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Race Card and The Mail...

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  • Race Card and The Mail...

    Okay so I'm about 5'5" and was on a crappy route and I do mean crappy route. The longest anyone was on this route was three years but that guy is still over playing in the sand and can't come home yet. He needs to come home...seriously.

    So as I get to one section there are the cluster boxes where people have to use a key on their door to get their mail. It sits between two great big old Victorian houses that must have been drop dead gorgeous when they were brand new. Lace like work around the windows, real slate on the roofs. One even has miniature gargoyles on the eight or ten corners, one is quite large in the front of the house. They have been broken down to 10 apartments, two per floor, and the other has 5 apartments where every apartment is a whole floor.

    So as I'm putting mail into the two cluster boxes a guy comes out who is about twice my size and a good foot taller. One thing to mention since it was used is I'm lily white right now because of my Swedish/German heritage and will go to a deep tan in the summer where I look very much like the other half of my heritage as native American. And he is ery much black, and I mean clack black. I would have marveled him as being a ebony god before he opened his mouth and came off so horribly.

    SG: The sucky guy...
    Me: The wonderful cute sweet little ol me.

    SG: Aw it's the cute little girl mail lady,,,Hey there sweet thing.
    Me: *raising an eyebrow* Uh...Hi. Can I help you?
    SG: Sure can sweetheart... I need a key.
    Me: Have to talk to your landlord.
    SG: Aw come on Babe they want to charge me money for one.
    *Note: This is at the time when I remembered that this complex starts out with two keys if there is a couple. And will give up to ONE extra if one of the first two are lost/broken. But all three, even pieces MUST be turned in when leaving.*
    Me: Sorry your going to have to talk to them.
    SG: Can't you just give me one?
    Me: Nope, I don't have spares.
    SG: Well can't you give me a new lock?
    Me: We're not allowed to deal with locks only maintenance can.
    SG: Well can't you fill out a form to get me know under the table?
    Me: I don't have access to those forms. Your Landlord can get to them.
    SG: Listen, I NEED a new key.
    Me: I can't help you your going to have to talk to your Landlord.
    SG: Fuck this you prissy little white bitch you just don't want to help me cause I'm black.
    Me: *slams the back of the cluster box closed and glares at the guy giving me a smug look* OH NO You just did NOT pulling the fucking race card on me. *guys smug look starts to fade* You are not only being disrespectful to yourself but more to me for pulling that crap. If we were at a training camp *my voice is getting louder with this sentence* I would make you do push ups until your arms fell off. *almost shouting now* So get back to your fucking apartment and clear it out to find those three fucking keys.
    SG: *backing away a bit and then stops and starts to take a step forward*
    Me: NOW! *literally growls this out in a very barking order*
    SG: *runs as fast as he can inside*

    He hasn't called into the office yet but I have a feeling if he doesn't by the end of this week, he won't. After all would you want to admit that you got told off by a girl almost half your size? And yes it's a major offense for me to have sweard but this has a been a long day or I bet anything I could have done it without swearing.

  • #2
    that is a colossal round of complete PWNAGE!

    yay, for us shorties; never underestimate the power of onery, for we have it in spades!

    wtf, all that over a key, that was, as you said, most likely buried somewhere in his apartment? lazy asshat, go through that dungheap of a living space and FIND those keys or pay the fee.

    don't harrass the mail lady, or she'll just hand you your ass again, with a side of fries.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3

      You just scared the pants off me.
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #4

        I pay homage to your great and wondeful self. Just brilliant. For all intelligent blacks, I thank you.
        "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

        Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


        • #5
          Who cares if you swore. I'm sick and tired of wimpy twits ... "oh my gosh, you used a bad word after I insulted you and asked you to do illegal/unethical things!"
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            *stares at Aethian in fear and awe*
            damn i thought i saw scary, i feel like i should give my body to you


            • #7
              Maybe it's just me, but if someone swears at you, I think it's ok give em back the same as they give you. Go even harder on the language if you want to. They opened the door, you're just stepping through it.
              Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


              • #8
                *not scared*

                if they're going to start swearing I'll match what they say, but not bring any new words into the conversation

                but my managers allow us to kind of stick up for ourselves(if someone is abusing us call a manager, not really the most efficient way of getting heavy stuff into their car), so our customers try not to piss us off too bad most of the time


                • #9
                  Definitely deserved it, they know it themselves how disgraceful it is to pull the race card on petty crap like that but they'll do it anyway. Besides, like said above if he's swore at you, IMO that gives you the right to swear right back to that level, at least doing what your doing anyway with nobody but the offender around you.
                  - Boochan


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boochan View Post
                    Besides, like said above if he's swore at you, IMO that gives you the right to swear right back to that level
                    I once had this exchange:

                    SC: "WELL F*** YOU!"
                    Me: "Same to you."

                    SC reported it to my manager as "he swore at me". Manager didn't even bother following up the complaint.


                    • #11
                      Allow me to kneel and bow and scrape at the pwnage!

                      And besides, short girls are sexy as hell. I'd be too busy being distracted and staring to give attitude


                      • #12
                        Power to the small people!
                        Would you like a Stummies?


                        • #13

                          That was nothing but awesome!
                          Experience is knowing how not to get your teeth kicked in - again. -- The Freethinker

                          "And that... entitles you to no mercy at all, no matter what." -- from Going Postal by Terry Pratchett


                          • #14

                            Never fails, never met a bully who wasn't a coward.
                            Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                            • #15
                              Heh, yup, that was an incredibly awesome way of dealing with that ass - kudos.

