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Break Up on My Birthday

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  • #16
    diablo yikes

    yeah the navy will do that to you. someone cries "abuse" and they and family advocacy automatically go into "The sailor IS guilty no matter what" mode.

    1) One of my friends got married about 3 days before deployment... and while on deployment his wife was "weeeee paycheck" and went on a spending spree. I think the final straw was the $1000 phone bill. When he came home he was sick of her spending everything and wanted a divorce - she wanted $3000. He said no, she said "family advocacy! he's abusing me!!!!"

    So yeah legal hell for him for a while... every time she got mad she'd call them up and claim he abused her again. ... to the point that even Family Advocacy stopped believing her. Yeah, even FA was like "um he's not abusing you, stop making up shit"

    He finally got the divorce but it did cost him... The only thing they had on him was that he'd thrown a phone bill at her.

    2) One of my co-workers & his crazy x wife
    (I call her crazy because we weren't allowed to answer F's phone for outside line calls... even though his desk was right next to ours... cos if it was his wife, she'd just scream at him when he got home and claim he was cheating on her)

    In F's case there was verbal abuse but... they were both verbally abusive of each other. Still... after he filed for divorce (cos at least 1 or 2 of the kids weren't his, DNA test taken) the wife went and said "he abused me" he started getting crap from the command. Even the command masterchief would try to verbally cut him down in public, threaten to kick him out.

    (I still love F's response to that... He basically said, "Go ahead. I already make more on the weekends than you make as an E9.")

    The military did let up on him though, after a while... I think he might have made some complaints about the harassment from the masterchief, and ... I think the xwife complained too much to FA. Eventually even the military realized she (and her new boyfriend) were basically trying to get $ I think.
    Last edited by PepperElf; 04-30-2009, 01:08 PM.


    • #17
      1st - What a %$!@&!

      I don't have any really good breakup stories, most of mine were pretty cordial. Well, except the one where he ended up in jail, but that one wasn't really my fault!

      When we got together, my husband had (still does) 2 Conure's. They're pretty birds, but they don't like anyone but my husband. When we moved in together, I told hubby that I wanted to feed them so they'd get used to me. After about 6 months, I finally got tired of being bitten and started leaving them alone.

      Then Stinker decided I was her favorite person in the world and wanted to sit on my shoulder all the time. Which was pretty cool, except for the whole poop thing.

      I still don't like the birds much, and they definately could live without me, but hubby's had those birds for years and I would never dream of making him get rid of them.

      Once they're gone though, I'm finally getting me some kitties again!

      Oh, and happy b-day!


      • #18
        I've had two serious relationships with men.

        One break up was done through instant messenger (we had dated for 6 years). The other done over the two-way on our NEXTEL phones (dated for 2 1/2 years).
        Last edited by sexiphatchick; 04-30-2009, 07:38 PM.

        Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

