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Silly old lady changes her mind (a kitty tale)

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  • #16
    I got my cat to LOVE his carrier by doing the above advice; Treats left in there at random, a towel/blanket/shirt in there for nesting, etc. He loved it so much he was upset when he out-grew the one I had for him and had to get a new one. He still prefers to cram his 17 pound self into the little carrier, he can lay down and turn around in it so I guess it can't hurt him any.

    He's also a much more patient cat than any other I've met. As long as you keep your hands away from his belly he'll let you get away with just about anything. My boyfriend once playfully 'squooshed' his head with his hand, and my cat liked it so much he actually comes up and headbutts his hand now to ask him to do it more.. He LOVES chest scratches, and being pet anywhere but the belly. He also will tolerate tail pulls, gently being knocked onto his side, being picked up and held in any number of positions, and having things put on him (like covering him up with a towel, blanket, shirt, etc)
    My other cat, OTOH, will only even let you pet him when he is in the mood, and if you don't let him sniff your hand rather thoroughly before touching him, he'll nip at you. Picking him up is a no-go altogether, and he only really likes to be pet on his sides, back, and head.
    "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light

