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Shopping Sucky Person

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  • Shopping Sucky Person

    I will say this right now, I am not thin/sleak/slim or any other variation of the world. I have a stomach and it is smaller then it had been. I have been working on it and part of the way I've been working on it is not eating out for lunch and bringing my own. Although this is a slow process for me, I am working on it.

    Now onto me being at the store getting more bags of salad for my lunches along with some more eggs and cheese to put in with the salad. As I'm wandering through just kinda looking at things and wondering what I should make for dinners next week I saw them. A 5lb bag of gummy bears marked down because it was getting close to it's shelf date. I had never seen this before and happily grabbed them off the shelf and did a little happy dance. About ready to turn from there, there she was this 5'10" slender woman wearing a nice business dress and low heels with a haughtier then tho look on her face. Looking at me she raised an eyebrow and gave a little sniff before turning away. Blinking I just edged away from her back to my cart and continued on.

    If it had ended there I wouldn't have posted it as more then a WTH scenario. But it continued. Now I have this recipe for Cheeze-It Chicken, it's really yummy is I treat it like a once a month kind of thing and I like slicing the chicken to go over salad and then I don't use dressing (of which I hardly use any anyways). So I see Ritz are on sale and do another little happy dance and grab a box putting it with my gummy bears and I feel like something isn't right and there she is, Lady SP, again I get a sniff and it looks like she wants to say SOMETHING but just can't.

    Edging away again I'm starting to feel like I should put things away and just go home because something doesn't feel right. But I'm a big girl and I can make my own choices dangit. Heading down I grab some snack bags to separate my gummy bears out for individual lunches and then start to head down to the pop aisle to pick up some of the store brand pop that is yummy and that I put into a smaller container. And again there is SP, but this time there is no sniff, no look, just her grating voice. "Your just going to get fatter don't you ever want to be loved? Because no one is going to want to sleep with your fat ass." My jaw dropped and I just stared at her. Pulling back like I had just gotten hit I let my hand open that was holding a bottle of pop and it slams to the floor bursting open. Pulling back I turned and practically ran down the aisle and when I caught the first employee I told him about the spill, apologized and rushed to the lanes with tears still making their way down my cheeks.

    Now it's been a hour or so and all I can think is...I should slapped her silly, or maybe blown hard enough and watched her fly away. But of course I'm not that harsh when confronted...but really was I doing that much wrong? Or am I just taking this far too harder then I should be?

  • #2
    Simply, the woman was a grade A cunt. She had no right to say anything to you let alone about your choice in foods. Don't feel bad. You did nothing wrong. I'm on the heavy side and trying to lose it also and if I decide I want a yummy treat I'm sure as hell going to get it. The woman's just lucky someone who would put her in her place wasn't there. I know I would have given her an anal reaming she would remember.

    Good luck on losing weight. It's tough but worth it.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


    • #3
      as Rose said she's just a cunt. sure you may not slim but that doesnt mean you are good looking personally i think thoose sticks they call models are jsut ugly, i'd rather have someone a little heavier than they should be.


      • #4
        Those soda shelves are usually pretty large and you could have hidden the body behind the bottles. At the very least she did deserve a pinwheel smack~the kind that you spin like a pinwheel you got hit so hard.


        • #5
          i too am abit on the heavy side and it is tough as heck to lose it -but half the battle is keeping on track - just by cutting the little things, i can fit comfortbly into my work pants agian- but it took 4 months to do that- that woman was just being a total grade a1 nasty wench- as for saying something, maybe "i'm content in life are you?"
          good luck trying to lose it- i'm here for ya


          • #6
            She should have been
            That's just an appalling, terrible thing to say to anyone. Oh, Aethian let me be the first to do this,

            Don't you ever think you were doing anything wrong. You're taking the initiative to slowly adjust your diet to lose weight and it's working for you. That troglodyte posing as a person was being nosy, rude and heartless. It's probably best you didn't rip her spine out through her neck Mortal Kombat style , but if you had I would have helped you with your bail.

            Being a large person myself, I know that words can hurt and for some "people" the only defense is to have a even more vicious comeback. Some suggestions: "Being skinny doesn't seem to be helping you any."
            "It's not the beauty, it's the booty."
            "Hey, here's an idea. Take your black heart and have a nice steeming cup of shut the f**k up."

            I hope you'll know that we'll all be here to help support you and to plot revenge if need be.
            "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

            Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


            • #7
              umm, I'd say she is a royal bitch.
              ... now I do admit that I'm on the heavy side, and yes I have happy danced before for candy (namely when I can find sweettarts in a box rather than a roll... I know they are the exact same thing but they just have a different feel for them).
              ok, back on the crazy lady... did she seriously not have anything better to do but follow you watching what you buy?
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                You guys are wonderful, thank you. If I ever see her again...or if we see eachother and she makes a comment... What do you think behind the tp or behind the bottles? Or I know how about behind the bleach....

                As for Lady Suck I don't know I think she was just following to see if I ever got my fruits and veggies...which I didn't. So now I got nothing for lunch tomorrow


                • #9
                  This let your fists guide you to the right decision, through her skull. In theory though being as heartless as she is, you could punch her in the chest without commiting an assault or battery. My future lawyer self is cringing as I write this.
                  "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                  Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


                  • #10
                    Personally I would have had a case of the spits. Right into her face.
                    SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                    • #11
                      Quote from a big girl in HS.

                      "More the cushin better the pushin, so how is your love life? Gettin any?"

                      Teacher didn't think it was funny. I wanted to ask the babe out on a date.
                      SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                      • #12
                        I totally feel for you. I'm not skinny either, and people can be so hurtful about it.
                        May I recommend one of my personal favorite comebacks when someone makes a comment about my size:

                        "If I wanted to I could loose weight; unfortunately for you, you can't change an ugly face."
                        Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


                        • #13
                          Wow. Just wow. Sooo, who thinks that the woman in the OP was competing for Biggest Bitch in the World trophy? Let's all pray/hope karma comes back and bites her in her flat ass.
                          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                          • #14
                            I'd have hit her in the face. Five bucks says she isn't getting any because she's too much of a bitch.
                            Would you like a Stummies?


                            • #15
                              Wow. That there is some serious bitch. I don't think anyone has been that much of a horrible cuntweasle to me since middle school when a girl called me rhino and I kicked her with my stompin' boots.

                              Trust me you are doing absolutely the right thing, and I wish your willpower, to loose weight without crash diets. It's never gonna work if you can't have a treat now and again.

                              I know exactly what you're going through, I've been obese since sixth grade, and I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. People belittle most in others what they dislike most in themselves. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Madam Cuntweasle can't man, even if she pays him. Don't worry, if I found myself a guy, you can too (or girl, hermaphrodite, whatever you're into.)
                              The High Priest is an Illusion!

