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Cold inside

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  • #31
    ok. the emotions i can deal with, how do i get through the memories?

    fair warning somewhat descriptive but nothing gorey just somewhat personal. If this is not ok to post please delete and apologies in advance. I just had to put this down either here or some place as my hand cannot write fast enough to keep up with it all

    the most present one is i remember coming around from my c-section. almost everything. whatever the dream was it was lucid as very clear even though I don't recall it. I remember it being snapped away. First whoever was there was calling my name, first snap. Why is someone calling my name the second time, second snap brought me away from the dream, third time SNAP (snaps being coming up from the states of dream, never been that broken for me) and I know where I am, in bed warm someone just called me. I said yes
    then BAM pain. "Am I ok" person answers yes
    "is (child's name) ok?" person answers again mind goes. ok...curse curse curse I say "ow ow ow. please make the pain stop" and I remember the smell of the hospital, chemicals, anesthesia, the sterile smell which was calming and terrifying at the same time, that i KNEW if i opened my eyes it would hurt from the light.
    Person says you have to open your eyes.
    I put my arm over my face and slowly open before slowly pulling my arm away that first glint of light hurt like heck and i say ow again and turn my head as now my stomach I will vomit. and my head throbs from the light
    the rest i don't recall. somewhere i was aware but out of it as they wheel me to see lisa in the nursery and then to my room

    the only other memory of coming around i recall is having to have a DNC don't ask me what that means please ask someone else as the word it is associated with still hurts to say but not as much. They wanted me to open my eyes and i said if i did it was going to hurt and i would throw up....and the smells were very similar to as described above.
    Last edited by Midnight12; 09-16-2010, 11:30 PM.


    • #32
      *hugs Lexi* I'm so sorry that you had such a traumatic caeserean, and even more sorry that you had to have a D and C. Those memories would be very hard to deal with and the only advice I can give is to let yourself grieve. *More hugs* Hope DD's tooth comes through soon.
      Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

      Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


      • #33
        PM one of the ladies if you want to know what a D & C is. Mishi clearly knows, I know.

        Lexia - I'm sorry you have those memories. Thank you for getting them out of your system.
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #34
          the D and C (it was said in a way I thought it was DNC not "and" but ok) I know what it is I just associate it with that word. that was about five years ago now. the c-section will be almost a year gone by this november. there is still loss of feeling there but its ok.

          the hard part is that when I remember that far back other memories want to come up and those are the ones I don't want to recall. how it all started. I tell myself I have Lisa now so its ok. Lisa is her nick name as she was named after one of hubby's aunts and his twin sister that did not make it. So for me its the whole thing of not only being there with not wanting to know what happened but being told I need an IV in both arms. The delivery was the scary part as I was on bed rest the last few months due to blood pressure and many other things. well now if I want another kid I have to be wary of this issue again because of where the placenta was.
          one trauma thing at a time i suppose. today i kept busy so that I could avoid it mostly because I HAD to get certain things done and that there wasn't much time to stop and ponder


          • #35
            One trauma at a time, yes.

            Also, as you face the memories and process the emotions, the pain from the memories will gradually reduce. I'm not saying it will go away entirely, but it will become more bearable.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #36
              sadly alot of this is being, or has been triggered by Plaid's hip surgery. not his fault not my fault (saying it helps as there is no fault it just happens )
              I just try to avoid certain topics as I can't always get that moment or two to deal with the memories or write it down


              • #37
                Well, why not make a 10 min spot at bedtime/just before bed. Go over the junk you've felt that day:
                Was ok in am. Weird lunch, felt sad. Someone had said they got an operation but didn't specify. felt...hoping it wasn't X kind. Cheered up later, cuz I found some dragonflies. They're cool.

                Stuff like that. get it out of your head. You'll gradually open up to the writing, as the book can't go yell from a treetop "hey look look at thiss" it can only accept what you put on it.

                And find a counselor.
                In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                • #38
                  cutenoob. I have a journal, its finding time and energy to write as my mind races and my hand is slow as molases at times with writting so sometimes I type it up as its faster that way
                  have been seeing a counselor for months now and we are slowly covering each issue current issue being my past memories

                  taking a WRAP class hosted by NAMI. WRAP= Welless Recovery Action Program Nami being National Association for Mental Illnesses
                  basically learning on how to deal with my depression BESIDES counseling and medication, learning how to self manage using my own "tools" being aware of the triggers and how to manage those and etc. only in the third class so yeah...thats all I know so far as its every thursday


                  • #39
                    My point is to MAKE time for the journal.
                    Set aside a chunk per day, this is for your sanity. You can gradually teach yourself to be able to hold those weird squirrely thoughts until the Journal Hour.

                    Whether its typing or writing, it's ok either way. As long as you conciously put it on something else, the thoughts will diminish in your head.

                    Have you ever done an SFTB?


                    I'e posted these before, but:
                    Situation: Cat died today
                    Feeling (the straight emotion labels) sad dark happy peace anger disappointment
                    Thought: gdmf cat why did you go, happy you're gone and at peace why cant I have some peace I need you around dammit
                    Behavior: How you deal or did deal with that situation.. Cried like the dickens, yelled at wall, wished for kitty.
                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #40
                      have not but will try that. naps it has been long day which began at 4am again from teething daughter.

