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Wherein I derive amusement from sorrow

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  • Wherein I derive amusement from sorrow

    Behold my tales of woe...


    As I walked into the Skytrain station this evening I heard, then bore witness to a odd, weaselly little skaterb0i ratman desperately trying to serenade nearby females with his crooning mating call. The problem is his choice of song was, and I quote: "You could tell she was a whore" "I knew she liked it!" with the refrain "The sweet taste of her vagina~. Oh yeah, the sweet taste of her vagina~".

    Judging by the reactions of the girls near him, the only way this man has ever tasted vagina is if he was born with his mouth open.

    Hot Tips for America

    Note to Americans: If you’re coming up to Canada and considering lying about your age to pick up hawt young Canadian guys, it’s probably not a wise idea to print out a new birth date to make you younger then gluing it over your passport DOB. Oddly enough, the border guards will notice and they will have a bit of a problem with that. They will also be bemused by your stupidity and do very little to hide it.

    Calling me to whine for help won't get you very far either. Because I'm bemused by your stupidity as well and have very little inclination of helping you out of the pit you've dug yourself. The only way this could get any better is if I heard the snap of a latex glove in the background.

    The Crossroad

    SC: “Yeah, is Bob there?”
    Me: “Did you need to speak with him again?”
    SC: “Yes”
    Me: “Alright, I can page him again for you.”
    SC: “Uh…”
    Me: “Did you need me to page him again?”
    SC: “um…….uh……”

    Come on man, it’s a simple yes or no question. Unlike everything else in your life you actually have a 50/50 shot at this. This is your one chance to actually succeed at something! Don’t throw it away! You could taste a sweet sweet sip of nectar of accomplishment for one precious moment in your dark, barren lifetime! CHOOSE WISELY.


    Me: “Ok, and what’s the product ID number please?”
    SC: “Like, you mean, like, the ID number?”

    Like, oh my gawd, totally, yes.

    Give it, you craven harpy hatchling. Then return to the nest of glitter eyeshadow, Bratz Dolls and Hannah Montana DVD cases from whence you came and resume screeching weak minded idioms at passing boys in the hopes of finding a mate that’s like, totally cool that you can totally gush about on your MySpace to your friends and like OMIGAWD he is soooooo hawt.


    Me: “and your name please?”
    SC: “Uh…..umm…..”

    This is not a question that should require a 10 second pause before you can fully decipher the answer. This is not a trick question. This is not a riddle. This is not a test. The fate of the world does not rest upon your answer. This is merely your name. Do not be alarmed.

    Deep breaths, shitwits, deep breaths.

    Is That You God?

    Me: “Good morning, <company>.”
    SC: “Yeah, this is Joseph. Mary wants to talk to you.”
    Me: “..ok?”

    Wait, you mean like….biblically? Damn, should I be getting some Myrrh or something?

    No, no I'm not.

    SC: “I can’t hear you, are you even speaking into the phone?!”

    No, I actually have my headset stuffed down my shirt. You’re engaged in a lively conversation with my left armpit and I’m merely serving as a translator. It is my belief and fervent hope that I can use my linguistic skills to bridge the gap between both of your people’s and finally negotiate peace between you. Thus bringing this bloody conflict to an end.

    How about No

    SC: “Alright, Let’s do it!”

    …I think you’re misunderstanding the purpose of booking a hotel room here. I don’t actually come with the room nor can I provide you with any You’re going to have to find some other way to ward of loneliness this evening. However, you are in Las Vegas so I don’t imagine you’ll have much trouble. Although there would be an additional charge ontop of the room rate. Just FYI.


    SC: “Ok, so call this number for the hotel shuttle?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “Can I have the hotel address too?”
    Me: “..sure.”
    SC: “Just in case they ask.”

    …..just in case the hotel shuttle driver asks you how to get back to his own hotel? Of course. I mean, it’s not like it’s his job to drive to and from the airport all night or anything. They probably just pulled in some random hobo off the street, gave him the keys and promised him a taco if he could make it to the airport and back without killing anyone. Now it’s up to you to guide him to Mexi-melt salvation.

    Try Harder.

    SC: “Yeah, can I get a cab?”
    Me: “I’m sorry, you’re calling the wrong number.”
    SC: “It’s not the wrong number.”
    Me: “…yes it is.”

    You’re going to have to come with a more compelling argument then “Na-uh!” if you’re trying to convince me to make a sudden, drastic change of career to cater to your sorry ass.


    SC “So what time should I call to speak with a real person, not an operator?”

    Ah, thanks. I’d almost made it 24 hours without being demeaned as a human being. Can’t have that now can we.


    SC: “The fridge is like off or something. I think its broken. I’m a woman, so I don’t know about these things.”

    That’s…er…hmm. Wow. There’s so many things wrong with that statement but it’s kind of hard to figure out a way to point them out. Are you actually allowed to be sexist towards your own gender? Don’t they revoke your membership card or something if you do that? At the very least you must lose TV privileges for a while.

    Me Niether, Really.

    SC: “I’m not that good with English or American so you’ll have to speak slower.”

    Don’t worry, I’m not that good with it either to be honest. They keep taking the U’s out of everything on me.

    Kindred Spirits

    OC: “What did he say his problem was?”
    Me: “His cooler is down.”
    OC: “Oh, well, sucks to be him.”

    Finally, a client just as bitter and jaded as I am about our callers. Come, my brother! Let us point at misfortune and laugh.

    Oh Come On...


    Caller had one computer down on site and no idea what was wrong with it. Caller has tried everything to get it up and running to no avail. Caller is desperate because its his main point of sale computer and he's losing customers.


    Tech was dispatched. Tech assessed situation. Tech called back to report that the caller had NOT TURNED THE COMPUTER ON. Yes, that's right. His whole store was down, he lost hundreds of dollars worth of business and just spend hundreds of dollars calling in a tech because he didn't turn the computer ON.

    A single press of a button was all that stood between him and salvation.


    Me: “Ok, and what size would you like?”
    SC: “I don’t know. One sec. Let me ask my son. He’s the one ordering.”

    No, you’re the one ordering. If he’s the one that wants it then put his stupid ass on the phone and let me speak directly with his majesty so that I’m not playing phone relay with the two of you for the rest of the call.

    SC: “He says he prefers 4XL.”

    Oh does he now? His majesty has spoken! Seriously, give Chunt the Pit Stain King the phone please. I want to hear this straight from the walrus's mouth so to speak. I refuse to converse with mere servants such as yourself. I demand ROYALTY~!

    I Cracked a Little.

    Me: “The office opens at 8am pacific”
    SC: “What does that mean?!”
    Me: “…that the office opens at 8am pacific?”
    SC: “Oh.”

    I’m not sure I was 100% successful in removing the “What are you? An idiot?” tone from my voice. But in my defense he’s an idiot and unlikely to notice.


    Me: “Good morning, <company>.”
    SC: “Huh?”
    Me: “Good morning, <company>.”
    SC: “Oh, I thought you were a telemarketer.”
    Me: “……”
    SC: “Anyway, I’d like to place an order.”

    Wait wait, back up sec, chimpy. You thought I was a telemarketer? You called *me*, and thought *I* was a telemarketer? I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Or do you not even remembering dialing the phone? Did you just regain consciousness now and realized you were on the phone? Is the subconscious need for pants so great that you’re actually sleep ordering?

    Me: “Ok, and can I have your phone number please?”
    SC: “It’s either xxxx or xxxx.”
    Me: “….pardon?”
    SC: “xxxx or xxxx”
    Me: “I need the full number.”
    SC: “xxxx or xxxx”
    Me: “I need your phone number, please.”
    SC: “That’s what I’m telling you!!~#eleventysquid!”
    Me: “I need the entire number, please.”
    SC: “Oh, ok. It’s xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx.”

    Ok, not only do you somehow expect me to divine your entire phone number from 4 digits but you actually offered me two different options of 4 digits to choose from. As if that somehow helps. Am I suppose to somehow cross reference both sets of numbers against every town in Canada and narrow it down to the towns that only have numbers ending in those two options? Then I can cross reference the results against population and find the one town that has a population of less than 500 ( But only two family names ) and is so far north even the polar bears don’t have enough fur on their nuts to endure living there?

    Actually, that would probably work.

    Me: “Ok, and what would you like to order?”
    SC: “xxx-xx”
    Me: “….xxx-xx?”
    SC: “Yeah.”
    Me: “That’s one number short.”
    SC: “Huh?”
    Me: “What are the first four numbers?”
    SC: “xxx-xx.”
    Me: “That’s a number short. There should be four numbers before the dash. Are you sure its xxx-xx?”
    SC: “Yeah, it says right here on the page! Xxx-xx! I’m looking right at it.”
    Me: “That’s still a number short.”
    SC: “It’s right here in front of me.”
    Me: “xxx-xx?”
    SC: “yeah.”
    Me: “It should be four numbers before the dash, like xxxx-xx”
    SC: “Oh, yeah, xxxx-xx.”

    You know, I have a list that I’m saving for after I retire. It’s a list of people whom I intend to meticulously hunt down, one by one, by whatever means possible, and stab in the left ass cheek with one of those little yellow pokey things you stick in the end of corn on the cob so you can hold it, then twist it and yell “TUT TUT TALLYHO”. Then I will stab them in the right ass cheek and run off into the night squealing "FUCK YA! DOUBLE WORD SCORE!". Because I assume by the time I retire all of that will make perfect sense to me.

    You have just made this list.

    Me: “Ok, anything else?”
    SC: “Yeah, xxxx-xx”
    Me: “Hmm, I don’t have that in my catalogue here.”
    SC: “It’s in the summer catalogue. I have it right in front of me. On page 52. Right in the middle.”
    Me: “Summer 2008?”
    SC: “Yeah.”
    Me: “Alright, one moment let me grab the summer catalogues and check…”
    SC: “Ok.”
    Me: “On page 52?”
    SC: “Yeah, er, wait no, page 28.”
    Me: “28? I don’t see xxxx-xx on page 28.”
    SC: “Its right in the middle!”
    Me: “Right in the middle is xxxx-xx.”
    SC: “I’m looking right at it in your catalogue.”
    Me: “and you’re looking in Summer 2008?”
    SC: “Yeah.”
    Me: “xxxx-69?”
    SC: “Yeah.”
    Me: “…wait, do you mean xxxx-96?”
    SC: “Oh, yeah.”

    Your ass. Corn on the cob. Stab. Twist. TALLYHO.


    Me: “Ok, anything else?”
    SC: “Um. I haven’t finished looking through the catalogue…I’ll probably get a hoodie. Lemme look.”
    Me: “Alright.”

    This is something you should have done before you called. I know the excitement of ordering a single pair of pants coursing through your veins is neigh overwhelming, but you have to resist the urge to call until you’ve figured out everything you want. Otherwise, after ordering the pants, you’ll feel suddenly empty and confused with no where to go. Desperately pawing at the catalogue to try and once again find that sense of wonder and awe.

    SC: “Still looking….”
    Me: “……”
    SC: “…still looking….um….”
    Me: “…..”
    SC: "uhh....still looking...."

    No offense, but my shift ends in a mere 3 hours. You might want remember your daily feel good affirmation off the back of your Fruit Loops box and not be afraid to step up and make decisions.

    SC: “Ok, xxxx-xx”
    Me: “Alright, I only have that in black, actually.”
    SC: “What about grey?”
    Me: “I only have it black.”
    SC: “Oh, I like a light colour.”

    That’s fascinating. I wonder how many brain cells in my head were just wasted remembering that little gold nugget of information. I’ll keep that in mind for my Christmas shopping. Huffs With Paint from FUCK ITS COLD, Nunavut prefers light colours and has a fondness for pants. Duly noted.

    We Laugh.

    Me: “She says her unit is overrun with mice.”
    OC: “…overrun?”
    Me: “Overrun.”
    OC: “Hah, like they’re just running rampant?”
    Me: “Apparently.”
    OC: “Is she standing on a table?”
    Me: “Seems that way.”
    OC: “Hahahaa”

    Yes, that’s right. You’re standing on a table, on the “verge of a nervous breakdown” because your unit is “overrun with mice” and what do me and the maintenance guy do? Laugh at your misfortune. Because, well, it is kind of funny and we are cold, cold hearted men.

    annnd rest...
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 08-17-2008, 06:50 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post


    SC “So what time should I call to speak with a real person, not an operator?”

    Ah, thanks. I’d almost made it 24 hours without being demeaned as a human being. Can’t have that now can we.
    Dear SC,

    Please do the world a favor and DIE IN A FIRE. That is all.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post


      SC: “The fridge is like off or something. I think its broken. I’m a woman, so I don’t know about these things.”

      That’s…er…hmm. Wow. There’s so many things wrong with that statement but it’s kind of hard to figure out a way to point them out. Are you actually allowed to be sexist towards your own gender? Don’t they revoke your membership card or something if you do that? At the very least you must lose TV privileges for a while.
      *smacks forehead*

      And behold the birthplace of stereotypes!
      My NaNo page

      My author blog


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

        Me: “Ok, and what’s the product ID number please?”
        SC: “Like, you mean, like, the ID number?”

        Like, oh my gawd, totally, yes.

        Give it, you craven harpy hatchling. Then return to the nest of glitter eyeshadow, Bratz Dolls and Hannah Montana DVD cases from whence you came and resume screeching weak minded idioms at passing boys in the hopes of finding a mate that’s like, totally cool that you can totally gush about on your MySpace to your friends and like OMIGAWD he is soooooo hawt.
        That would be 818 (San Fernando Valley, California). Home of the Valley Girl.

        Like, totally...and junk.

        Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


        • #5
          Your schemes involving corn, which greatly entertaining, are also somewhat disturbing.

          Just saying.

          Though I think it's only fair to warn people - I've started seeing those pink camo hoodies down here, too...
          » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            SC: “The fridge is like off or something. I think its broken. I’m a woman, so I don’t know about these things.”

            That’s…er…hmm. Wow. There’s so many things wrong with that statement but it’s kind of hard to figure out a way to point them out. Are you actually allowed to be sexist towards your own gender? Don’t they revoke your membership card or something if you do that? At the very least you must lose TV privileges for a while.
            Yes, I sentence her to one week without Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, or the Lifetime Channel. She shall only be allowed to watch This Old House until she actually learns how to screw in a lightbulb.

            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post


              Me: “Ok, anything else?”
              SC: “Um. I haven’t finished looking through the catalogue…I’ll probably get a hoodie. Lemme look.”
              Me: “Alright.”

              This is something you should have done before you called. I know the excitement of ordering a single pair of pants coursing through your veins is neigh overwhelming, but you have to resist the urge to call until you’ve figured out everything you want. Otherwise, after ordering the pants, you’ll feel suddenly empty and confused with no where to go. Desperately pawing at the catalogue to try and once again find that sense of wonder and awe.

              SC: “Still looking….”
              Me: “……”
              SC: “…still looking….um….”
              Me: “…..”
              SC: "uhh....still looking...."

              No offense, but my shift ends in a mere 3 hours. You might want remember your daily feel good affirmation off the back of your Fruit Loops box and not be afraid to step up and make decisions.

              SC: “Ok, xxxx-xx”
              Me: “Alright, I only have that in black, actually.”
              SC: “What about grey?”
              Me: “I only have it black.”
              SC: “Oh, I like a light colour.”

              That’s fascinating. I wonder how many brain cells in my head were just wasted remembering that little gold nugget of information. I’ll keep that in mind for my Christmas shopping. Huffs With Paint from FUCK ITS COLD, Nunavut prefers light colours and has a fondness for pants. Duly noted.

              I already replied to this thread but I have been reading it at work and there were customers in, I just finished reading and oh my god, that highlighted part there made me almost hit the floor I was laughing so hard.
              "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                MySpace ..
                Wow. I wonder if folks in Nanuvut have Myspace profiles. I must see if I can search by location. I wonder if they'll have pink camo backgrounds and pimp juice comment boxes.
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                • #9
                  OK - now I have this visual of GK creeping around with a corn holder in his hand stalking his prey. Good thing that rule #1 doesn't apply to Mint 3 Musketeers or I would be shopping for a new keyboard.
                  "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                  • #10
                    Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                    Yes, I sentence her to one week without Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, or the Lifetime Channel. She shall only be allowed to watch This Old House until she actually learns how to screw in a lightbulb.

                    Court has ended. All rise.

                    Seriously, I know a couple of women who are capable of re-shingling a roof. What is up with this woman, is she living in the 1800's?
                    Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Huffs With Paint from FUCK ITS COLD, Nunavut prefers light colours and has a fondness for pants. Duly noted.
                      HAHAHAHEHEHEHAHAHA~#!!!!one! on1!!eone! hehe~#! SNORT~~


                      • #12
                        Seriously, GK, if you could just speak these out loud you could leave call-repping forever and make millions as a stand-up comedian. You have a GIFT, man.
                        "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                        • #13
                          Quoth Andrew B. View Post
                          Seriously, I know a couple of women who are capable of re-shingling a roof. What is up with this woman, is she living in the 1800's?
                          If she were, she'd probably know how to fix things that broke down around the house!
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            As I sat down with my dinner, reading the GK post that always ensures a giggle despite the hellacious day I've had, I came to the sudden realization that I needed to go back to the kitchen and remake part of my meal.

                            Suddenly, corn on the cob isn't as appetizing sounding as it was two minutes ago...


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Judging by the reactions of the girls near him, the only way this man has ever tasted vagina is if he was born with his mouth open.
                              Ouch. If that line was any further below the belt it would be crushed by tectonic pressure.

                              Be careful not to try that line in an open mike night at a standup comedy club. You'd need liability insurance for all the audience members needing emergency surgery to re-stitch their guts.
                              Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

