to redownload that or go through more crud just to change it over, change logins or have to create a new one for another ps3
    EVEN if its just simple data transfer or just removing one log in and putting info on another, this raises flags with me.

    with the new ps3 of 80gigs that does backwards play its giving me trouble with sims 3 games when the games were transfered over. the traded ps3 MADE us use the code to get online with sims 3 as in i could not play it without signing online, and then it wouldn't let me access the games because i'm not "the original owner" so hubs went in and changed the old sign in name and his name to something else and shut it down.
    i started it up later and then it let us access the old games but data was erased so WTF. and with sims 3 not much lost cause its not like i have abandoned families or households to start another but yeah. however if i have to start over on some games such as god of war I AM GOING TO BE PISSED. haven't officially begun GOW3 and as the previous ones are ps1 and 2 no problem as it saved ps2 games with no issue and i can pull it up. but its just the frustration on time and effort lost ....
    Last edited by Midnight12; 06-18-2011, 11:22 PM.

  • #2
    A lot of hardcore PS3 fans consider the 60GB model to be the best one Sony has released to date, since it had ports for everything as well as hardware PS2 backward compatibility. The 80GB model does not have hardware PS2 backward compatibility.

    I bought a 60GB model because I didn't want to worry about old PS2 games that my kids picked up at garage sales working. It also plays Blu-Ray and DVD movies, has ports for anything I want to plug into it, etc. As long as you can do without a larger hard drive (320 GB Slim ) you should be good.


    • #3
      heh forgot about the blu-ray player.
      basically i was thinking wait why trade the bigger hard drive for the smaller one unless you did something to yours. so in a sense, we would be trading down -bigger hard drive as you said - but less capability.

      thank you for the info. man i am losing my touch with technology, crud


      • #4
        You have provided sufficient reasons in your post not to do the trade. You have a lot installed on your PS3 that would be difficult, or maybe impossible, to transfer over to the other PS3, and the other PS3 probably doesn't have the capability to run the games you play on your PS3. Since you have reasons to distrust BIL, it sounds like a bad trade. You have intuition for a reason.
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


        • #5
          wasn't sure if i was misinformed on some parts or had missing info or what. thus why i figured ask the experts here. plus the whole unless gamestop really has stopped taking certain consoles back why not go trade his ps3 there? and shouldn't his wife, my sis in law be informed of this decision as she is a semi gamer too


          • #6
            Can you call/visit the local Gamestop to find out what they are and are not taking back?
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #7
              finally got a hold of sis in law, because BIL's ps3 was sent off for repair and a new hard drive was put in gamestop doesn't see it as the original hard drive and would not take it for a trade in. so that is why.
              not being in the know, i don't see WHY that is an issue but i'm sure that gets into fratching i know at least. thank you again for the help.

              and i don't know which gamestop BIL went to but i was only told they wouldn't take it. it is now hubs call of which we have already had a discussion about this.


              • #8
                Quoth Raveni View Post
                As long as you can do without a larger hard drive (320 GB Slim ) you should be good.
                A PS3 "Large" can be pretty easily upgraded with a larger hard drive--I even got the directions how from Sony's site. I put in a 500GB hard drive, as I seem to like the games that have a huge install footprint.

                One caution: I ran into an issue with the blue-ish screw that you remove first on the hard drive being very soft. It completely stripped with a normal hand-held screwdriver, which caused me to have to drill the screw out--nervous business with the hard drive still in the PS3! It has turned out well, and I've been playing on it for a good portion of the week.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Well, the HDD really should not be a factor as you can put in any Laptop SATA HDD that you want.

                  Hmm, there were two types of backwards compatibility, Hardware and a hybrid. the 80Gb is the hybrid and is inferior to the 60 which uses the full hardware.

                  Personally, If you have no problems with your current system, don't do the trade. It's a bad idea to trade a fully functioning system that is reliable for an inferior model that has a history. If you want more storage capacity, get a laptop SATA drive, borrow an external one if you don't have one and swap out the drive.
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician


                  • #10
                    again thankies for the help. will update this evening or when i can

                    hubs is going to do the trade ONLY because our ps3 will be traded in for another xbox 360 or kinnect so that bil's kids and wife can use it to watch netflix streaming and play games and bil can have his etc blah blah.

                    HOWEVER if the transfer of game data and anything else doesn't work or go well or anything is glitchy it won't happen. SIL is coming over today to bring the kids and be witness to this which i don't know why bil can't. no wait yes i do but it gets to fratching territory....i am basically being a whiny kid and going "noooo, MY ps3 don't want to share" when its for someone else's benefit. i can't argue much as DIL uses our ps3 for netflix and i just watch dvds and blu ray instead of games on it. my only excuse for not playing games is lack of time as i primarily watch daughter and most of the games i want to play are way to bloody for her to see....dislike saying this but alot of red flags are popping up for me as usual i get to be the one in the back watching it all go to heck
                    Last edited by Midnight12; 06-16-2011, 04:14 PM.


                    • #11
                      Actually, I want to point out that the netflix streaming can be done on both providing your updated to the latest firmware..... I am refusing to update until other OS is restored, and I can't get on netflix but since I have a media center PC, i use netflix on that. There is also nothing to say he won't revoke the old PS3s access to netflix and setup the new one. To me it sounds like a bad deal on your end.
                      I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Midnight12 View Post
                        ....i am basically being a whiny kid and going "noooo, MY ps3 don't want to share" when its for someone else's benefit.
                        Wait a sec. You are NOT being "a whiny kid" about this. This is YOUR property! If you don't want to trade, then don't! Its not like BIL can't sell it on the private market. There is nothing holy or sacred about trading to GameSTOP, and he can get more money for a system by selling it himself.

                        I agree with your instincts. The more I think about it, the worse this deal smells. I really suggest you veto the trade.
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #13
                          Actually the ps3 is OURS. sat there while hubs did the data transfer, set up netflix and apparently the bigger ps3 DOES backwards play, he tested EVERY PS1 and PS2 game we have on there after transfering the game data and everyone works.
                          nothing was lost. so apparently we were not getting screwed. I just don't like dealing with BIL....
                          taking my own advice from previous lessons I wrote down the pros and cons, the pros of doing this trade outweigh the cons apparently. I just don't like trading...with other people besides hubs cause i know what hubs has and how he treats it as opposed to other people.

                          this trade is happening. and apparently we are not getting effed...still warry


                          • #14
                            can't get some ps3 games, or lost some

                            with the new ps3 of 80gigs that does backwards play its giving me trouble with sims 3 games when the games were transfered over. the traded ps3 MADE us use the code to get online with sims 3 as in i could not play it without signing online, and then it wouldn't let me access the games because i'm not "the original owner" so hubs went in and changed the old sign in name and his name to something else and shut it down.
                            i started it up later and then it let us access the old games but data was erased so WTF. and with sims 3 not much lost cause its not like i have abandoned families or households to start another but yeah. however if i have to start over on some games such as god of war I AM GOING TO BE PISSED. haven't officially begun GOW3 and as the previous ones are ps1 and 2 no problem as it saved ps2 games with no issue and i can pull it up. but its just the frustration on time and effort lost ....

                            what happen? so far its just some ps3 games....grrr


                            • #15
                              It's the procedure for preventing used console sales. Basically, your system is "locked" to your account, so it won't recognize the new system as being tied to it. The procedure is to deactivate the account on the old machine, reactivate it on the new machine, then transfer the files. Best advice I can offer at this point is to contact Sony technical support and see if they can clear that lock remotely if you can't deactivate the account from your old machine.

                              Now before you get in an uproar with that, it's not uncommon for this to be done. All three current consoles do this and even Microsoft does this with their Windows and Office programs. Even Steam got into the act, though it's a fair bit better system though.
                              I AM the evil bastard!
                              A+ Certified IT Technician

