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  • Note to self:

    Please just mosey. No meandering. No wandering. Just a nice, extra-slow mosey.

    Plus, shopping while mall walking.

    That is bad.



    • Dear Mr. Rum,

      One does not take a nap at 7 PM at night. That would be tucking yourself in for the night.

      Your Wife
      Dear Child Rum,

      Please don't yell at the tv, the video game, or your Mommy.

      Also, Mommy's pink bra is lovely and looks good on you, but it is just a tad bit too big for you to wear at the moment.

      Please don't grow up too quickly.



      • Dear self,

        Awesome job on the weight loss. 7lb in 3 weeks Way to go, Keep it up.

        Love the one getting happier.
        My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


        • Dear mono,

          Did you lose weight when your kid started walking too? I lost a ton of weight after Khan started walking. Well, actually he went straight to running!



          • Dear Ana,
            Totally wish I did. lol. He started walking when he was 9 months old. And we were going through some hellacious stuff during that time. Things have just finally started calming down. My fiance's family went psycho on me. and we decided to move to Indiana with my mother. And the my grandmother died, then my fiance's step father goes all internet stalker on me. then christmas. So it was a crazy crazy year. Am just now starting to lose the baby weight.


            Dear everyone,

            I was totally emo last night on FB. One of my friends had unfriended me and it hit home that I have no friends here. I understand that my friends from Omaha are moving on with their lives. That I am not a part of it because I am not there. It just hurts. When I was younger and an air force brat I moved all the time. Losing the friends hurt but it was a quick pain simular to ripping off a band aid. but with FB I am seeing them drop off one by one.

            I am just feeling so very isolated. I stay at home with the kids all day. My step father is always here but he almost never leaves his bed. My fiance seems to always be closing and sleeping. Ive been alone the past 6 nights in a row. Luckily he is off today. And my mother stayed at a hotel close to work the past couple days because of the blizzard. So its just been me and the kids. I tried texting people but no one really wants to talk. And even if my motehr was not at the hotel she gets off work at 8 and therefore not really company. I just feel so alone.

            emo and lonely,
            My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


            • Dear mono,

              That sucks! It's really easy to become isolated when you're a stay at home mom, and I guess if the weather is really bad you can't get out either. But when it gets nicer maybe you can take the kids to library story time or find a mothers' club or something. Like today I took Khan to the mall to play at the indoor play area there and we went to lunch. You HAVE to get out of he house at least 3 or 4 times a week.

              I think if the people at Cici's Pizza knew how much he ate, they would change their policy of letting kids under 3 eat for free.



              • Dear Ana,

                Thanks. I think that after the wedding in may is over I will seek out a group. I am feeling much better now that my fiance is home. He has tonight and tommrrow off. Which makes me happy.

                Also how is your little one? Mine is still a small one. Which I love. but within the proper age group clothing. and is starting to talk.

                Happily mono.
                My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                • Dear Everyone,

                  My daughter is growing up.



                  • Dear Rummy,


                    Seriously I understand your pain now.

                    it will be ok,
                    Mommy mono.

                    Dear world,

                    Could you be little less annoying? Seriouslly I am not a morning person. and as long as we are on the subject, Whose cruel idea was it to give me a morning person as a son? Whoever it is, You sir are a jerk.

                    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                    • Dear Rummy,

                      Try this *hands a brick*

                      You place it on child rum's head. It is supposed to stop them from growing up. Didn't work for my kids, but you might have better luck.




                      • Dear mono,

                        My kid's a freaking giant. He's bigger than most 2-year-olds and can almost fit into 3T clothes. I am getting him into superheros as soon as possible so he can see examples of people who use their great strength to help others. Because he's going to be a big man and I don't want him to fall into bullying.


                        • Dear Mono,

                          Thank you.

                          My husband also wants you to know that not only is he helpless but he is also hopeless. I have no clue why he wanted to share this information with you.

                          Maybe you two have a telepathic link you didn't know about?

                          Dear SHPepper,

                          Thank you for the brick. My daughter is almost 4 feet 5 inches tall and is "only" 7 1/2 years old.

                          Yesterday, I went to Super Target with my sister and bought my daughter her first training bra. She was excited to have it.

                          Feeling old now,


                          • Dear rum,

                            That's funny. You may tell him that we all know, he is male after all.


                            Dear right eye

                            Quit witht he twiching alredy.

                            My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                            • Dear Rummy,

                              YIKERS ! ! ! ! hrmmm.. Brick may not work. Must think of other ideas to stop the child rum growth marathon.




                              • Dear song,

                                You want to be written. I'd like to help you. Soooo...d'you mind letting me know what you are?


                                Dear Rummy,


                                1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                       (A blog about everything and nothing)

