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The dreaded LDR.....

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  • The dreaded LDR.....

    As some of you may have realized, my life has taken a new turn. (You may have noticed I have not been whining about single life these days.....) But as with everything in life, there is a significant twist. This, as is to be expected with me, going to be a bit of a lengthy narrative, but I will be asking for feedback and advice, so if you don't mind wading through it, I would appreciate it.

    In the beginning

    It was late August, 1987. The first day of classes at my new (and third) high school. I had been in town all of a month, and had only met a few people, and was just beginning to fully come out of my Dork Shell and into my own as a person. So there I was, this young jester full of hope and optimism, and as I was settling in to my seat in my physics class, a lovely, petite, light-brown haired and lightly freckled girl who was way too cute for words walked in and sat down next to me. I was trying to think of some sort of way to break the ice (I was no longer an introvert, as I had been growing up, but I was still finding my way as an extrovert) when this lovely Irish-American lass shattered the ice for me by turning to me and letting out a long bitch about the school administration. Her beef? "I can't believe this shit! They have me listed as Nurse F. Betty!" So they got her middle initial wrong, what was the problem? "I don't have a fucking middle name! How do you screw that up?" She continued in her bitch session that was, to be quite honest, hilariously funny. This chick would say anything! And thus, a friendship was born.

    Life intervenes

    And we were good friends for years, as I went off to college and she worked her various jobs. We were never involved romantically. Did I think she was cute? Of course. And I wasn't the only one. Once when she visited me in the dorms, and I tossed her over my shoulder and ran down the hall with her (I was all of 130 lbs, so that should give you an idea of her petiteness), several of my dormmates made a point of asking "WHO was THAT?" Yeah, she made me look good, and even though there was nothing going on between us, I didn't mind the envious looks of my fellows that day.

    And life went on. I went through my various romances, as did she. We both remained unmarried. She had two children; I became an uncle for my friends' kids. We lost touch for several years, but got back in touch many years ago, and have been in contact ever since. I even paid her a visit (and did magic for her kids) three years ago when I was last in Phoenix. And through all of that, still, there was no indication of any romantic feelings from either of us for the other one. Sure, we flirted a bit on the phone from time to time, but no more than we ever had, and no more than the natural flirtations I have with most of my female friends. Absolute meaningless goofiness, frankly. We were good friends, nothing more.

    April 2009

    My friend Cat was getting married in Salt Lake City, and I used that as a way to make a full vacation, adding five days in Phoenix to my three days in SLC, reasoning that I had not been home in three years and, damn it, my soul needed it! Naturally Nurse Betty was excited about my impending visit, but again, no more so than my other friends, including some I had not seen in much longer a time.

    And, without going into details (my life is an open book, sure, but there ARE some things that are private), when we met up this time, things took a sharp left turn into Whatthehelljusthappenedville. We hooked up.

    Detour: Several years ago, I hooked up with an old friend from high school. We had never been involved, but for some reason, that night, we had one hell of a time. I joked at the time that this was the longest it had ever taken me from the moment I had met a girl until I hooked up with her: 14 years. And it was great....and it was never really more than that one night. It was fun, but nothing more.

    Well, with Nurse Betty, it was definitely more. Sure, the old record of time from meeting till hoookup was shattered--for Nurse Betty and me it had been 21.5 years! But it was not just about the sex. (Though the sex was fantastic!) Something started that neither one of us seemed to have control of. One day, we just laid there, enjoying each other's company, not talking, just enjoying being close and laying arm in arm. The idea either of us being silent for any time period is shocking enough, but both of us? Very, very odd. And while my time in Phoenix was limited, I spent as much as I could with Nurse Betty. This was the beginning of Something, and we both knew it.

    Leaving Phoenix this time was, without question, the most difficult departure from there I have ever had. And not because of Nurse Betty. I realized how much I truly want to return to my desert home. I love Key West, and I always will, but I have been here ten years and I want to GO HOME! But add in the Nurse Betty situation, and this departure was all that much tougher.

    On a whim, I invited her (with the bride's permission) to the wedding in SLC. And shocking, she would have gone if she could have gotten one of her shifts at the hospital covered. As luck would have it, she couldn't pull that schedule switch off on such short notice, and I was stunned at how crushed I was by this. Frankly, we were both weirded out by this whole Somoething. I mean, it's Nurse Betty! From her perspective, it's Jester! We're friends! This shit isn't supposed to happen!

    But despite our protestations and the weirdness of it all, this relationship continued along its new uncharted path. And we were both hooked. We are now plotting various times when she can get to KW or I can get back to Phoenix. We have taken to referring to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend. We talk every night on the phone, sometimes for hours. An accusation that we are acting like high school kids would not be unwarranted. We are, after all, both very childlike (though we try to avoid being overly childish.)


    There are, of course, issues. One obvious one being that I live here in Key West and she lives in Phoenix. Yes, I want to move back. But at the moment, I do not have the money saved to do so--and this latest situation with my deadbeat roommate cost me a lot of money that could have gone towards that. Also, at the present, the economy in Phoenix is pretty much in the crapper, and finding a job, let alone one I would be able to make decent money at, would be rather difficult. So I figure I have about another year or so here in KW. This, of course, is not much to the liking of Nurse Betty. I am not overly thrilled by it either, but magician or not, I cannot just make money appear out of thin air.

    Another issue is our personalities. Take two very passionate, very high energy, very stubborn people. Add to that the fact that both like to drink a good deal. Yeah...there are going to be disagreements. I even told her when this all first started that, given our natures and our dispositions, we are going to fight. It is simply inevitable. So far, we have had two fights. It's been not quite four weeks. Fun stuff!

    Then there is our take on life. I am, generally speaking, a very optimistic, very hopeful, very positive person. not. In her view, every relationship she has had has been a failure. Why? Because they all ended. Every relationship I have had has ended too, but I don't view them as failures. I learned from each and every one of them, and became a stronger and better person from each and every one of them. Whether the relationship was a negative one (That Vile Woman) or a positive one (The Brit), I took something from it and built on it. I firmly believe in Nietszche's saying, "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." I not only believe it, I am living proof of it. She, on the other hand, has more the philosophy of "What am I doing wrong that chases all these guys off?" It is frustrating, to say the least, to deal with some of her negative energy. Add to that that she is a bit of a manic depressive (if anyone says bipolar I will smack them), and I have those tendencies as well, though I have learned to deal with them better, I think.

    If I were in Phoenix, there is no doubt in either of our minds that we would be dating. Her kids love me. (Well, her younger one loves me, her teenager tolerates my existence, which is about the same when it comes to teenagers.) We have a lot of the same interests. (We are constantly quoting movies to each other, and I am amazed that I have never stumped her.) I have always loved her as a friend, but now I adore her in a way I never envisioned. As my mother might say, I am smitten.

    Now what?

    Anyone with a map will surely notice that Key West is in no way in the vicinity of Phoenix. Not even a long drive is literally across the damn country. So here I am, finding myself in a long distance relationship. The dreaded LDR. In theory, we are not committed to each other and can, if we want, dally with others. At the moment, at least, neither one of us has any desire to do so. But as we all know, life has a funny way of throwing curves at you, and as I have said, it is going to be a while before I can finally make that move back to Phoenix. Hell, it's become a running joke with my friends in both KW and Phx, as I have been talking about it for years. Well, now I have more motivation than before, but that does not mean I can just up and do it tomorrow. I can't.

    So then.

    Any advice, suggestions, comments, reflections, thoughts, philosophies, ponderances, and/or ideas on this situation? To be very frank and very honest, I find myself feeling rather vulnerable, uncertain, worried, frightened, and a bit lost. My confidence is as strong as ever, but the thought of this whole thing going belly up scares the living shit out of me. And I don't like it. what?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    It sounds to me you guys have moved to a point in your life where you are compatible. So best advice I can give you is the same my bf and I are taking...go one day at a time. All you can do in a long-distance relationship. Keep talking. Find ways to visit for periods of time. Mostly keep talking. And if it continues to work...well, why rock the boat? Keep it working until you can make it permanent, if that's your choice.

    But it does sound like you have something worth keeping.
    My NaNo page

    My author blog


    • #3
      Well, Jester, we talked last night, so you know where I am right now, and you know I still have much to learn, but I would encourage you to be on the lookout for potential jobs in Phoenix, and apply to any you find which you could make an effective switch to. As far as your money situation, I recall you still having family in Phoenix? Plus I'm sure NB wouldn't mind letting you stay with her while you attended an interview. Once you land a job there, finding a place to stay consistently would not be a walk in the park, but it might be an opportunity for a 'trial' living together period, with your family member's couches as a safety net. I'm sure that isn't a life you're interested in right now, but it should be considered as a possibility.

      Otherwise, just keep a tight fist on your money, save like crazy, and be serious about moving back now, in a way you have not before (not to say you weren't serous about it, but that you were not as serious as you could have been, be that this time).

      As far as the LDR, you've done it before, and that was the most positive romantic experience of your life thus far, as far as you've told us. So just, as you told me, remember the lessons you learned from that experience, and apply them properly here. Good luck, man.
      "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


      • #4
        Quoth Shards View Post
        but it might be an opportunity for a 'trial' living together period, with your family member's couches as a safety net.
        The only problem with that is that there are kids involved. If was just her, a "trial" live-in situation would be fine, whatever, but it can cause stress and confusion that the kids shouldn't have to deal with. With kids involved, I'd say any actual living together situation shouldn't happen until you are absolutely sure that's what you want and that you're in it for the long haul.

        That said, I realize that scenario is way off on the horizon at this point. Unfortunately, I don't have any real advice on LDRs, having never had one.

        As for the fighting, I think what really matters is how you fight and how you resolve the conflict. Do you fight fair? Can you both compromise and see the other's point of view? Clashes of personality and opinion are inevitable in any relationship, no matter how compatible. The trick is finding a way to work things out so that neither person is getting the short end of the stick.

        Oh, and, Awwwwwwwwww

        Good luck
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Awww. Jester.

          I dunno what else to say, but what already has been said. Talk. Try to visit each other whenever you can. That's how Plaid and I are doing it right now. It's the only way especially because of college.
          "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

          I belly dance with tall Goblins!


          • #6
            Quoth Shards View Post
            I would encourage you to be on the lookout for potential jobs in Phoenix, and apply to any you find which you could make an effective switch to.
            I am a bartender. There are exceptions, but generally speaking, one does not apply from 2,600 miles away. Not to mention that those who run bars prefer to interview people in person. And I must reiterate, it is not so much finding a job, but finding one where I can make money. And in Phoenix right now, that is just not that realistic (though not impossible).

            Quoth Shards View Post
            I recall you still having family in Phoenix? Plus I'm sure NB wouldn't mind letting you stay with her while you attended an interview. Once you land a job there, finding a place to stay consistently would not be a walk in the park, but it might be an opportunity for a 'trial' living together period, with your family member's couches as a safety net.
            Lodging is actually one of the things that would not be a problem whatsoever. My parents live on the west side, and in extremis they would let me crash there, but that is not all that realistic due to their tendency to sleep lightly and our conflicting schedules and lifestyles, not to mention that I am looking to live and work on the east side. Phoenix is a huge place, geographically speaking, and the difference between where the rents live and where I want to and need to be is huge.

            Besides them, though, I have an open invitation to crash at my best friend's and her husband's; my stepsister's and her husband's; or Nurse Betty's. And I have yet more friends that I know would take me in in a heartbeat. Phoenix is the one place on the planet (with the possible exception of Key West) where I know I would never have to worry about not having a roof over my head.

            Quoth Shards View Post
            As far as the LDR, you've done it before, and that was the most positive romantic experience of your life thus far, as far as you've told us.
            Well, yes and know. My relationship with The Brit was only partially long distance; the vast majority of the time we were involved, she lived right here in Key West, mostly in my room with me. Hardly long distance, no matter how large the bed is! There were some long distance aspects to it, certainly, as when she went home to the UK, but it was not, in the strictest sense, a long distance relationship.

            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            The only problem with that is that there are kids involved. If was just her, a "trial" live-in situation would be fine, whatever, but it can cause stress and confusion that the kids shouldn't have to deal with. With kids involved, I'd say any actual living together situation shouldn't happen until you are absolutely sure that's what you want and that you're in it for the long haul.
            I agree that moving right in is not a good idea, though in an extreme situation, if I had no other place to go, I would accept her offer. Without going into details, I don't know that the kids would be a problem per se, but that involves going into things I prefer to keep private.

            Frankly, it is too early in the relationship, even if I lived there, for me to move right in with her.

            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            As for the fighting, I think what really matters is how you fight and how you resolve the conflict. Do you fight fair?
            She is Irish. She is insane. There is no such thing as a fair fight with such a creature.

            Seriously, our two disagreements involved some alcohol consumption on either or both of our parts, and were resolved pretty much the next day. Well, maybe not resolved, as that implies that the root problem was solved, which it wasn't, but let's just say we made up immediately.

            We are going to fight, she and I, but I don't see it as anything extraordinary or unusual for two strong personalities in a relationship with each other. If that makes sense.

            Thanks for the comments and advice so far, folks, and I look forward to more words of wisdom from the collective CS family.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Done several LDRs. (Some successful, some....learning experiences.)

              Married after a hiatus of almost 14 years a woman I had met when she went to college in my town.

              First, although I know you're a grown and self aware man, make sure to ask yourself the question that came late to me in MY thinking process about this long term friend turned girlfriend turned potential wife: "Why didn't it 'click' before?" The answer I came up with was good enough for me to move forward, but make sure you ask it honestly of yourself.

              I'm glad to see the kids are being thought of as far as a living together period goes. I would add that it seems like it would be more graceful and more comfortable if instead of going from 2500 miles apart to the same room you moved back to town to your own/friends/relatives place first. Baby steps. (Jove and Jupiter! 2500 miles??!!! Couldn't you fall for a woman in Seattle? )

              I have found that my wife's contrasts to my personality traits are far more important to our stability than our similarities. So while being so much alike makes good friends, and is obviously making very good Something More, it is something to keep an eye on. Two rollercoasters in the same downswing can go pretty far down.....

              Finally, I know you've already seen this plenty, especially as a bartender, but I strongly suspect you are REALLY over the "drought." There is something about a man who might be taken that just seems to bring women out of the woodwork. So I think you'll have plenty of opportunity to compare and contrast your feelings toward Nurse Betty against Jester in the Thick of Things rather than All Work and No Play Jester. Which is good.

              Best of luck to you my friend, and I'm glad you're out of the doldrums no matter which way it goes.


              • #8
                Quoth sms001 View Post
                "Why didn't it 'click' before?"
                I cannot answer why it clicked now, but I can reasonably answer why it didn't before. Jester and Nurse Betty circa 2009 are far different people than Jester and Nurse Betty circa 1987. She pretty much admitted that had I made a play for her back in high school, I would have failed miserably. And frankly, I am a much better and more aware person now than I was then. Any more "why" I cannot really answer. Sometimes life just takes a strange turn.

                Quoth sms001 View Post
                Jove and Jupiter! 2500 miles??!!! Couldn't you fall for a woman in Seattle?
                1. It's 2600 miles. Not 2500.
                2. I am from Phoenix. Not Seattle.
                3. Seattle is actually further from Key West than Phoenix is.

                Quoth sms001 View Post
                Finally, I know you've already seen this plenty, especially as a bartender, but I strongly suspect you are REALLY over the "drought." There is something about a man who might be taken that just seems to bring women out of the woodwork. So I think you'll have plenty of opportunity to compare and contrast your feelings toward Nurse Betty against Jester in the Thick of Things rather than All Work and No Play Jester.
                The "drought" was somewhat over before Nurse Betty. You may recall the "Harem" thread, where suddenly women seemed to be falling out of the sky at my feet. Okay, not that ridiculous, but it seemed so. Frankly, right now, I know that I could probably have my take of women in this town, but I am not all that interested. Why hunt for a crazy flakey woman when you already HAVE one?

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  LDR's can work, and become beautiful relationships. They can be hard work though, sometimes, and it can be difficult to be so far apart. I definitely understand how you feel with the cross-country relationship, though.
                  If it feels right, go for it. Be happy while you're happy and live every day in the moment. Save up what you can, and move when you're ready.
                  "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                  • #10
                    I don't have much more to comment than what has already been said, and much of it better than I could have, so I'll settle for:

                    Congratulations and Good Luck, however you decide to proceed.

                    Eric the Grey
                    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                    • #11
                      First off, Jester, congrats!

                      Secondly... yes, Long Distance Relationships may kind of suck, but speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this... it's better than no relationship at all.

                      Which reminds me... I'm totally jealous of you right now!

                      Good luck and I hope things work out well for you.
                      "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                      • #12
                        Advice?! Well I don't think I should give advice. My experience with women is 2 girlfriends, and that's it (What? I like being single :P). And they both ended very badly. So all I will say is, awwwwwwwwwwwww, and , good luck!
                        Quoth Jack T. Chance View Post
                        ... it's better than no relationship at all.
                        Not for me! I being single! I've been single for 3 years now and have enjoyed all of it. I'm fine with it. That may change one day and I would welcome a relationship, but right now I'm perfectly happy not being in a relationship.


                        • #13
                          Quoth SG15Z View Post
                          Advice?! Well I don't think I should give advice. My experience with women is 2 girlfriends, and that's it (What? I like being single :P). And they both ended very badly. So all I will say is, awwwwwwwwwwwww, and , good luck!
                          Not for me! I being single! I've been single for 3 years now and have enjoyed all of it. I'm fine with it. That may change one day and I would welcome a relationship, but right now I'm perfectly happy not being in a relationship.
                          Good for you. I've been single a lot longer than you, and I can tell you for a fact that it gets REALLY old after awhile.
                          "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

                            As for the fighting, I think what really matters is how you fight and how you resolve the conflict. Do you fight fair? Can you both compromise and see the other's point of view? Clashes of personality and opinion are inevitable in any relationship, no matter how compatible. The trick is finding a way to work things out so that neither person is getting the short end of the stick.

                            Oh, and, Awwwwwwwwww

                            Good luck
                            ? mrDrone and I have had exactly 1 fight in the 20 years we have been together - I told him to grow a set of balls and tell the bitch ex girlfriend to pay her own damned bills [she used his power of attorney to get a visa while he was at sea and maxed it out on a vacation to disney world ...] because *her* visa bill was impacting MY lifestyle. He wouldnt, so I unilaterally took all her shit from the apartment and locked it into a storage locker only I had access to, and told her that to get her shit back she needed to come up with $5K US. Oddly enough she did ...

                            And I guess that a 20 year career in the navy counts as a long distance relationship, since the chief f naval operations, and CIC atlantic kept sending mrDrone to sea for months at a time =)

                            Best advice, set aside a specific time every week to call each other or voice chat on the computer. Email every day, or several times a day, send her jokes or news items you know would interest her. Make sure she knows that you are thinking about her every day. Surprise her with delivered flowers every now and then, you can sometimes get them fairly cheaply ... but mainly let her know that you are thinking about her =)
                            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                            • #15
                              Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                              mrDrone and I have had exactly 1 fight in the 20 years we have been together
                              You two are not human.

                              In less than a month, Nurse Betty and I have had 3 fights already. Last night was #3, initiated by me, for cause. I was (am?) more pissed off at her than I have ever been. I have, in my opinion, very good reasons for this. (Sorry, folks...details will NOT be forthcoming. Some things, as I have said, need to remain private.)

                              Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                              Best advice, set aside a specific time every week to call each other or voice chat on the computer.
                              We have talked literally every day since this whole thing started, which was on April 27th. Though I don't know if I am going to talk to her today, considering current circumstances. It might be better for both of us if I did not talk to her today. I did, however, send her a lengthy email detailing why, precisely, I am so upset.

                              *sigh* Part of the problem is that I am HERE and not THERE, and I fucking hate that!

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

