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Convention weekend of suck. Long.

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  • #16
    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
    That was an asshole of a vendor.

    In general Canadians are pretty nice folks, but we have our dickwads too. I'm thinking this conference was in Toronto which is our largest city. There's a VERY diverse mix of people in Toronto, some really nice and some you want to stay far away from.
    Yup. >_>; The other vendors were super nice, and even offered me discounts when I resorted to my emergency American cash since my bank was being thick. I'll go back for them :3

    Thanks for costume compliments :3 I really loved making, and wearing it. *dance* *bow* I'll try to find my stage performance, I can sound almost spot on like her too. ^^
    You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.


    • #17
      Cool! someone else who went to Anime North!

      If you want suck though, here's something for you. and it's related to Anime North.

      Harveys (A Hamburger chain for those whole don't know it) has a yearly promotion called 'Free Burger Day'. I don't know the specifics, but basically it's a way to get you to try a Harvey's hamburger. Come in, get a free regular burger. It happens every year, on the same weekend every year.

      ... The same weekend as Anime North.

      There is a Harveys right outside the Convention Center where Anime North is held, not more than 100 feet from it. With big posters advertising 'Free Burger Day'.

      Me and my friends always feel a kind of solemn pity for the poor people working that day, as well as outright respect, as the line is two blocks long for pretty much the entire day, full of people in strange and wonderful costumes, all of them hungry, and looking for a way to save a few extra bucks that can be spent at the Dealer's Room.

      We also firmly believe each year the manager locks himself in his office with a bottle of Jack Daniels and spends the day huddled in a fetal position, rocking back and forth and sobbing.

      We may never know. We don't go near the place during the Con, because a free burger isn't worth a four hour wait, and knowing you're adding to those poor people's stress.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #18
        Quoth BuggedMei View Post
        *He grabs the three posters I was buying turns around, with my $5 in coins in his hand still and walks off*
        That's where you scream at the top of your lungs "THIEF!!!" and point to him. Assuming he can still walk after the other 'conners get through with him, the volunteers will order his booth shut down. Most vendors go there to represent their stores, and a declaration that said vendor openly robs from attendees kills their revenue. (most don't carry anything that can't be acquired elsewhere for cheaper)

        Furthermore, usually the organizers will send a notice to the owner of the store they are representing that they are banned from applying again. That usually results in said rep being fired.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #19
          :O another person who was at AN09! It was my second con and I loved it. I was in front of the Doubletree offering free hugs and throwing in the occasional "will yaoi for yuri"


          • #20
            I went to my first con this year too- ACen in Chicago. I love people watching, and this was fabulous. Plus, I could be as silly as I wanted and not really be thought crazy! I think most of the looks I got were guys trying to find where my tail was attached, lol. Yes, I dressed as the sexy cat girl.


            • #21
              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
              That was an asshole of a vendor.

              In general Canadians are pretty nice folks, but we have our dickwads too. I'm thinking this conference was in Toronto which is our largest city. There's a VERY diverse mix of people in Toronto, some really nice and some you want to stay far away from. .
              Used to work right downtown TO - and you're right on all accounts.

              To the OP - yeah - vendor suffered from a major rectal-cranial inversion.

              "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
              I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


              • #22
                Quoth prb View Post
                I was in front of the Doubletree offering free hugs and throwing in the occasional "will yaoi for yuri"
                *must be tired* I just ready that as "Will yaoi for furry"
                Which is something I might just do to mess with con goers.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #23
                  I have only had my bank kill my card on two occasions and they have been told in no uncertain terms that if they cannot contact me, they are not allowed to block my account. Part of the reason they have to get in touch with me first is that they said they had tried when the second one happened, but since I was home that entire day, I know the clerk was lying, and I told them so.

                  I have an ATM account with direct deposit, and I don't carry cash. I need to be able to access to my money.
                  Quoth Juwl View Post
                  *must be tired* I just ready that as "Will yaoi for furry"
                  Which is something I might just do to mess with con goers.
                  Heh, you'd get a lot of takers at some of the cons I attend.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Quoth prb View Post
                    :O another person who was at AN09! It was my second con and I loved it. I was in front of the Doubletree offering free hugs and throwing in the occasional "will yaoi for yuri"
                    I hugged someone who said "Hugs cure cancer!" outside of the doubletree.

                    North is like, my 9th con, first Canadian one. :3 I'm gonna be working at AnimeNEXT and AnimeUSA this year. (yay!) I love making epic hug-lines. At Otakon especially.
                    You seem to harbor barbaric tendencies. I suggest you visit a physician at your earliest convenience.


                    • #25
                      Quoth BuggedMei View Post
                      I hugged someone who said "Hugs cure cancer!" outside of the doubletree.

                      North is like, my 9th con, first Canadian one. :3 I'm gonna be working at AnimeNEXT and AnimeUSA this year. (yay!) I love making epic hug-lines. At Otakon especially.
                      Was it that 14 year old that was with us? If so, when he said it I usually said "no they don't, wish they did". I was the Ichigo Kurosaki that was with them.


                      • #26
                        You "looked like shoplifters?" What, are you a senior citizen?



                        • #27

                          Ok.... how did you have your tail attached?

