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Sunday Suckiness - long

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  • Sunday Suckiness - long

    Well, not all of this happened on the same Sunday, but all of it happened on a Sunday at some point in time.

    Laundry EW

    I'm chit chatting with the owner while my laundry is in the driers when a woman walks in and comes up to him. Judging by accent and the New York plates on her car, I'd say she's from NYC.

    EW: Entitlement Whore extraordinaire
    LO: Laundry Owner
    Me: Mostly watching in amusement
    Italics: My thoughts

    EW: Excuse me! Do you work here?

    LO: Yes, I'm the owner.

    EW: Great. I need to get back to the city and your machines are just too slow. My clothes are in that machine. *points to a triple load washer* Just load them into the dryers and I'll pick them up later.

    LO: I'm sorry, we don't do same day service on Sunday. And if you started the load, we don't finish it. It has to be under our control start to finish or we can't take responsibility for your clothes coming out alright. Personally, I'm glad he subscribes to the CYA rule.

    EW: Well, I need this done. Fine, just dry them and fold them. I'll have someone pick them up during the week and I'll pay you back next month when I'm back in town. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Seriously? I'm not sure how I managed to not laugh at her at this point.

    LO: Sorry, but you didn't check your items in with us, so we can't do that for you. You can just put them in the dryer now, since the washer has stopped and then come back for them later.

    EW: I just told you that I have to go back to the city. You just dry and fold my clothes and I'll call you later. *she turns and storms out of the laundromat, into her car, and goes screeching out of the plaza*

    LO: *to me* I don't think she listened to a word I said.

    Me: Yeah, I don't think so either. Going to dry her clothes?

    LO: Not a chance. Don't know what I'll do with them, though.

    Me: Toss them in a plastic bag and wait for her to call. Then tell her the clothes are still wet and starting to smell a bit.

    LO: I just might do that.

    Racist liar

    I think there was a bit of suck on my part here, too. But I do so enjoy being an a**hole.

    On my way home from playing cards with the guys, I was picking up dinner from one of our favorite Asian restaurants. They have awesome Chinese, Japanse (yay sushi!), and some decent American dishes, too. For the last 5 miles of the trip, I was stuck behind a massive SUV with Florida plates poking along at 25 MPH. The speed zones we were driving in ranged from 40 MPH to 55 MPH, which already left me a bit frustrated. Every time we hit a passing zone, there was a massive line of cars in the oncoming lane, of course.

    We finally get to the restaurant, and who turns into the lot in front of me? Well, we're in the parking lot, how bad can it be, right?

    SUV stops dead while the driver and passenger debate parking. All the spots next to building are full, except for one handicapped spot. All the spots directly across from the door are empty. The driving area between the two rows of spaces is maybe 15 - 20 feet wide. The passenger keeps pointing off to the spaces across from the building. Finally, they pull up and park 1/2 in the handicapped spot and 1/2 in the lined area between the handicapped spots for those that have the vans with the little elevators (is there a technical term for those that I don't know?)

    By this time, I'd seen more than enough of the back of the SUV to know they didn't have handicapped plates. Still, I gave the driver the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe they have a placard.

    I pulled into a spot directly across from the door. I get out and as the older couple (mid to late 50's) in the SUV get out. I walk in behind them and take the chance to scan the windshield area of their vehicle for a handicapped sticker or placard. None to be seen. Still, I keep my mouth shut, planning on just telling the restaurant staff so they can deal with it.

    We all get inside, I walk up to the counter to wait in line for my take out. The couple from the SUV look at the menu. And then it gets really sucky.

    SM: Sucky Man
    SW: Wife of Sucky Man - though not sucky herself
    C: Chinese cashier - has an accent, but speaks impeccable English.
    Me: A**hole in geek's clothing

    SW: Oh no, look honey, they don't have the lobster special tonight.

    SM: What? *checks specials menu board* Unbelievable. Un - f***ing - believable. What the hell is wrong with them? *he then walks up and cuts ahead of the line to talk to the cashier*

    SM: How come you don't have the lobster special listed? *pointing to the specials menu* You had it last night.

    C: Yes, we did have it. The lobster was very popular and we're sold out. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    SM: *turning to talk to his wife* Can you believe this guy? Sold out of lobster. *now yelling at all of us in line* A restaurant in New England sold out of lobster. Un-f***ing-believable. *now back to the cashier* You're sold out of lobster? Well, you just lost my business. BYE!

    SM heads out, but as he and his wife are passing me, he stage whispers "Damn slant eyes!". I go from slighly irked to seriously in record time.

    Me: *stealing his own tactics and speaking to the line & cashier* Yeah, a restaurant sold out of lobster is almost as unbelievable as a jackass in an SUV parking in the handicapped spot.

    SM stops on his way out and turns back to me.

    SM: What did you say, a**hole?

    Me: I said that a restaurant running out of a popular dish is as un-bee-lee-vable as a jackass parking in a handicapped spot. A jackass with no handicapped plates or placard on display.

    SM: You better shut your mouth, you loudmouth shmuck! I've had FOUR hips replaced and I have a VERY BAD back. And how would you know I don't have handicapped plates, you nosy s***?

    Me: I pulled in behind you. I even checked for a placard. You don't have one and if you weren't leaving, I'd be calling the police to ensure you get a nice ticket to remember New England by, you racist f***. Or did you not intend that little stage whisper to be overheard by the rest of us?

    SM flips me off and storms out the door. I follow just enough to poke my head out and point at his license plates. "Oh, look, a racist AND a liar."

    SM yelled incoherently at me while getting into his SUV. Kind of a RAWR with rude gestures.

    I know I shouldn't have riled him up so much, but he just pushed one button too many with me. I did apologize to the cashier for making a scene. He told me it was okay and the other guy was just being mean for no reason.

    Minor Laundry Lunacy

    A woman ran a washer full of blankets. When she opened the washer, the blankets came out in bits and pieces. She called over the owners to make a complaint about the machine ruining her blankets and 'what are you going to do about it?'

    I was curious, so stepped in to help pick up the myriad pieces of blanket. I managed to find one of the tags that said 'Dry Clean Only'

    I thoughtfully handed it off to the owners. After a bit of heated discussion, the woman stormed out telling them they needed a sign explaining that the washing machines aren't for dry clean only items and that her she was going to call her attorney to 'make things right'.

    Good luck with that one, lady.

    Update: For those who might be interested, I asked yesterday if the woman from the first story came back for her laundry. Turns out she did. On Tuesday afternoon. And she was apparently quite put out that the owners hadn't dried or folded them, but simply stuffed them into a plastic bag. Apparently she also said she'll never be back.

    So I expect to see her next Sunday.
    Last edited by Gerrinson; 09-29-2008, 05:52 PM. Reason: Update!

  • #2
    *snerk* Wait, customers don't read signs do they? Silly customer thinking that a sign would save her from her stupidity. That's so cute!

    Score with the second story. I'd have been a few shades of red with that arsehole. I think you handled it much better than I ever would have.

    Why yes I'm in an evil mood today, why do you ask?
    Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


    • #3
      Don't worry I would have acted the same to the a***ole in the second one. He deserved it!

      Oh and the last one


      • #4
        My dad has a bad back, and has a hard time walking distances sometimes.

        He also has a placard.

        Fuck that guy in the SUV. If he really was that bad off, he'd have a placard.


        • #5
          Quoth Record Store Tough Guy View Post
          My dad has a bad back, and has a hard time walking distances sometimes.

          He also has a placard.

          Fuck that guy in the SUV. If he really was that bad off, he'd have a placard.
          Also, he probably wouldn't be driving an SUV. They tend to be high off the ground and kinda hard to get into, even for young people who have healthy hips and backs.
          I work at Walgreens.

          (I'm just tired of mentioning it every time I want to relate to a story. )


          • #6
            Well boys and girls, can we say "liar?" The guy about the bad back and hips.
            And then again, I don't have much trouble getting into my dad's ute, which would be about the same height as an SUV.
            Score for the racist asshole.
            And the woman in the first story-HUGE EW! Seriously, next time just throw the clothes at her.
            Third story-yeah, nice try. People is stooopid!!!!
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • #7
              Now I wanna know what happened when the EW in the first part called back....or if she was just to busy and forgot about the clothes.
              "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


              • #8
                Quoth Mamadrae View Post
                Now I wanna know what happened when the EW in the first part called back....or if she was just to busy and forgot about the clothes.
                Well, that was just this past Sunday (two days ago). I'm going to make it a point to ask what happened when I go do laundry this Sunday. I'm kind of hoping they just point me to a plastic bag full of damp clothing.

                Is that wrong?


                • #9
                  Not at all. It's what I would have done since I couldn't just leave them in the machine so other customers couldn't use it.
                  I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                    I've had FOUR hips replaced
                    How many did he start out with?
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
                      Not at all. It's what I would have done since I couldn't just leave them in the machine so other customers couldn't use it.
                      They'd better hope the owner pulled their laundry and did something with it.
                      Cause customers have no qualms about pulling said clothes out and leaving them out to rot in front of everyone. With presents and possible notes I'm sure. We know how evil customers can get after all.

                      I remember coming across laundry left in the machines when I went. There would be no one in sight and personally I had no issues about removing said laundry and throwing it in a basket if it was in my way.

                      Seriously when did it become common place to just leave your laundry in a public place where other people can mess with it?
                      "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                        After a bit of heated discussion, the woman stormed out telling them they needed a sign explaining that the washing machines aren't for dry clean only items
                        Great idea! She'll pay as much attention to the sign as she did to the cleaning label on her blankets. And the end result will be the same.

                        Of course she'll then blame the blanket manufacterer for not putting a label on the blanket that tells her to read signs in laundromats before washing the blanket.

                        Then when she ignores that label, it will be the luandromat's fault for not having sign telling her to read the care label on the blanket.
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.


                        • #13
                          The blankets fell apart? What were they made from? And I must say, I've never heard of dry-clean-only blankets.

                          I've accidentally tossed one or two dry-clean-only items in the washer, and never had any real damage done to them. And I never once tossed them in the dryer, especially once I realized my Oops. Most was one dress I had in high school, and the fabric simply went from semi-shiny to not-so-shiny-with-a-tiny-bit-of-fuzz. And I'm not about to yell at the washing machine manufacturer, or the owner of the laundry facilities (my parents, since it was their house), or anyone like that. It was my own lack of attention that put that dress in the washer.
                          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gerrinson View Post

                            I know I shouldn't have riled him up so much, but he just pushed one button too many with me. I did apologize to the cashier for making a scene. He told me it was okay and the other guy was just being mean for no reason.
                            Why? He's the one who started in with the racial slurs. You're probably the first person to ever stand up to that fuckhorn.

                            So for doing so, I bestow upon you the I.P. Freleigh Golf Clap of Approval:

                            *golf clap* Well played.

                            And 4 hip replacements and a bad back? Yeah, okay, sure, whatever. I hardly believe somebody's who's had that much work done on those particular bodily parts would be able to walk with no apparent difficulty. I am assuming this is the case because the OP doesn't describe the fuckhorn as having any trouble walking.

                            If you have that much wrong with you, get the plate or placard. Otherwise park in a normal spot.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                              Why? He's the one who started in with the racial slurs. You're probably the first person to ever stand up to that fuckhorn.

                              So for doing so, I bestow upon you the I.P. Freleigh Golf Clap of Approval:

                              *golf clap* Well played.

                              And 4 hip replacements and a bad back? Yeah, okay, sure, whatever. I hardly believe somebody's who's had that much work done on those particular bodily parts would be able to walk with no apparent difficulty. I am assuming this is the case because the OP doesn't describe the fuckhorn as having any trouble walking.

                              If you have that much wrong with you, get the plate or placard. Otherwise park in a normal spot.
                              Yay, I can haz golf clap!

                              Also, he was walking just fine. As a matter of fact, he was walking better than I do, as my knees have been screaming at me lately. Not that I listen to them.

                              I refuse to go back to walking with a cane until the only other option is to fall on my ass. The pain will back off eventually. Right?

