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Sucktomer Random Thoughts Thread

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  • Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
    Well, darn. After reading your post, I realized that I was forgetting all the scissors but the cheap ones and my good needlework scissors. So, I had to get up and look in the bathroom for the grooming and bandage scissors. Some were missing. How about the pet grooming scissors? Some were missing. Kitchen shears, 1 was missing.

    You know how when you are in a long term relationship with someone, you pick the hills worth dying over? This might just become one.

    He's currently out of town and I have plans to search his mancave. There will be pics of each offending item where I found it before returning it to its rightful place texted to him. That should be sufficiently annoying to make him think about putting the scissors back where he got them.
    Feeling a bit testy about the absconding, are you?!


    • Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
      ... think about putting the scissors back ...
      Stabbity! Stabbity! is much too good for such...
      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


      • Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
        Well, darn. After reading your post, I realized that I was forgetting all the scissors but the cheap ones and my good needlework scissors. So, I had to get up and look in the bathroom for the grooming and bandage scissors. Some were missing. How about the pet grooming scissors? Some were missing. Kitchen shears, 1 was missing.

        You know how when you are in a long term relationship with someone, you pick the hills worth dying over? This might just become one.

        He's currently out of town and I have plans to search his mancave. There will be pics of each offending item where I found it before returning it to its rightful place texted to him. That should be sufficiently annoying to make him think about putting the scissors back where he got them.
        I'm part of some forums for people who do embroidery (and therefore often have special small sharp extra pointy scissors that are ONLY to be used for threads). Some have gotten a small padlock and locked the handles together so their families don't use their stitchy scissors for general use. Like this:


        • Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
          Well, darn. After reading your post, I realized that I was forgetting all the scissors but the cheap ones and my good needlework scissors. So, I had to get up and look in the bathroom for the grooming and bandage scissors. Some were missing. How about the pet grooming scissors? Some were missing. Kitchen shears, 1 was missing.

          You know how when you are in a long term relationship with someone, you pick the hills worth dying over? This might just become one.

          He's currently out of town and I have plans to search his mancave. There will be pics of each offending item where I found it before returning it to its rightful place texted to him. That should be sufficiently annoying to make him think about putting the scissors back where he got them.
          Good luck

          I tried buying the cheap sets in different colors, so color = room (so, kitchen = red, because I might get stabby if I cannot find scissors when I'm cooking. OK, and my kitchen color is red That theory lasted for about a fortnight, when DH decided he need a pair next to his chair - supposedly so he wouldn't take any others - and it happened to be one of the small red ones. OK, all the red ones *except* that pair, belong in the kitchen. And two that were part of a 4 piece set, and have gone... somewhere else.
          Smile, or I'll smack you silly!
          At what age does a vampire become a crazy old bat? :[


          • Don't randomly call me up because you cannot get a hold of one of the system administrators, then launch into a long winded explanation of your problem (which I can't fix, because I am not an SA) THEN get snarky when I interrupt to tell you I cannot help because I'm not an SA. "Thanks for your expertise." Really dude?? What am I supposed to do, let you drone on for however long, then tell you I cannot help? I could barely find a space to interrupt in the first place! Is there a verbal equivalent of BLUF? Please use it.

            RD: Rando Doofus

            RD: Is SAbot1 there?
            Me: He's not in yet.
            RD: Is SAbot2 there?
            Me: He's still on vacation.
            RD: Maybe you can help me, Iwasinonwhateverdayanditpromptedme tochangemypassword soIhadtotryitthreetimes beforeIcouldgetitaccepted becauseIwasdistractedbyasquirrelSQUIRREL!! andnowIthinkmyaccount---
            Me : I can't help. I'm not an SA.

            RD: {BLUF:} I need my account unlocked and maybe my password changed.
            Me: I can't help. I'm not an SA

            Don't call me.
            (note that I do not share a phone line with the SAs, so RD had to look up in the directory to see who sits near them and call a different number)

            (BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front; that's what they use for internal email or blogs here, instead of TL;DR )
            Note: I might have exaggerated about the squirrel.
            Smile, or I'll smack you silly!
            At what age does a vampire become a crazy old bat? :[


            • Quoth Minflick View Post
              Feeling a bit testy about the absconding, are you?!
              Have I once complained to him about being gone for an unknown amount of time to be not less than 3 weeks and leaving me to deal with the cats? I have not. Have I complained about having to listen to his customers yell at me instead of their insurance agent or adjuster? Not a single word. Have I complained about how empty our bed is without him, well maybe I have mentioned that, but only in passing.

              It turns out that the scissors were the straw that broke the camel's back. I am currently up to 14 absconded pairs. I know there are more in there because after the third pair I got so upset that I also started cleaning so now my search is taking me longer.

              I'm sending him pics of the cleaned areas and he is now really suffering over his stealing ways.


              • I caught my late DH using my best scissors to trim business card stock... There was volume directed at him. Repeatedly. That started our having a 'kitchen' scissors (HERE - do anything you like with them! New! Sharp! YOURS!!) See THESE? These are MINEMINEMINE, and you shall NOT use them for any reason. Ever! I have replaced my fabric scissor that you ruined, at your expense, and they are forbidden to you... (and our eventual children)

                Everybody got their own scissors, and knew that Mom Would Yell if mine were touched for any reason whatsoever. And I hid them, making them too much work for DH to find.


                • lol, you guys. I come back and there's still scissor talk. I know very well how it is to lose scissors and have to buy new ones, or have someone cutting wire (!) and be very confused at why I'm pissed at her.

                  It's just how these customers acted like the idea of buying a replacement pair was the stupidest thing they'd ever heard in their whole life. Like I was suggesting buying a pair of solid gold water skies. And I should just hand over a pair from the cutting counter and let them go to town on whatever random item they have, sometimes an item they brought from home. And me denying them the use of store scissors completely ruined their day/week/life, they were completely at a loss of what to do when I said no.
                  Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                  • Scissors are serious business!

                    In your line of work, I'd guard my scissors with my life. You just know that they do have scissors at home, they just don't want to damage them when they can damage yours for free.


                    • I'm not much of a sewer (though I do like to try to reuse fabric from old towels / clothing) but I do have enough experience with my machine to know why my mother threatened my sister and I with dire death should we ever use her orange-handled scissors for our construction paper projects.
                      "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                      • 1) Cussing at me and berating the quality of the parts we sell when you provided incomplete or wrong information does not make me more willing to solve your problem. It merely makes me want to expedite you out the door.

                        2) Your car starts slower than it did in August.
                        a) It is -20 degrees out.
                        b) Out of specification (too thick) cheap oil.
                        c) Starter starting to wear out.
                        d) Alternator starting to wear out.
                        e) Poor spark.
                        f) Cheap gas.
                        The problem does not reside in the 3 mo. old battery that only had 9v left in it because of excessive cranking and short trips. Even a good alternator will not fully charge a battery in 5 min. No, I'm not going to warrant the battery and give you another one free because you can't wait two hours for me to charge yours back up and test it.

                        3) I did not short you $22. I counted your change 3x before I gave it to you, including the time I counted it out for you. Don't come back two hours later and claim that you were shorted. He's probably calling the store this morning and talking to my other boss to accuse me of stealing. I'll go work at the Gold Hexagon, if I have to!

                        #1 & #2 were multiple times all weekend. #3 really ticked me off.

                        4) New Guy rant
                        a) hired so that the rest of us can get at least one Sunday off each month: won't work Sundays
                        b) calls in, asks to swap or cover every week
                        c) only mops by the door at closing, if at all. My mop bucket was full of swamp water after just mopping one short aisle, and took 3x longer to mop store than usual. I probably should have changed my mop water half-way through.
                        d) he's obviously just here for the discount and to regale us all with his drag racing stories, and the store manager won't fire anyone. This was the first guy to stay longer than one day in over a year.


                        • Quoth Captain Neon View Post
                          The problem does not reside in the 3 mo. old battery that only had 9v left in it because of excessive cranking and short trips. Even a good alternator will not fully charge a battery in 5 min. No, I'm not going to warrant the battery and give you another one free because you can't wait two hours for me to charge yours back up and test it.
                          One manufacturer of AGM batteries (they're the ones who do the "cut sheet" batteries, rather than the "coil" batteries) specifically documents that big-bore custom motorcycles WILL have problems, and that the battery is NOT at fault. These bikes take more juice to crank than a normal bike (due to the big-bore engine), and tend to be run for VERY short times (trailer to the meet, ride the last couple blocks, ride back to the trailer) so the battery doesn't get a chance to recharge. Same battery on a bike that gets ridden to Sturgis and Daytona would have zero problems.
                          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                          • The shelves are organized by brand, generally. Don't get condescending when I answer "We have multiple brands of [pasta type]" in response to "where is your [pasta type]?" Only two or maybe three brands have the exact same shelf layout all the time; generally we shuffle things around to fill in holes as needed.

                            [what is it with people thinking that fettucine is a brand? Yes, I did have a woman get that 'you poor girl' tone with me when I didn't point her to the 'fettucine section']
                            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                            • Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                              The shelves are organized by brand, generally. Don't get condescending when I answer "We have multiple brands of [pasta type]" in response to "where is your [pasta type]?"
                              Haha, I had the exact same problem at the fabric store! "Where is your chevron?" That is a print, that isn't a type of fabric so I'd have to ask "what kind of fabric are you looking for, a cotton?"

                              People could get super condescending when I had to ask questions, which was all. the. time. The store has items in multiple places, I'm not asking because I don't know what you're asking for, I'm asking because I don't want to direct you to the wrong place, heaven knows why I even care...
                              Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                              • Quoth notalwaysright View Post
                                Haha, I had the exact same problem at the fabric store! "Where is your chevron?"
                                Tell them it's right next to the plaid and to the left of the stripes...if you get to the polka dots, you've gone to far.

