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Another Drunken Rant!

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  • #16
    I wasn't trying to be psycho insecure possessive crazy girlfriend "You better call me every 3 hours, or I'll blow up your phone!" by any means.
    Thank God for that!


    • #17
      Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad another woman can help me make a valid point here.

      I wasn't forcing him to call to make sure he wasn't doing kegstands or feeling up random girls.....(well, maybe slightly), but moreso because he was on the other side of Wisconsin and if anything bad DID happen, it would take an ambulance a damn good half hour or more to get there. Where he was, was literally in the sticks. On someone's property probably 30 or more miles away from the nearest big enough city that would have a hospital. Not like I was expecting anything like that to happen, but when you are that far away from civilization, you have to cover all of your bases. And thank GOD his phone (before he wrecked it) had decent reception there.

      And it wasn't the fact that he didn't call me the exact moment that he said he would, or that he didn't pick up. It was that hours and hours had passed since he said that he'd call, and I was beginning to feel extremely disrespected. As I said, he has been making a habit of this sort of thing, every time he takes off with the guys or goes out of town, he just doesn't feel any need to keep in contact with me.

      I'd cut him some slack if this was the first time it's happened. But it isn't. And if he didn't proceed to do it again the next day, and then be an idiot and wreck his phone. He already did this to me two weekends ago, and it was not easy going to work that night not knowing where my boyfriend was. Not to mention one night when my friend had a going-away party and I went without him, he got cabin fever and decided to go on a mini road trip with his brother to his hometown which is about 2 hours away, and he didn't even call or text at all, or come back until the next afternoon! So that whole night, I tried to get a hold of him, and he didn't call back until the next day. Because "I knew you were going to worry and I didn't want to ruin your fun with your friends. I was fine, and I am fine."

      He's not a bad guy, but he obviously doesn't see the reasoning behind why I worry, why I get so passionate about people keeping promises. Even the little things like "I will call you at 7".....I take those to heart, and I trust that people will do what they say. And it annoys the Hell out of me when people think that I'm over-reacting when they keep not doing what they say they will do and they brush it off as no big deal.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

