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Breaking Quarantine

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  • Breaking Quarantine

    YAY! Guess who's stuck at home with Swine Flu!? Yeah, it blows. Anyway, I figured that, since the Aion servers have failed me this morning, I'm going to regale you with some of my stories once more. So gather 'round the campfire, and prepare to partake in the sorrow of my life as my soul dies a little bit more.

    And a one...

    SC: Do you have any rooms this weekend?
    Me: No, unfortunately we're fully booked.
    SC: Oh, what's going on there, I thought it was a recession?

    Roll for humor. You have rolled a critical failure. The Reservations Agent is offended at your meager attempt, and has lashed out with a karmic fury to punish you for your act.

    Your intelligence, constitution, and willpower suffers a permanent -2 damage. You will be found hours from now huddled in the bathroom, crying about what a terrible person you are. Thank you for calling and have a nice day.

    And a two...

    SC: Do you have any rooms this weekend?
    Me: Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
    SC: There's no way, you have NO rooms left!?

    Oh fiddlesticks, yet another person passed the Lightning Round Challenge. You know, the same one I've had for years now? The one where I tell you we have no rooms, and you ask if we have any rooms, and magically more rooms are constructed just for you? Congratulations! You're a winner! Room Cardboard Box In The Alley will cost you $800, since I'm such a nice guy.

    And a three!

    SC: Do you have any rooms this weekend?
    Me: Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
    SC: What if I make a cash offer on top of the room rate?

    Ok, seriously, fuck you.

    And a four!?

    SC: Do you have any rooms this weekend?
    Me: Unfortunately, we're fully booked.
    SC: God damn...I can't believe you people would turn away a customer in this economy!
    Me: .....We have no rooms left to sell sir.
    SC: Yeah, sure, whatever. *click*



    .........................KILL IT WITH FIRE! I don't think you understand the irony of the situation...your douchebag response has actually made me HAPPY that we are turning you away. Don't you get that? Does that not compute? Here's the equation:

    If Customer=Douchebag, and Hotel=Full, and Customer=NotHereAndHangingUp, then Khiras=HappyAsAllHellAndDoingALittleDanceWithNoPan tsOn. should probably ignore that last part...


    So I might as well explain the Swine Flu thing...see, I sit between two co-workers in a corner. I go in last week, and find out the CW on my right is out since her son has H1N1, and may have given it to her. The CW on my left is also out puking her guts out at home.


    It takes me 2 days to develop symptoms, despite OCD-Cleaning the entire office with sanitizer and all sorts of things, sleeping extra, drinking more fluids, etc. So now, I'm stuck home for a week. Yay.

    Maybe you don't know what this place is...

    SC: Yeah..uh, I heard you all have rooms for $30 a night in October?
    Me: Er...where did you get this information? Our rates for the dates you want are starting at $289 and higher.
    SC: I seen it in thert margazine.
    Me: Which magazine?
    SC: The margazine with the hotels, it says you all at $30.
    Me: What is the name of the magazine? Your sure it lists the <hotel> ROOMS, instead of one of our restaurants?
    SC: Restaurants?
    Me: Yes sir.
    SC: I'm pretty sure it said rooms, but I don't own the margazine.
    Me: O...kay...unfortunately, the rates I have start at $289 and up; I can't do anything with the price you gave unless I can verify the ad.
    SC: <grumble grumble>
    Me: <Damn, I always forgot to buy the meat in Legend of Zelda for the Grumble Grumble guy...oh shit I'm not listening to him>
    SC: Yeah?
    Me: Er...I'm sorry?
    SC: *Click*

    Ok, so, let's define the problem. You want a room at a 4-star hotel for $30. The rooms actually cost $289 minimum. But the magical fairy "Margazine" (and yes, he really said it like that) told you it was cheaper! Unfortunately, you have no idea what the magical fairy "Margazine" was, and how I'm supposed to find it. Does that just about sum this problem up?

    Solution: I'm going to forget to listen to you, as I did, near the end of the conversation. During this time, I will eminate waves of absolute apathy, that should repel you.

    Result: Success! You hung up! Of course, you called back 8 more times that day and tried to con your way into a $30 room over and over, only realizing during the 9th call that you DID have the rooms, and it was advertising one of our dining services, not a room. Dumbass.

    Overhearing Fun Stuff

    So, I'm walking down the hall at the end of the day, and as I go past my friends at the Security Office, I hear the strangest thing:

    SO (Sec. Officer): How the hell did he close his penis in the door?


    Me: Wait, what?
    SO: Heh, oh, you'll love this one Khiras.

    Turns out, Captain Fleshtube visited us. Captain Fleshtube was a man of approximately 40 who had come to the hotel alone. Security received an emergency call from the man, as he was in extreme pain. Why? He was in the bathroom and somehow slammed his penis in the door.

    I'm going to repeat that, because it needs to be repeated. A lone man. In a hotel room bathroom. Somehow. Managed to slam. HIS PENIS. In the door.

    You can't make this shit up.

    The theories on his this occurred have kind of exploded all over the hotel, like a drawn out joke. The current lasting theory involves 7 endangered animals, an entire foreign sweatshop, Martha Stewart, the man's family, and a series of disemboweling hooks. And, of course, the offending door. I can't repeat the rest of the details here, since I'm pretty sure Rapscallion would kill me on sight if I typed it out here. Nevertheless..."The Aristocrats!"

    I think that's about it for this round of events...I'll come up with some more later I'd do it now, but my Aion servers are coming back up, and I'm a huge farking nerd who wants to play his characters, damnit.
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

  • #2
    Maybe the guy got his penis slammed in the door because he was trying to cum unhinged.

    (ducks flying fish!)
    Last edited by Sheldonrs; 10-01-2009, 05:17 PM.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      ...and that just made it all worse. GAH!

      *goes to find brain bleach*
      My NaNo page

      My author blog


      • #4
        You have to give a couple points to the guy who tried to toss in a cash bribe on top of the room rate to attempt to secure a room. Not that it would have made a difference, but at least he wasn't expecting an additional room to "show up" free of charge.



        • #5
          Quoth sirwired View Post
          You have to give a couple points to the guy who tried to toss in a cash bribe on top of the room rate to attempt to secure a room. Not that it would have made a difference, but at least he wasn't expecting an additional room to "show up" free of charge.
          Well, you add a few points because he wasn't stupid enough to think that rooms could appear magically.

          And then you subtract a whole raft of points because he wants to force someone else out on the streets who was better at planning than this douchebag.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Hugs and lots of tea to you. Hopw you feel better soon.

            I love the code....thankfully I had just put my tea down.


            • #7
              Quoth KhirasHY View Post
              I can't repeat the rest of the details here, since I'm pretty sure Rapscallion would kill me on sight if I typed it out here.
              Oh, I know the joke, or at least have heard several variants of it. A true classic.



              • #8
                So did Captain Fleshtube just come in from Bangkok?


                • #9
                  I have only one thought in my head at this point:

                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    What a way to end a night . . . with a soprano solo.
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      Ow ow ow ow ow....
                      And DGoddess, I don't think we mean Tony Soprano, that guy is definately NOT "Mr. Happy".
                      "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                        Maybe the guy got his penis slammed in the door because he was trying to cum unhinged.

                        (ducks flying fish!)
                        You are history's greatest monster!


                        • #13
                          CF's story certainly did not have a happy ending.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            "Hello. 911?.. Yea, yea it's Quagmire. Yea it's stuck in a window this time."
                            Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                              Maybe the guy got his penis slammed in the door because he was trying to cum unhinged.

                              (ducks flying fish!)
                              *aims low with thrown peanuts*

                              No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.

