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Why did you continue to eat?

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  • #16
    Ha ha, BUSTED!!!!

    That is a good feeling being able to do that, isn't it? I know that I had some fun with a couple habitually rude people towards the end of my retail hell career.
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


    • #17
      Shooter: I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!
      Happy: You eat pieces of shit for breakfast!?
      Shooter: ...NO!

      I was just reminded of that scene from Happy Gilmore.
      It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
      -Helen Keller

      I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


      • #18
        This was a buffet, correct? Doesn't matter what type of buffet, there's usually something I don't like. The local chinese buffet serves chicken feet and frogs legs. I'm too squeamish to try it, but I'm not about to use this as an excuse for a refund. This guy was an ass.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #19
          Quoth Fufu487 View Post
          Why is it that people think they can use an item or service, and then demand a refund just because it's 'not to their liking'?? You ate the chicken, you disliked said chicken, yet continued to eat it. And then went back for more. It's quite obvious that you did, indeed, enjoy the chicken. Nice try, but no dice. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose.
          Because spineless manages let them. Case in point. Lat week we had three mostly eaten cakes get returned with only a little left. Cake was "bad." They all got refunds.


          • #20
            I have only demanded a refund at a theater once. The movie was "Four Rooms." A damn fine movie. Not that I would know it that day. Because while we were watching it, the projector stopped. Not once. Not twice. Not even three times. But after three interruptions in the movie, it finally stopped a fourth time. And by "finally" I mean FINALLY. As in, it stopped and didn't start again. BEFORE the movie was over, mind you.

            Needless to say, there were some angry people at the theater that day, and rightfully so. We demanded refunds. Of course, the manager wasn't there. Why? Who knows? "Incompetent ass" would be my guess. Anyways, the poor clerk was besieged by angry people, and actually got on the phone to call the manager to get his lazy ass down there. Most people decided it wasn't worth it, and just split, probably not going to that theater again. Me, I was one of the few that stayed. And I got my money back. And I never went to that theater again.

            At The Bar, if someone says their food or drink isn't right, after a bite or sip or two, we will gladly replace it. You slurp down that Miller Lite and THEN bitch about it? Too bad, so sad. What do you want me to do about a beer you have obviously disliked so much that you drank the whole thing? You know what I do when I get a beer that is skunky, or warm, or food that is not good or not cooked right? I TELL the staff IMMEDIATELY, and politely, and get it taken care of. And I have never had any trouble with this approach. You know what I do if I don't like the food but eat it anyway? I shut up and don't go back to that establishment. Either bitch and get it taken care of or shut the hell up.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #21
              NICE ONE!! Great calling the scammer out!
              The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


              • #22
                Quoth cinema guy View Post
                At the cinema, if anyone comes out of a movie that early, we will usually give them a refund. If they are nice about it.
                That's the policy at my local cinema. Any longer than the first half an hour and no refund.

