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What!? (cable comp. and confusion/download stuff)

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  • What!? (cable comp. and confusion/download stuff)

    this is the letter we got today in the mail from our local cable of...well i'll not say their name yet

    * = name change
    Date July 15th '11

    Dear *cable owner*
    In the last monthly cycle, your internet account used 167.77 GB. That's well above the typical monthly usage of up to 43.0 GB.

    This situation could mean several things. For instance: a virus or "spyware" application might have infected your computer and started generating high levels of Internet traffic, or someone else might be using your Internet connection without your knowledge. To help guard against those issues, please consider the following steps.

    - If you have a wireless router, you may have unauthorized users logging onto your account. Ensure that your router is encrypted or password-protected by visiting the Web site of your router's manufacturer.

    - Viruses and spyware applications can, without your knowledge, generate excessive internet traffic. Install and regularly update your computer's security software to minimize the risk of your internet (TL;DR go to their website and download mcaffee)

    - Install software to limit or eliminate the volume of spam you receive.

    - Check with other members of your household regarding their internet activities.

    - Some popular peer-to-peer sharing programs will upload shared files, by default, to others as fast as your connection allows. This activity is often invisible to you, but it can result in significant usage. Check your file-sharing program preferences to make sure upstream Internet is limited accordingly.

    - Make sure, if you use a news reader (e.g. Usenet), that it is not set to automatically download message bodies for groups to which you subscribe. Otherwise you may download a significant volume of material that is of no interest to you.

    (The rest is how to monitor our usage and thanks and website links. basically elaborating on something that can be said more simply)

    Thank you for taking time to review this letter and for being out customer

    *Cable management
    We got this once before two months ago when we got a virus. this was the exact same amount that they said we used.
    One, only myself and hubs use the comp, we have AVG, spybot and Microsoft Security Essentials the free one not the spam or virus version which i fear may be part of the issue.
    Router is password protected, anyone wants to use it needs the router name, password and 19 alphanumeric key...thing i forget the term.

    Again just me and hubs use the comp, we don't use news reader, don't download much besides music and when done clean up or don't seed. I have not downloaded anything since last month when we got the virus and had to reformat.
    The only thing i can think of is that we have netflix and use the ps3 or on occasion the Wii.

    So dumb question, do we need to go and increase the allowed GB usage or tell cable company we have netflix and stuff it? When we got their phone service they wanted to put their modem since they "don't work with wireless routers" hubs undid what they did or whatnot to make sure our phones still work and so on. We use netflix alot and have a big que on our streaming.

  • #2
    Netflix and other streaming video services use a MASSIVE amount of bandwidth, and you can easily go over the cap if you're not careful.

    If your ISP lets you increase the cap, do so. Or find another ISP in your area that doesn't have caps (wishful thinking, probably)


    • #3
      ok. yeah i am basically going backwards and apparently unlearning all my tech stuff. thank you


      • #4
        Well are you on a capped plan? Or are they just trying to save money by scaring you, maybe sending someone out for a service call.

        Also the tone of the letter sounds like they think someone is doing something illegal, and they are smart enough to not directly accuse you. Although, they are dumb enough to figure your up to something illegal because nobody actually has legitimate uses for tech do they. When I tell people I use Bit torrent all the time to upload and download linux ISOs I get told I should stop stealing..... right??? People can't comphrend free OSes, or the fact that NETFLIX streaming is legal!
        I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


        • #5
          it turns out we are not capped and that this is a standard letter they send out as not everyone is tech savy like hubs as he did explain to the rep he checked and he uses netflix and so on. (IE lingo that i got lost on after a while) and that the letter is something that gets sent out automatically regardless if its just netflix or an actual virus.

          sorry for taking forever to get back to this


          • #6
            Yeah, I've had those a few times. Basically it's a "we noticed you're throughput is really high so we want to make sure it's you doing it and not a compromised machine." Nothing major to worry about.
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician

