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This has probably been mentioned before but..

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  • This has probably been mentioned before but..

    .. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE READ?! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a snob (hell, my school was and still is the crappiest educational establishment EVER) but for gawd's sake..

    "But it says "Buy One Get One Free" on the shelf"
    "Yes, but that's not on that product. It also says "On Head and Shoulders" not "On Pantene" which is what this is. You c*nt"*

    * Which is, of course, what I'm thinking, not saying. I'm actually saying

    "Hmm, yes, it is very confusing isn't it? Not very clear at all..."

  • #2
    They could read... but as long as the word "free" is in there somewhere, then it *must* apply to whatever it is that they are buying.

    Actually, I recently bought a $6 bottle of body-wash from the supermarket, it had something on it saying 100% cash back offer. Yes, I did take advantage of the offer - frankly, if all I need to do is fill in a short form and send it to the manufacturer, then, yeah, why not get "free" money?

    However, I'm sure that promotion would have caused headaches for the cashiers - all the SCs saying "It says 100% cash back, can't you just give it to me for free now?" and the cashier having to explain that it is a manufacturer promotion, not a store promotion.


    • #3
      That's like the Walkers "Try Me Free!*" promotion on their baked crisps.

      "But it says free on the bag"
      "Yes, but you need to phone PepsiCo, who will send you a cheque to cover the phone bill and purchase of the crisps (about 50p all in all)


      • #4
        When I worked at Red Dog Blue Catco, we had a sale that came around about every four weeks where two or three SPECIFIC formulas of Science Diet dog food would be $7.00 off. The signs clearly stated, for example, "7.00 off select formulas of Science Diet: Adult Lite, Mature Adult, Adult Large Bites."

        Without fail, at least 10 SCs a day would bring up, say, Adult Small Bites and pitch a, "BUUUUT the sign SAIIIIIIIID $7.00 OFF!" fit.
        My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

        Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


        • #5
          I know exactly how you feel, is it really so hard to read? When I work self checkouts I can't tell you how many people get pissed because they can't scan, and it's because they need to answer a question on the screen.
          "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


          • #6
            Not only do they not read, they turn it into something else entirely

            This was one of those 'I thought I'd seen everything, but apparently I was wrong' moments. I guess I still haven't worked at S______ long enough for that! And it's been 21 years...

            A customer came thru my till with her groceries, including two items that she told me: "If I buy item A, then item B is free."

            Needless to say, item B didn't come up as a free item, so I looked in that week's flyer to see what the deal was...

            The ad clearly stated, in very large print: Buy item A and item B and receive 10 Bonus Airmiles. No free products anywhere. I immediately showed her the ad cuz I wanted to stop the inevitable bitch and moan session before it got started.

            And you all know what happened next... of course... the disgruntled: "I don't want them then."

            Whatever, lady - it's not my fault you choose to see something that's not there, then try to force your idea of reality on me. I mean really - how do you turn 'buy A and B and get 10 Bonus Airmiles' into 'buy A and get B free'???

            OT: woohoo - I finally made my 100th post!
            Last edited by Zinjadu; 12-27-2007, 09:18 PM. Reason: 100th post!
            It's like I'm wearing Eau de Moron and all of the idiots and assholes are attracted to me... -JuniorMintz


            • #7
              READING. It'S FUNDAMENTAL.

              Earlier this month, my clothing store sent a mass mailing of postcards to announce our End-of-Season Sale which started on Dec. 17. The postcard is just advertising; it is not a coupon.

              The copy reads: "Save up to 50% on selected styles."

              OK, let's review, because this is tricky <eye roll> ....

              1. "UP TO" 50% off. Some markdowns, therefore, will reflect a lower percentage off than 50 per cent.

              2. "SELECTED" styles. Some garments are marked down, not EVERYTHING.

              All righty. Is that clear? Yes, of course, TO US, it is. However .................

              Since Dec. 17, hardly a day has gone by without some dimwit protesting at checkout:

              A. "But I have this coupon for 50% off everything!!"

              B. "But I got something in the mail that said your store is all 50% off!!"

              C. "This ISN'T 50% off??????" [shocked; offended; near tears]

              Nine times out of ten, all of the above happen after they do that "post-purchase intensive inspection of the receipt" thing, and then they change their minds, and we have to return and re-ring and explain and politely struggle to conceal our sneering disgust at their incredible stupidity.

              Approaching burnout,



              • #8
                Quoth RetailActress View Post
                "But I have this coupon for 50% off everything!!"
                Hahahahahaha. This.

                Our coupons are 20% OFF OF ANY SINGLE ITEM(!)
                "...How is THAT my total? What about my 20%?"
                "Yes, you saved $8."
                "UM, NO. I SHOULD HAVE SAVED AT LEAST 40."
                "That would be true if this coupon said 'Entire purchase.'"
                "You mean it DOESN'T?!"

                Nine times out of ten, all of the above happen after they do that "post-purchase intensive inspection of the receipt" thing, and then they change their minds, and we have to return and re-ring and explain and politely struggle to conceal our sneering disgust at their incredible stupidity.
                OH, GOD, THIS.

                Approaching burnout.
                This, too.


                • #9
                  I work at sonic and I have read our menus several times while cleaning them, and promise, the BLT is the only thing that we sell that is not on the menu.

                  I am considering strangling the next person that begins a sentence with " do you have ..."
                  Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
                  What does it mean?
                  I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.


                  • #10
                    It says right there 'w/ $25 purchase'. It says right there 'Limit 2'. I know the print is small, but you're a fucking regular. Learn to read the damn sign.
                    The High Priest is an Illusion!


                    • #11
                      Am I the only one who can't get to page 2 of this thread?
                      DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin’ round here!
                      Nicholas Angel: Like who?
                      DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
                      Nicholas Angel: Who else?
                      DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers’ mums.


                      • #12
                        There was no page 2 it looks like, but it said there was. Oh well, ignore me then
                        DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin’ round here!
                        Nicholas Angel: Like who?
                        DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
                        Nicholas Angel: Who else?
                        DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers’ mums.


                        • #13
                          Coupons totally suck.

                          How hard is it to understand $10.00 off a purchase of $50.00 or more.

                          No, $47.97 does NOT qualify. No, I am not kidding....Yes, I am serious. Go find something that is $2.03. No, this is not dishonest nor is it deceptive. Go ahead and call the news to tell them how we are ripping customers off.

                          Someone else did it for you? Doubtful because there is NO WAY to override it in the computer. Even if it was possible, I am not 'someone else.' As sucky as it is, I'd actually like to KEEP my job.

                          This does not even touch on all the exclusions.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Eddie The 'Ead View Post
                            Am I the only one who can't get to page 2 of this thread?


