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  • Dear Lizziebeff,

    Thank you so much!!!!


    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • Dear Becks--

      I take it you like it?

      And you forgive me for teasing you first?

      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


      • Dear Rads,

        Mr. Rum & I had a discussion about him getting shafted by his parents last night. (Coincidence, yes?)

        He said he needed to take his bike rack down to his dad's workshop & have his dad help him fix it. I told him I'd rather him take it any place else but his dad's workshop. Mr. Rum was confused as to why I'd say that because the work would be free with his dad. I told him and I quote: "Nothing is ever "free" with those two. And besides, even if you gave your dad plenty of time to know that you're coming down with the thing, once we waste the 2 hours to get there, he'll make one excuse after another about why he can't help right now. And it's just that attitude that they take with you and it spills over to their relationship with Child Rum. You might not mind being shafted, but I don't like it when it comes to her."

        (Yeah, wonky segue, but you know what? It pisses me off that they give him the shaft and. he. lets. it. slide. because he doesn't want to "make waves". )

        He told me that I was being a bitch, but I pointed out I was being a Momma Bear and I was tired of sitting in the corner while they "grew bored" with our daughter because she doesn't come when she's called and would rather be doing anything besides sitting down with his parents and having to answer questions that she doesn't know how to answer.

        *le sigh*

        Sorry for the venting,



        • Dear Apartment Complex Office,

          You are legally required to provide enough heat so that it is a minimum of 68 degrees in here between 6am and 11pm, and 65 overnight. We have the heater turned up as high as it goes, and if we're lucky, the thermometer occasionally reads 68. When I get up in the morning at 6:30 it's usually 63-64 degrees. When I got home from work at 6pm tonight it was 66. I don't know if it's the shitty insulation or you just don't have the heat up high enough, but I am going to call you tomorrow and I want it fixed. I am not going to spend the winter shivering under 5 layers of blankets. And you better not try to suggest (like you did last year) that I have the thermometer too close to the window (it's not) or that I'm blocking too much of the heater with furniture (it is not possible to not block part of the heater, unless we move all the furniture into the middle of the living room, and we pulled the couch out several inches on the one wall, and the entire front wall of my bedroom is unblocked).

          Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 01-11-2011, 12:27 AM.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • Dear ARC of Greater Prince William County,

            Please come up with more dates for the Parents Nights/Days Out.

            It's nice having 5 hours of time with just me & my hubbs.

            Hoping the dates will be ready next Monday,


            • Dear Brother's ex-girlfriend:

              DIAF. Seriously. You're like the corpse Hellboy had to carry on his back in the first movie, only not as attractive or useful.

              It would be sad for my infant nephew to lose his mother but in the long run it would be better for him, so he doesn't grow up to be a lazy, stupid, entitled, vindictive, greedy, controlling POS like you.

              Drop dead,


              PS I know this sounds just terrible, but here's a taste: when my brother wouldn't pay her outrageous cell phone bill because he had no job and no money, she sent him pictures of his baby son with the caption "Daddy I hate you". And that's the tip of the iceberg, believe me.


              • To everyone reading this:

                As of today, I weigh 277.6 pounds. This is 6.4 pounds down from the 284 pounds I weighed on 27 December 2010.

                That is all,


                • Dear Rummy

                  WELL DONE!! That is fantastic

                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • Rads,


                    I might lose more if I were to actually do more than an occasional mosey (a really slow walk), but for this week (at least), I can barely do even that.

                    I hope to do more exercise starting next week. I might go from mosey to an actual slow walk. But! I have been eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting back on fast food and soda.

                    Going really slowly,
                    Last edited by CaroPhoenix; 01-14-2011, 04:13 PM. Reason: sometimes I can't spell & this was one of those times


                    • Rummy,

                      *happy dances for you*

                      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
             (A blog about everything and nothing)


                      • That's wonderful, Rummy. I'm very proud of you.

                        Although - you do realize you're gorgeous no matter WHAT you weigh, right?

                        And as for walking slow, at least at RenFest you had good company and friends who slowed down and hung back with you.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • Dear Parents Who Drive Your Kids to the Bottom of the Driveway to Wait for the School Bus,

                          Your snowflake will not freeze to death while walking the couple dozen yards from your house to the road. I'm sure it takes longer to warm up the car.

                          One Who Walked
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • Dear RP & Peppergirl,

                            Thank you for the encouragement!

                            You know PG - you & Taboo & Jack T. Chance need to move closer to me so I can get my very slow walking in. That way I don't look silly walking so slow around the neighborhood.

                            And Mr. Rum is obsessing about my weight ... AGAIN. I can't tell if it's because he's genuinely concerned about my health, or because all of a sudden, he's lost over 170 pounds and now he hates everything/one fat.

                            Dear BE,

                            My thoughts exactly!

                            I had to wait for the bus in almost-waist-high snow and then when the bus was discontinued for my area, walk in it.

                            This was Nebraska. With its horrendous snowstorms. In the 80s. When I was much much younger.

                            But do you know what's even worse?

                            The parents who drive less than half a block, in the fall/summer and keep their kids in the car until the last possible second to keep their kids in their air conditioned car.

                            Too much mollycoddling for me.

                            Feeling old now,


                            • Dear Rummy

                              Weight loss is actually 80% eating and 20 % exercise. You also don't want to injure yourself by doing too much too soon. The fact that you're going on walks is a BIG thing, and by the end of the year, you will be walking faster and further than you thought you could!
                              It's baby steps. This month you may just walk around the block, but next month, you might walk a block and a half. If you carry on like that, by the end of the year you'll be doing over 6 blocks in December. That's alot!

                              The report button - not just for decoration


                              • Dear Rummy,

                                When I was in elementary and middle school, my bus stop was in front of my neighbor's driveway directly across the street from my house. If the weather was bad, or just really cold, we watched out the front door until we saw the bus coming then ran out across the yard. When my brother (2 years older) was in middle school, the stop was moved to a house down the street, and only once do I recall my mother driving down to meet the bus, and that was during a windy, torrential downpour.

                                In high school, my parents drove us in the morning, only because we lived a half mile from the school and all left at the same time. My brother took the bus home; I walked, 10-15 minutes, depending on the weather and how fast I felt like walking. (We only got a bus in the first place because we live just inside Town Township and the school is in Town Boro, and the sidewalk only extends to the Boro line, and if you live outside the Boro they have to provide a bus.) The bus stopped at the end of the street and we had to cross the highway and walk to the house from there (third house from the end).

                                How I ever survived, I'll never know.


                                PS, sometimes when I stop at Starbucks on my way to work, as I come down the road to get back to the one that takes me to the town I work in, I see a minivan at the end of one of the side streets, waiting for the school bus. These kids are high school age.
                                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

