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not entierly sure how this may end

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  • #16
    It really depends on several things. Under American law in many states, a man is guilty of raping a girl if they have consensual sex while she is drunk. It doesn't matter at all from a legal standpoint if the man is also drunk; only he has committed rape (this is the law in my home state of Oregon, by the way.) Now, this is monstrously unfair, I agree--if both parties are drunk they are equally responsible in my mind--at the very least, the same rule should apply to women who sleep with a drunk MAN. However, this is the legal standard in much of the Western world, not just the United States. Since that IS the case, I agree with the previous posts, although I'm not familiar with specifically how Australian law treats this--GET A LAWYER. NOW. Do NOT talk to this woman any more than you have to, and document, document, DOCUMENT any contact she has with you. Save her emails and or letters, and if you are legally able to, tape any calls you have with her (check with your lawyer before doing this.) If you are unsure of where to get a lawyer, contact a local MRA (Men's Rights Advocate) group to see if they can recommend a lawyer who has experience with dealing with false rape accusation cases, or find a service that can recommend lawyers for various things. Above all--this is SERIOUS. This could RUIN your life. Do NOT bury your head and hope this goes away. If you can prove your innocence, be fully ready to go on the counteroffensive and sue her for slander and defamation--the mere accusation can ruin future job prospects, taint you in the eyes of your friends, neighbors, family, etc. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is NOT something to dick around with.


    • #17
      I have tried to contact her friend a couple of times since then, I've sent her a couple of messages to try and start a conversation and then steer it toward that weekend but I've gotten no response
      This bit concerns me. I know you need witnesses but trying to contact her friend could be seen as you pressuring someone who is close to her, or it might look like you're trying to find a way to contact the accuser, which is not a good idea. Really, I would have nothing more to do with anybody close to her, if at all possible.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #18
        Um, he would have no problem contacting the accuser, as she seems to hang out with his best friend a lot, who has been applying pressure to get the OP to hang out with said accuser. So while the attempted contact of the accuser's friend could be questioned for many reasons, an attempt to contact the accuser really wouldn't be one of the more realistic ones, since the OP can do that regardless.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."

