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It's that time again!!! (really starting to think I'm glutton for punishment)

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  • It's that time again!!! (really starting to think I'm glutton for punishment)

    You guys who knew me for a while and know my job also know that I ended up working Family Weekend EVERY year for as long as I've been at my lovely school. It's that one weekend a year that we let our policies down a little bit for the families of the [strike]minidrunks[/strike]-- er, residents that we have here.

    I swore after the hell I had working sophomore and junior year that I will never, as long as I'm alive, work that weekend again.

    You can guess what happened. Maxwell said that Murphy was an optimist and he was not kidding.

    One girl arranged with me for cover two days in advance. Cool. Then last night another person called out, and since she and I had a prearranged agreement that I cover her shifts since the hours at the other building line up a wee differently but still make it easy to work. My luck is, the two shifts I am covering are lined up back-to-back, 2 to 10 pm total. Which would be great IF I weren't covering graveyard this same night.

    Now on top of that, it's family weekend. Meaning everyone and their cousin/aunt/grandma is coming to NY from East Anywheresville, USA. When I came on shift, K,. my relief looked like she was about to cry and I don't blame her one little bit, for one. Traffic on Fam Weekend is insane and our guest policy is partially rescinded for the day.

    The shift barely began and to make matters just a little worse, guess what time of the month it is.

    Ohhhh yeah. I'm not only stuck at work morn till night, literally, but i'm in hormonal overload.

    Long. Day. Alert.

    EDIT: And so right I was.

    As I said before, i'm at the other building. I wrote in my duty log, "Nothing happened as of yet." Famous last words.
    Girl #1 comes up to the desk, with her is her older sister:
    G1: Hi, my sister's signed in with a friend of mine and I want to sign her in under my room
    Me: Who signed her in, as I need that person here.
    G1: ...Oh. *friend comes in*
    Me: *process sign-in change*
    G1: Oh...I also forgot, I have a friend signed in for overnight...can I have two at a time?
    Me: No, I'm sorry. not as per our policy.
    G1: Can't you just make an exception for me?
    Me: Absolutely not. I have no capacity for it.
    G1: *deflated* Oh.

    Fun. next comes Girl #2, whose guest left after the desk closed and she wanted his ID.
    Me: Sorry, but I can't give you his ID unless you're him
    G2: Oh....but why not? He's not going to come back till Tuesday.
    Me: It's our policy. I need to have the both of you here, else I can't do a sign-out. (and it's true, the policy is that we can't sign out without BOTH host and guest. it got stringent with new management.)
    G2: But...can't you just make an exception? just this once?
    Me: I don't have the power to make guest exceptions sorry.

    So I take in the guest pass, make the notation and she leaves.

    The actual families coming up for Fam Weekend were few in number, thankfully; the one 4-person family that we had was a complete pleasure...then THIS happens.

    Guy and Girlfriend came in. Girlfriend has a POOL PASS as her ID. No kidding, she has a photo pool pass. And apparently she has gotten in before.

    Brief rundown of our policy for those who don't know my back story: 2 guest passes per person, one overnight at a time, ALL GUESTS OVER 18 (unless exception) and we take ONLY school IDs, state IDs, military or employment, no passport and absolutely no social security cards due to liability issues.

    So this pool-pass girl is here and I know I can't take this ID in.
    Guy: This is such BullSh!t!! they always let us in before!
    Me: They shouldnt've let you in at all. our IDs require proof of age
    Guy: But they let us in before, can't you just let her up?
    Me: no, I can't. They should not have let you in at all.
    Guy: But you're supposed to let her in!! This is an ID!!
    me: But it's not an ID we accept. Her being let in before is a problem that isn't mine, it is with the other people at the desk.
    Guy: *exasperated breath*

    So I call L., our prostaff person.
    Me: Hi, L. *recaps the above*
    L.: And she has absolutely no other ID?
    Me: Not really, no.
    L.: What's the last address on record?
    Me: *lists*
    L.: *denies exception*

    But then the gf pulls out a HIGH SCHOOL ID.

    I call L. back. L is PISSED TO NO END. She and I both concurred: you do NOT do this $hit and if you do have any of the IDs we accept, you fork it over.

    And throughout me retelling these two prostaff decision the girl looked like I was personally insulting her and the guy just kept going, "This is bull, you shouldn't be doing this" - uh, others' mistakes = NOT MY PROBLEM.

    Second Edit: Even more.

    Just turned away a RECORD number of underages. Jeeeeezus H Christ on a cracker.

    L. came by the desk and was glad to commiserate. I showed her the ID of the person in question. Dare I hope for a restriction on that??

    I slipped twice: Gave wrong key once, and accidentally told freshmen that the nearby sports bar doesn't card. *headdesk* WHY did I tell them about my hangout? Egad. It's bad enough I can't go to Ryan's myself without hassle but...oy.
    Last edited by LadyMage; 10-01-2006, 01:42 AM. Reason: More stuff happened. oy vey!
    Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of the blanket nest.

  • #2
    Mage... :comforting pats: there, there™®

    When your sanity returns, I'll take you out for a drink.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      This is gonna be a while.

      Okay. *takes deep breath*


      THEY CALL ME AFTER I AM OFF!!!!!!!!!

      Okay, now that my sanity is temporarily restored.

      What happened was that over the course of my shift over there, I had a kid bug me about giving back his ID without having to sign out. The only way to do that is to swap IDs. He didn't have a swap.

      So he came back when my sick, NEW coworker went on shift and started intimidating her.

      NO. JUST NO. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH MY STAFF!!!!! Pardon my french but this is a low tactic that I hate. I hate this even more than incompetent coworkers, I hate it when my team is intimidated. I don't care if you mess up, I will defend you till my dying breath.

      She puts him on the phone and I nicely, politely rip a new one. I'm like, "I've told you before. You can ONLY do this and that. I CANNOT authorize my coworker to do the same since I am neither her supervisor nor am I her senior. You will have to do this and that or else be written up."

      Guy leaves coworker alone from here. MY GOD. this was insane. seriously.

      Seriously, My coworker S sat there while I was doing it - I'm at work AGAIN at the other desk and he was like "...I think you have the patience of a SAINT."

      I think I do. Seriously. I'm a veteran. I'm THIS close to snapping and yet I maintain full professionalism. HOW the hell do I do this.
      Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of the blanket nest.


      • #4
        hmmm ladymage-patron(or would that be matron?) saint of residence halls has a nice ring to it-maybe if we get enough votes.....

        Blaquekatt-wondering if cannonizing has anything to do with shooting freshmen from/with cannons........

        *disclaimer* I respect all religions-I just find some of the words they use funny
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          FOURTH edit. I was going to put this in but...okay. My nerves after this were FRAYED.

          I just posted the above update and a resident came in that I knew. Drunk. Off. His. Rocker. Like, didn't know where he was, drunk.

          I was talking to a friend at the time that I've not seen in a while so we were chatteriong away and then he comes in. And starts weaving around the elevators, both of which are now LOCKED to make sure he doesn't get himself or others hurt. We have a hospital nearby and students THAT slammed go to detox.

          The RA comes down. She can't reason with him.

          She turned her back for one minute and the guy goes up the stairs....and vanishes.

          RA nearly blows it and she's normally a sweetheart. She calls in another RA for reinforcements, L. comes in and all 3 of them PLUS security sweep the building while I make phone calls to select rooms to hope and find him.

          Nowhere to be found.

          Not kidding, the search was on for about 3 hours. NOTHING.

          Then I get off-shift and there's a shooting outside. My roomie and I heard it from our room, listened in....and tried to get info but not much sleep was had that night.

          My supervisor had a VOLLEY of emails throughout the day.

          Becky...I WISH. I think I earned the title.
          Last edited by LadyMage; 10-02-2006, 01:14 AM.
          Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of the blanket nest.


          • #6
            Another update. You guys will LOVE THIS.

            You know I've worked in the freshie building, right?

            And it was supposedly an emergency?

            Well, let me tell you this - all inter-building coverage, that is to say me working outside my team as I've done on more than one occasion, should be approved BY THE BUILDING SUPERVISOR. D. is cool, he used to be in the school before, I worked with him and he's great.

            He didn't know about me covering for him UNTIL he got my frantic and furious emails.

            *insert me saying BZUH?!!!!*

            But you hear right. One of the girls did get approval but the other one, did not. She just left a voicemail saying "Oh, hi, LM is covering me" - and it wasn't even the cell phone voicemail, it's the OFFICE voicemail. Office is closed weekends. I did the weekend double.

            *headdesk* I've been had.

            But I spoke to both the supes today. E. thinks that I'm a war hero BUT is putting me on a well-deserved one-week moratorium. D. is grateful to cover but begged me to learn and say the word "no."

            Which, considering whom he lectured and on what, is fucking HILARIOUS.
            Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of the blanket nest.

