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Star Trek XI (The Spoilery Thread!)

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  • #46
    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
    ...the entire movie is worth it for seeing just how good a job Zachary Quinto does of making "live long and prosper" convery the message of "go yourself"
    That WAS hilarious, I have to say.

    Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
    The most human thing about Spock: you do NOT insult his mommy!
    That was the part I most related to about Spock.

    When I was in school, exactly three people over the years referred to my mother in such a way. (One in grade school, one in junior high, one in high school.)

    When I was in school, I initiated exactly three fights. Take a guess who with?

    While I generally was a skinny shrimp, of the three fights I initiated, I lost exactly zero.

    Hell, they are probably still picking up the pieces of those three guys. Because I pretty much reacted the way young Spock did, with about as much fury. Yeah, there are certain lines that are just not wise to cross with me.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #47
      Freshly back from seeing it. Good fun.

      What really got me was what they managed to do with Uhura. Back on the original series, they didn't use her much. They'd really raised eyebrows with a female officer, let alone her being black. Most of the time she ended up mostly as eye candy. Fortunately, society has moved on enough to get away with what they did there, and for it not to cause as much consternation as it did back then.

      Scotty - a touch too slapstick, but good to see. Didn't like his sidekick, though. Unecessary.



      • #48
        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
        Freshly back from seeing it. Good fun.

        What really got me was what they managed to do with Uhura. Back on the original series, they didn't use her much. They'd really raised eyebrows with a female officer, let alone her being black. Most of the time she ended up mostly as eye candy. Fortunately, society has moved on enough to get away with what they did there, and for it not to cause as much consternation as it did back then.
        I disagree about halfway. I AM glad they used Uhura more; always felt she had more potential than they used. But her ultimate demotion to Main Character Love Interest irks me something dreadful. They couldn't give her a larger role without one of the primary characters having a romantic interest? Nay, TWO primary characters!

        For once, can't there be a show where the singular female main character remains happily single and not in love, or even have a boyfriend who isn't a main character without being forced out of her Main Character mode because of it?
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #49
          Overall, I liked the movie. All the characters were nearly spot-on as far as I am concerned. Spock was the only one who was different in any real way, but I don't think it's all bad. The romance between him and Uhura just pisses me off though. Should never have happened.

          Quoth SG15Z View Post
          I also liked the fact that a time travel Star Trek story didn't try to fix the past and go back and save Kirk's father and all that. Nice to see they didn't go down the typical time travel story and actually just let the Alternate timeline go on as is.
          I too liked that the didn't go back to fix everything. We've seen way too many time travel episodes over the years where everything turns out exactly how it's suppose to. Now, we get to see how things can be altered.

          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          Speaking of Vulcan and time travel... I'm just glad they didn't try to go back in time to stop it... and I pray that Abrams is smart enough to not go there in the future... time travel has been done to death... it worked in this movie to do the job of erasing star trek canon so we can start anew... but please don't bludgen us with it again
          Here, here! Let's let the time travel thing just stop now...

          Quoth Rine View Post
          If the crew behind "Enterprise" would have written that show better, things might have been different and no one would have to make a movie that disregarded currently established canon...Why erase forty years of canon to attract new fans? It's sort of annoying.
          Enterprise was picking up when they canceled it. If it had continued another season, it would have gotten better, I think.

          I like the idea of re-envisioning of the show. This allows us to see new adventures, with an established cast, so that the writers can dedicate more thought-power to writing scripts.

          Ok, Ok, so I'm being hopeful, but I really do hope they spawn a series from this, and do it right.

          Eric the Grey
          In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


          • #50
            Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
            For once, can't there be a show where the singular female main character remains happily single and not in love, or even have a boyfriend who isn't a main character without being forced out of her Main Character mode because of it?
            Charley Baltimore in "The Long Kiss Goodnight." In love, but the main character. Fiance was minor character.
            Thelma and Louise in "Thelma and Louise." Love interests were tangential.
            Alice in the "Resident Evil" series of movies. Pretty much single.
            "Bad Girls." The movie. Don't know stink about the tv show. One had a major love interest. Three really didn't.
            Sarah Connor in the "Terminator" movies. Linda Hamilton KICKS ASS! Love interest in the first one, but she still kicked ass in the first two.
            Nina in "Point of No Return." Love interest was a minor character.
            Scully in "X Files." For most of the series, single without a love interest.
            Catherine Willows in "CSI." Love interests here and there, but she was still a bad ass.
            Ditto Stella Buenaseros (sp?) in "CSI: NY."
            Until recently, ditto Calleigh Duquesne in "CSI: Miami."
            Xena and Gabrielle, for the most part, in "Xena: Warrior Princess."

            These are just off the top of my head. Point being while the roles you requested are not as common as you may like, they do in fact exist. And sometimes, even us males notice. (I looked nothing up online in the above list. This was just from my personal knowledge.)

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #51
              I'm refering more to highly-publicized, recent/current films and shows. You'd think this late in the game, it'd be more common. Instead, we have to go back a decade or two or bad movies (Resident Evil? Blah!).

              Shame I never got into CSI though...

              And I only watch Xena for the eye-candy. Ares is rawr!
              "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


              • #52
                I wouldn't describe Uhura as love interest to two guys. One, yes, and the lust interest of the other - Kirk never looked to me as if he was after anything longer than a one-night stand.



                • #53
                  Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                  I wouldn't describe Uhura as love interest to two guys. One, yes, and the lust interest of the other - Kirk never looked to me as if he was after anything longer than a one-night stand.

                  Don't you mean one-episode stand.


                  • #54
                    I have one problem with Uhura, and its an estics thing
                    the original Uhura Nichelle Nichols as seen here in her role ---> Link
                    wasn't fat but wonderfully curvy with just alittle bit of pudge to fill her out. very sexy but definitely not skinny.
                    Zoe Saldana the new Uhura seen here---> other link looked like a twig i could snap in two with no really effort. i'm not saying they should have pick a different actress but seriously 10 pounds would have done her wonderfully, the green girl looked healthier than her. when she got naked (which really did we need that? why would she come home and strip right away?) she looked like if she lost 20 pounds the doctors would need to give her a feeding tube.

                    I hate that they picked an uber skinny actress to play her.
                    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 05-15-2009, 06:59 AM.


                    • #55
                      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                      For once, can't there be a show where the singular female main character remains happily single and not in love, or even have has a boyfriend who isn't a main character without being forced out of her his Main Character mode because of it?
                      edited because, damnit, it's time for a gay character who isn't a noble suffering aids victim, the friend of a noble suffering aids victim, or a flamboyant interior designer (or a slutty, lustful, whore). Novels have had gay main characters for years now, why can't movies/shows give us more than the token stereotype?

                      I know with Star Trek it's because Rick Berman is an asshole... so maybe there is hope for both of our desires with JJ Abrams.

                      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                      (which really did we need that? why would she come home and strip right away?)
                      umm... I've done that during the summer it's just more comfortable.
                      and that aside... she was in uniform... most likely she would (if she's allowed) at the very least want to change into casual clothes as soon as possible.

                      eta- re: gay characters in books... I will say the best example of a gay character in a book that I've read so far is PT Seafort, son of Nicholas Seafort in the Seafort saga. He starts out as a relatively minor character but eventually becomes one of the primaries. David Feintuch does an amazing job of writing about how he discovers his sexuality and how he (like me) had difficulty accepting it at first and how Nicholas grew to accept it too. Most importantly, while it is a part of his character, and part of the story, the fact that he is gay is secondary to the fact that he is a brilliant and caring individual. And for the record, yes, I do have a fictional character crush on him
                      now if only we could get someone like that in Star Trek (Please Mr. Abrams... Please) or really any show
                      Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 05-15-2009, 04:12 PM.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #56
                        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        edited because, damnit, it's time for a gay character who isn't a noble suffering aids victim, the friend of a noble suffering aids victim, or a flamboyant interior designer (or a slutty, lustful, whore). Novels have had gay main characters for years now, why can't movies/shows give us more than the token stereotype?

                        I know with Star Trek it's because Rick Berman is an asshole... so maybe there is hope for both of our desires with JJ Abrams.
                        Oh, there was one show... damned if I can remember it. I think it was a Canadian teen soap opera thing, but there were a couple of gay characters among all the breeders and just had all the normal soap-opera romantic drama everyone else had.

                        Well, except the unexpected pregnancies, of course.

                        Dang, I have to find that one again. From the 90s, I believe.
                        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                        • #57

                          someone on facebook commented that you can see a model of R2D2 on Scotty's desk when we first meet him... can anyone confirm? I missed it.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #58
                            Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post

                            umm... I've done that during the summer it's just more comfortable.
                            and that aside... she was in uniform... most likely she would (if she's allowed) at the very least want to change into casual clothes as soon as possible.
                            yeah yeah but she has a room mate snd while i may take of my shirt or shimmy of my pants after a long day i wouldnt if i had a room mate.


                            • #59
                              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                              yeah yeah but she has a room mate and while i may take of my shirt or shimmy of my pants after a long day i wouldn't if i had a room mate.
                              You won't but there are some who will. In fact there are roommates out there (both male and female) that strip completely naked in there rooms even when the roommates there (with there roomies permission usually). Some people just like the freedom I guess.


                              • #60
                                Back when I lived in the dorms, by the time my roommate got home, I'd usually be topless and wearing shorts, if not down to my boxers. I hate wearing more than necessary, it's blasted uncomfortable.
                                "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009

