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Sucktomer Random Thoughts Thread

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  • Sadly, we can't make any changes to the air pump cuz head office won't let us. We would prefer to charge for the use of it so that people treat it with more respect, but head office seem to think that us being on first name terms with the repairman is normal. Note: We call him out once a week, sometimes more than that. One day, he was still on site after fixing the damn air pump for the umpteenth time when the air pump was re-broken by a customer.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • Lady, give up, it ain't gonna happen.

      You paid cash for that FitBit, threw away the receipt, threw away all the packaging, and now you discover it's defective. Sorry, but no matter how often and and how loud you yell "I bought it two days ago at the Store on Other Street," Red Checkmark doesn't consider that proof of purchase and isn't going to replace it.


      • Quoth wolfie View Post
        Why doesn't the customer do what I do - pay ONCE to get their own tire pump, so they can top up their tires even when they're someplace that doesn't have an air pump.
        But we know these people don't want to pay for anything, ever, if they can possible get away with it. At my work, we used to be able to let people use the store scissors. Then probably someone cut themselves, and we couldn't do that anymore. You know how many people claimed not to own scissors? And of course buying a pair was totally out of the question. I mean, what would they ever need with scissors?

        In the end, I would be treated to an eye-roll to show how stupid they thought the policy was, while I stood next to a wall of scissors. Those scissors which are simultaneously so useless that the customer refuses to buy one, but so important that they will throw a tantrum because I'm not letting them use one for free.
        Replace anger management with stupidity management.


        • Odds are the store scissors kept disappearing. I keep my sewing scissors on a hook over my sewing table, and Turtleguy never touches them. Once my dad used my sister's sewing scissors to cut a rubber hose on the car, and he had to buy her a new pair.


          • Scissors do indeed disappear. Many years ago, I go tired of my sweetie "accidently" using my good scissors, so I bought 2 cheap sets of 5. This means that currently, there are 13 pairs of scissors in our 1500 sf home. I know where 5 pairs are. 1500 sf isn't that large and we don't have a lot of clutter. I have no clue where the other 8 pair are, but I suspect they are somewhere in his mancave.

            If the other 2 cheap pairs go missing, I'll just buy another set of 5 or whatever, they are cheap. I certainly wouldn't bother trying to steal some battered shop scissors that are mainly designed to do long straight cuts.


            • Quoth notalwaysright View Post
              You know how many people claimed not to own scissors? And of course buying a pair was totally out of the question. I mean, what would they ever need with scissors?
              I know, right? Why in heaven's name would they need a commonplace tool that should be in every home in America and gets used at least once or twice a week?! Good grief, there are loads of people who never sew and they still have at least one pair of scissors, for opening packages, trimming hair, whatever. Yet these oh-so-crafty folks who are such experts at sewing things "don't own a pair of scissors"?!

              Glad to be out of there. That company has far too many customers with Learned Helplessness and Willful Stupidity, and it wears you down after a while.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • OT, but the talk of scissors reminded me of when my ex almost sliced the top of her finger off trying to wrap a present. Apparently she couldn't find our scissors anywhere, so she chose to use the biggest carving knife we have to try & cut a notch in the end of a piece of ribbon. First I know of this is when she comes to wake me up to help her bandage the cut... While I grab the medical tape, she's telling me all about it and just as she tells me how she couldn't find the scissors anywhere & why do things never get put back where they belong, I'm reach into the drawer where they always live and picking them up to cut the tape. Cue goldfish impressions, protestations, and finally a solemn promise not to do something so bloody stupid again!
                This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                • "I need a set of rotors for my truck. I'll be there in half an hour. Can you set them aside for me? My name is Grant."

                  It was a slow day. I was bored, and these particular rotors weren't terribly heavy. Were it at all busy, I would have blown him off.
                  We close the store an hour and an half later than he promised to arrive, and rotors sat on counter all day the next day until I put them away just before I went home. I don't know if Grant ever showed up for his rotors. Probably went to another store and threw a fit when the rotors he had wanted were not there and everyone was clueless about his phone call. THIS is precisely why auto parts stores do not pull parts until you actually show up asking for the part.

                  Miss Great Customer Service does this on a daily basis: pull parts for customer only for those of us closing to put most of them back on the shelf just before closing. It isn't her problem that I can't even get into my cash drawer for all of the parts she has piled up with sticky notes saying that Grant, Jim, or Charlie will be in that night to pick up.
                  Last edited by Captain Neon; 01-03-2017, 01:00 PM.


                  • I took the time to email you and let you know how to get that employee's email off the list. You don't even have to make an extra call. So no, I'm not responding to your request to do it myself. I have to take other clients' calls right now. I wish I had time to do all this extra stuff for people.
                    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                    • Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
                      Scissors do indeed disappear. Many years ago, I go tired of my sweetie "accidently" using my good scissors, so I bought 2 cheap sets of 5. This means that currently, there are 13 pairs of scissors in our 1500 sf home. I know where 5 pairs are.
                      I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with the scissor problem. And the same solution. Hubs recently asked why there were three pairs in the kitchen drawer. "Because two are usually missing!" {note two out of three are kitchen scissors, so they are meant to cut backbones out of chickens, crack nuts, and stuff like that, but SOMEONE uses them for cutting paper, opening boxes, etc.)

                      If I had to count, I suspect I have more than 13 pairs, and at least a half dozen box cutter/utility knives. (not counting the good fabric shears, or the scrapbooking fancy-edges types) It looks ridiculous when I mange to gather them together, but I know it will be a fleeting reunion.
                      Smile, or I'll smack you silly!
                      At what age does a vampire become a crazy old bat? :[


                      • Again with not paying attention. You are only bipedal, I'm pushing a large metal cart loaded with about half a pallet's worth of glass and liquid--heavy enough that once I get it moving, stopping as quickly as you seem to think I can poses a hazard for everyone. I'm certainly moving slowly enough that you can see me (and see that I cannot see in front of the cart). MOVE IT!

                        No, it's not free if you can't decipher the internal item name/SKU on the shelf tag. Although I must admit I haven't personally heard that one before.
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • The 100% satisfaction guarantee that you just brought up only applies to items you purchased from us, not a toy purchased off amazon from a different company.


                          • Quoth vikingchyk View Post
                            If I had to count, I suspect I have more than 13 pairs, and at least a half dozen box cutter/utility knives. (not counting the good fabric shears, or the scrapbooking fancy-edges types) It looks ridiculous when I mange to gather them together, but I know it will be a fleeting reunion.
                            Well, darn. After reading your post, I realized that I was forgetting all the scissors but the cheap ones and my good needlework scissors. So, I had to get up and look in the bathroom for the grooming and bandage scissors. Some were missing. How about the pet grooming scissors? Some were missing. Kitchen shears, 1 was missing.

                            You know how when you are in a long term relationship with someone, you pick the hills worth dying over? This might just become one.

                            He's currently out of town and I have plans to search his mancave. There will be pics of each offending item where I found it before returning it to its rightful place texted to him. That should be sufficiently annoying to make him think about putting the scissors back where he got them.


                            • Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                              We have a free air pump, but the downside to that is that around 60% of the time, it's gonna be out of order cuz of the abuse that SCs give to it. Examples of said abuse: (Please assume that each example has happened many, many times)

                              1. Hose torn out by the roots cuz some twat forgot to take it off his tire.

                              2. Nozzle ripped off and stolen, probably to make into a crack pipe.

                              3. Nozzle ripped off and not stolen; brought into shop by SC invoking the "Shaggy Defence"*

                              4. Nozzle run over due to idiot not winding up hose after use and leaving it lying in the road.

                              5. Air pump totalled after dickhead crashed into it.

                              Cue tantrums when other customers show up and see that our air pump is, once again, out of order and they are going to have to pay a whole 50p to use the one down the road. If people are nice, we let them use our portable, but if they're ranting and raving? No chance.

                              * "It wasn't me!"
                              I'm pretty sure that this sort of thing is the reason why the servo I usually go to has an air pump with a nozzle that you have to hold in place - it does the job just fine, but nobody's ever going to drive off with it still attached to their tyre!

                              (I bet people run over it a lot, though...)


                              • And it was too late to edit when I remembered the reason I came here to complain about a stealth SC. She patiently stood in line with a full view of the waiting room. When she got to the check in counter she quietly explained that she was here to apply for benefits because she had just lost her job.

                                I'd be happy to help, let me finish the check in process, could you please type your social security number in the keypad?


                                OK, do you want to write it down and I'll type it in for you?

                                No! I'm not giving you my social security number! I don't know who you are!

                                While standing up and holding up my ID. My name is Slave and I'm a food stamp worker.

                                After going through that hurdle, I got her checked in and gave her a card with her number on it and told her to go to the kiosk desk so she could fill out her application and then wait for a worker to call her.

                                She promptly lost her s***. She wasn't going to put her private information online (the same system that we use, not public). She didn't have time to wait for someone to see her. She had things to do, she was looking for work and didn't have time to waste filling out applications. She wanted to see a manager right away.

                                Her wish was granted and she was given a number and made to wait in line.

                                Dear customers. You will wait for your number to be called unless there is a medical emergency. If there is a medical emergency, we will call an ambulance and if you are cleared to stay, you will then be next in line or not, depending on what the EMT's say. If they say you can wait, you will wait.
                                Last edited by Slave to the Phone; 01-06-2017, 02:14 AM.

