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Sucktomer Random Thoughts Thread

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  • You chose to pay in the shop, despite the fact that pay at the pump is an option and you are paying with a card. So don't bitch about the long queues, when you could have avoided them if you hadn't decided that using pay at the pump was too much of a strain on your pea sized brain.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • Dear Miss Impatient,

      If you're that desperate to have your DVDs quickly checked in so that you can check out more, return them in the "bookdrop return slots" in the wall outside the library entrance. Bringing the DVDs to the customer service desk just wastes time and makes more work for everyone......all that accomplishes is that staff member takes the DVDs back to the staff work room, and whomever is at the "check-in station" has to drop whatever they are doing to take care of your stuff.

      (Sometimes customer service desk staff do make exceptions, but generally the idea is to encourage customers NOT to return items at the desk)


      • *sigh* Stop asking me if a specific thing is going on sale on BF. Stop. The store even has the ads, but the ad doesn't list every single item in the entire store, and not knowing if their doodad is going to be on sale, will KILL THEM.

        I feel like some people make things way too difficult. Today there was a coupon good for pillow forms and packaged batting. Some people had this stuff called nu-foam or "smart foam." First, it is by-the-yard, and the coupon specifically says packaged batting. Second, it is foam, and the coupon is not for foam. They had taken a picture of the bar code, and I tried to show them that it said "smart foam bty" (the bty means by-the-yard), but they told me that it said "smart foam batting" which it clearly did not. They weren't super mean, I just felt like they were deliberately misunderstanding the coupon. And I just got a weird vibe from them. I knew the coupon most likely wouldn't work, but they went to the register to try it anyway.
        Replace anger management with stupidity management.


        • Dear stupid customer,

          Here's a tip. Before you send a long, badly spelt, rambling, bitchy email to the manager ranting about two things that we already have and have had for over a month (pay at the pump and a coffee machine), it might be a good idea to check that you are sending your email to the correct store. Don't worry tho, it did have some use; we all had a good laugh before it got deleted.

          Basically, the customer was putting in a complaint that we didn't have pay at the pump or a coffee machine and that made her very angry. As said before, we have both so we can only assume that the customer was one of the following:

          1. Selectively blind.
          2. Insane.
          3. Both of the above.
          4. A moron who sent the email to the wrong petrol station cuz they can't spell and mixed us up with someone else.
          Last edited by Lace Neil Singer; 11-23-2016, 12:11 AM.
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.


          • Stop treating me like I'm stupid or don't understand you. I understand perfectly well that you think that buying the machine will get you out of having to lease it from us, that you can just go on using it forever with no charges. Yes, you can buy the mechanical apparatus, but as I told you, you can't own the part that actually makes it do what it's intended for. That's the government's property. And I told you that the machine is useless without it. Also I know if you decide to get out of your contract you are gonna raise holy hell about paying off the two years worth of lease payments you still owe and the early termination fee. And now I have to inflict you on the sales department. *facepalm*
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • Quoth Food Lady View Post
              Yes, you can buy the mechanical apparatus, but as I told you, you can't own the part that actually makes it do what it's intended for. That's the government's property.
              That sounds like it needs its own thread.
              Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you speak with the Fraud department. -- CrazedClerkthe2nd
              OW! Rolled my eyes too hard, saw my brain. -- Seanette
              she seems to top me in crazy, and I'm enough crazy for my family. -- Cooper
              Yes, I am evil. What's your point? -- Jester


              • Dear Sour Grapes,

                Please stop complaining about my manager to me because she wouldn't give you a sale price early because YOU misread the ad. It makes me uncomfortable because a) I like the people I work with, and b) I can't do jack diddly about the "problem" without putting my own job on the line.

                This woman whiiiiiiiined and whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiined because the fabric she made a SPECIAL TRIP for wasn't on a good sale like it was supposed to be! Then she picked out some other fabric but it wasn't a good enough color ("Is THIS on sale?" puff pout whine) and all we had of her preferred color was little remnants (" I guess I could just sewwww them together
                "). Surely the manager could do something because the ad is misleadinggggg!

                Okay, so our ad is a visual fustercluck. It tried so had to be organized and helpful that it looped right back into being confusing because there's so much crap fighting for attention. You actually have to read most of it to understand that different stuff gets a deep discount on different days. So what SCs do is they see "1000% off!...*glance* MY FAVORITE THINGS!...*glance*... on various days! Load up the winnebago and let's go!"


                • Quoth chimera View Post
                  ... Load up the Winnebago and let's go!"
                  Shouldn't that be the Whine-a-bago?
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • Quoth chimera View Post
                    This woman whiiiiiiiined and whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiined because the fabric she made a SPECIAL TRIP for wasn't on a good sale like it was supposed to be!
                    I've come to hate the words "supposed to be" because it's not really true, is it? It wasn't supposed to be on sale today, it's probably on sale Saturday. It doesn't surprise me that the ad confused some people, they put two sales on one page, that's enough to blow a gasket on most SCs.

                    I also hate when people announce that they've come all the way from *wherever* for the product that we're either out of, or is not on the sale they thought it was. I worry that I'll crack and say "oh, well since your drove all the way across a national border for this item, we'll create the item with our replicator and give it to you for free, NOT."
                    Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                    • Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                      Shouldn't that be the Whine-a-bago?
                      Quoth notalwaysright View Post
                      I also hate when people announce that they've come all the way from *wherever* for the product that we're either out of, or is not on the sale they thought it was. I worry that I'll crack and say "oh, well since your drove all the way across a national border for this item, we'll create the item with our replicator and give it to you for free, NOT."
                      I don't understand this attitude at all. If time and gas are so precious, then why take a chance that a store has what you want without calling ahead (or checking stock online...but that's not always a sure thing)? Or simply realizing that you may walk out empty handed? Shoot, I'm picky as hell when it comes to shoes. I may have to go several places to find the price/style sweet spot. Am I disappointed when I don't find anything after the third or fourth store because wide width shoes are rare as a rainbow pooting unicorn? Sure, but I never think to take this out on the staff. It's not their problem.

                      I bet the "I drove a long way" thing is usually bullshit. As if people cross a border just to visit a discount craft store. They're probably also coming over to visit family and go to other stores, too, or whatever. There's always a risk of not finding what you want at a store. Get over it, people!


                      • Here's a random thought: Whenever someone tells me Well, that's not *my* problem... I want to say Well, it's not my fault. It's usually in the context of me giving a valid reason why something can't be done. If it can't be done it becomes their problem....
                        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                        • Quoth Deserted View Post
                          That sounds like it needs its own thread.
                          It really does, but if I give any more info it'll reveal who I work for. I can tell you people often tell us they're going to toss it in the dumpster, throw it in the parking lot, etc. Yeah, go ahead. Don't blame me when the authorities come after you.
                          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                          • Quoth Food Lady View Post
                            Here's a random thought: Whenever someone tells me Well, that's not *my* problem... I want to say Well, it's not my fault. It's usually in the context of me giving a valid reason why something can't be done. If it can't be done it becomes their problem....
                            I waste so much time repeating that I cannot fix whatever people want fixed, and that they need to follow the remedy I've already explained.
                            This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                            I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                            • ^ IIRC, you do IT work? If so, I can see how that's your whole day. For me it's been the times when I had to explain that we were short-staffed [I have zip to do with scheduling] or that we ran out of food [again, zero control over that] or my medical restriction [in that case they didn't actually say "not my problem" but the attitude they gave was equivalent]. That last one is the one that angers me the most. I wasn't born with a skeletal defect purely for the purpose of inconveniencing people....
                              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                              • BG This happened on Black Wednesday, when all our Black Friday sales begin, so it was busy as hell. /BG

                                Younger woman and I assume her mom have a bunch of flannel, which is on sale. The daughter wanted to put batting in the flannel blankets she was going to make. She asks about washing, and if the batting will bunch. I say, well it has to be quilted a certain distance apart, but if you do that it will wash just fine. She doesn't plan to quilt at all. So she says another batting doesn't say you have to quilt it. I'm dubious, but she goes back and brings another bolt. She's asking questions and I say "I'm not sure how far about you have to quilt it, I'm not a quilter, but I don't think we have any batting that doesn't require quilting."

                                She inspects the directions and mutters about how I'm not being very helpful. She decides not to buy either batting, and leaves the giant rolls in front of the counter. Keep in mind that we're knee deep in customers at this time. I have to put the rolls away because nobody can get to the counter. When I bring them back it says clear as day underneath ALL the batting racks exactly how far apart you have to quilt them. 10" in this case.

                                Another batting issue. We aren't required to carry all the batting that is available online. Even if it doesn't say "online only" we STILL don't have to carry it. You didn't check to see if our location carries it, did you? Nope. And we've never carried it, so order it online or stop bothering me.
                                Replace anger management with stupidity management.

