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Sucktomer Random Thoughts Thread

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  • While your vent was about something fairly technical, the SC was still predictable. He wanted something he couldn't afford, so ordered something he could afford and then pitched a fit about it not being right and wanted the thing he couldn't afford to be given to him at a discounted price so he could afford it.


    • Yes, petrol is going up in price. No, whining at me will not fix things. Especially if your whining includes the words "But it's cheaper at *rival supermarket petrol station*!"

      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
        Yes, petrol is going up in price. No, whining at me will not fix things. Especially if your whining includes the words "But it's cheaper at *rival supermarket petrol station*!"

        But...but that's an extra 5km/miles


        • No price matching?!



          • Ongoing complaint time! Customers keep taking chairs from the pattern table and classroom. Or they stand at the registers and demand that a chair be brought up for them. They want to sit up at the windows at the front of the store. I move them back as soon as possible. It concerns me how much I enjoy doing this. I just really don't like the entitlement involved. Our store has places to sit. But that's not good enough for these people. They want to sit over HERE, and for goodness sake we'd better provide that chair or we're "not ADA compliant."

            I know some of these people could have actual, genuine mobility issues. I'm not totally cold-hearted. But that's not the general vibe of these people. These are often men just waiting for their wife to finish shopping. They demand their "husband chairs" which we got rid of over a year ago. They don't ask nicely, they DEMAND, or they just go and take the chair without asking. Thus my irritation.
            Replace anger management with stupidity management.


            • Of course, if someone who is actually disabled wants to look at patterns, the fact that someone appropriated the chair from the pattern table to use as a "husband chair" makes you non-ADA compliant.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • You do not need my help for this...well, you need more help than I'm qualified or legally able to provide.

                The screen is telling you what to do. Don't have any coupons? Just hit Continue. Yes, I'm sure. Yes, that coupon WILL come off at the end even though it says "0.00", see it says "DISC AT TOTAL"?...this is just the 47856th time I've explained it today. Don't make me explain "total" to you.

                Scan your card when you're scanning everything else. That's just 'normal' critical thinking but we all know that's slowly being bred out of the population.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                  You do not need my help for this...well, you need more help than I'm qualified or legally able to provide.

                  The screen is telling you what to do. Don't have any coupons? Just hit Continue. Yes, I'm sure. Yes, that coupon WILL come off at the end even though it says "0.00", see it says "DISC AT TOTAL"?...this is just the 47856th time I've explained it today. Don't make me explain "total" to you.

                  Scan your card when you're scanning everything else. That's just 'normal' critical thinking but we all know that's slowly being bred out of the population.
                  "I forgot my card!"
                  *stares at screen, not noticing FORGOT CARD button*

                  *stares at bratty kids screwing around, or their cellphone/keys/purse on the bag area*

                  Where they have the Entenmann's in my store is right in front of selfscan, so not only do they not read the sign about which ones specifically are on sale, they complain when it doesn't come off right away. I ended up putting one of those nametag label things explaining how the B1G1 stuff works, but no one reads it.


                  • Oh god yes, the 'forgot card' people. They need to make that button bigger or a different color or something, or have the system say in the beginning "If you forgot your card..." J has wondered if some of those people aren't in cahoots with the shoplifters to distract me.

                    I'll have people plop their purse/phone/reusable bags on the belt with an item, and wonder why everything gets kicked back. It's become something of a game to see how long it takes before I either have to go over and reset everything or they figure it out themselves (usually I have to reset everything as well as scan the rest of their order as they start flinging stuff down the belt and yelling at me that they paid for everything).

                    We have labels explaining B1G1/quantity sales right on the registers, at generally eye level...people still don't see them. I've started pointing out the sign as I'm saying "it comes off at the end" (then I get people unclear on the concept of "end"...GAH).
                    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 06-24-2016, 11:07 PM.
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • No, lady it is NOT "false advertising" to let someone put "street sale" in their garage sale ad when it turns out that they are the only house participating in the sale. We have no way to know if there are other homes having sales. No, we don't have to "verify it!" How the hell do you propose we do that? Do you want your neighbor giving us your phone number so we can call you and ask if you're taking part in the sale? Get over it, you old biddy, and get a life!!
                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                      • Look, I'm sorry you grabbed an item with the barcode ripped off. I'm sorry that the item was then left next to a shelf label that said $4.99. After looking for .5 seconds, I found the correct price, which was $12.99. We don't have to honor the $4.99 price because it was left in the wrong place. I found the same item, except in a different color, and it says $12.99. I also found the correct shelf label for the color you have and it says $12.99. Oh, you say that it's "ridiculous"? I too think that paying $12.99 for a small roll of burlap is ridiculous. Good, storm off. Have a nice life overreacting to literally everything.
                        Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                        • How about next time you decide you need to come grocery shopping that you have all of your meager mental faculties working instead of either a) still asleep or b) still under the influence of whatever you were smoking/injecting/snorting up your nostrils.

                          It is not funny when you come up and ask if you can purchase Band Aids w/EBT. And for Dog's sake, don't look mystified when I break it down in small words and tell you that food stamps are for food ONLY and wander off muttering amongst yourselves.

                          Believe me, walking in to shop with a clear head will make your shopping experience much easier in the long run, not to mention spare employees a migraine or two.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • People leave a lot of messes behind in our show stadiums at the theme park. I'm so used to cleaning up all the crap people leave behind that I don't even really get mad about it anymore. Of course things like used diapers make me shake my head in disappointment in people since that's just plain rude and inconsiderate. It's your child. Not mine. Why should I have to be the one to toss their waste into the trash? But whatever, I do it anyway and get on with it.

                            Yesterday there was a family who after the show went down to the railing at the front of the stadium to talk to the performers. Normally at the end of a show the performers are just there to smile and wave goodbye but sometimes they hold little meet-and-greets for small groups. They are separated by a railing, and on the other side of the railing is the platform that the performs, well, perform on.

                            The dad of the family had a mouth full of sunflower seeds and kept spitting the shells out over the railing into the performer's area. I couldn't believe he was being that blatantly disrespectful right in front of them. The performers were going out of their way on their own time to meet with this family and answer their questions. They are on strict schedules and probably had more important things they could've been doing but they took the time to meet with these people and here the guy thought it was perfectly acceptable to spit out the shells into their area right in front of them.

                            I told him that if he wanted to spit out the seeds to at least do it on the ground on his side of the railing where we could sweep it up later. His response? He scoffed and continued to spit them out on the other end. The performers didn't say anything about it but I was really, really hoping that one of them would speak up and tell him they won't be continuing unless he stopped.

                            I never used to have any opinions on sunflower seeds before I worked at a theme park. Now after two years of having to clean up massive piles of shells people leave on the ground I just assume that anybody with a bag of them is a jackass.
                            Last edited by Totiono; 06-28-2016, 12:38 PM.


                            • If we have had a sign up for the past month announcing that all exits will be closed off cuz of the annual carnival parade, then it's your fault if you wind up trapped in our car park for two hours. If you know damn well that you only have five minutes to skedaddle before the barricades go up, then driving into the petrol station to fill your car to the brim is a cretinous idea and you are not going to get out in time. Finally, coming into the petrol station to bitch at us is a waste of time, as it is the town council who are blocking the exits, not us, and you've had a whole month to plan to be out of here in time. Either sulk in the car park, or watch the parade. Those are your choices, and they're not going to change.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.


                              • Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                                Believe me, walking in to shop with a clear head will make your shopping experience much easier in the long run, not to mention spare employees a migraine or two.
                                Since when do these SCs ever have a clear head? An empty head maybe, but never a clear head.
                                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

