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Of Felonies & First Impressions

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  • Of Felonies & First Impressions

    Gah, and I thought last week was bad....

    Oh Yeah, Totally

    Me: “Good evening, <company>, how may I help you?”
    SC: “Do ya’ll do driver’s licenses?”
    Me: “I’m sorry?”

    Know how I know you didn’t listen to a word I said? That aside, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “do driver’s licenses”. Do you think I’m the DMV? ….does the DMV have a 24 hour hotline?

    SC: “So you don’t do like fake driver’s licenses?”

    …..wait wait wait, back up a moment. You’re calling around for a fake driver’s license? Is there seriously some place that will not only readily commit a felony for you, but actually has a website and a toll free number? What the heck website were you on? I’m really curious now. You obviously were searching for this service online and came to a website where you believed this service could be purchased. Then without a second thought dialed up a toll free number despite the fact it’s quite doubtful that criminal forgery ring would have a website, call centre and toll free number. Though I guess uncovering any of those facts would require actually stopping and thinking any part of this plan through.

    Hey, you know who knows all the local forgers and counterfeiters? The FBI! Maybe you should give them a shout. I’m sure they could hook you up. They probably have a toll free number too!

    Processing Speed

    Me: “and your phone number please?”
    SC: “Uhhhhhh…..uhhhhh….”

    Ahhh….a sound I am intimately familiar with. Through no want nor fault of my own. The dying cry of someone’s mental bull moose toppling over in the desolate clearing of their mind. Mortally wounded by a pinpoint strike of inquiry.

    Me: “Alright, anything else?”
    SC: “Yeah…..uh….wait….uh..............”

    Very well.

    ( a minute later )

    SC: "xxxx"
    Me: "Alright, would you like anything else?”
    SC: “Uh, yeah……uh wait............uhhhh.....”

    …….Very well.

    ( .....two minutes of feverish page flipping later )

    SC: "uh, xxxx"
    Me: “Alright, anything else?”
    SC: “Uh, hang on.”

    …ok, look. I don’t mind that much when someone calls to place an order for 5+ items. However, if you’re going to be ordering so many items would you not have the foresight to oh, I don’t know, maybe make a list of the item numbers? Or at the very least mark what pages they’re on to save you from this desperate catalog safari? I’m not asking for much here. Just the slightest indication that you perhaps have at least a vague feeling that something is tragically wrong with the way you’re going about this. That while you may not fully comprehend the situation, you do at least sense, on some primal level, that you're missing something important.

    I realize that your intellect is basically a stubbornly inert bull moose corpse at this point. But if you could at least push it to the edge of a ravine and let gravity take over, maybe we could get through this faster.

    Why Of Course We Do

    Me: “Good morning, <domain registrant>, how may I help you?”
    SC: “Do you guys send out catalogs?”

    ……no, but I would honestly pay good money to see them try. Nice glossy full colour spreads of web pages with casual wear models posing in front of them in a variety of “family” activities possibly involving a dog or a smart alec kid showing his astounded father how to operate a mouse.

    Everyone would be wearing polo shirts of course.


    MC Shake & Bake was dejectedly packing up his gear and getting ready to leave when I arrived downtown this evening. So I totally missed what was surely a glorious performance. Although I do question exactly why he was out there tonight. As it meant he seriously had the thought: “Oh man, it’s cold, dark, windy, absolutely pouring rain and a week day. This is the perfect time to go outside and lay down phat beatz”. Now I fully admit this is not a man who can read an audience to begin with. But at the very least he should be able to grasp when a potential audience might actually be outside and willing to stop and listen.

    Conversely, there was an unshaven hobo a ways up from him who was finger painting pure lunacy on what appeared to be half a surfboard. Yet he still had one person watching him. So the guy that hasn’t showered in 6 months and is finger painting a mural to human psychosis has more active fans than MC Shake & Bake.

    One of these nights I’m going to have to actually stop and see if MC Shake & Bake seriously has some sort of stage name. I would dearly love to drudge up this man’s website and/or Facebook page. Purely for the entertainment value. You know he has one. Someone that thinks he’s that awesome despite the glaring reality before him undoubtedly has a virtual pen where he preens himself.

    Hot Tips

    Me: “Good evening, <client>.”
    SC: “W05”
    Me: “……..”
    SC: “I’ll call back later.”

    Ok, Zombie Nixon. You’re going to insist on becoming a regular, aren’t you? I assume that was some sort of code signal letting me know the dead drop of pizza crusts, Bruce Springsteen mix tapes and approximately 50 black & white print outs of screenshots of your victories at Minesweeper is ready for pick up. I also assume they’ve been left at the usual place? In the dumper in the parking lot, underneath a 1/6th scale posterboard cut out of Robert Pattinson?

    You know, you really need to be more careful. I see, er, "enemy agents" dig through that dumpster all the time at night.


    Me: “I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.”
    SC: “Um, no.”

    Oh, good. We’ve moved from ignorance, to confusion, to questioning if have the right number, to outright denial to outright denial in a tone of voice that makes it sound like I’m supposed to be the idiot here. Well since you obviously missed the memo ( Hint: It was “Good evening, <domain registrant>, how may I help you?” ) we do not service, repair, replace or sell compressors in any way shape or form nor are we any sort of business remotely related to compressors.

    I assume you need one to finish building the machine that will free you from the terrible limbo between raging stupidity and smug superiority that you seem to be stuck in.

    Hot Tips

    SC: “How come every time I call this number I receive death threats?”

    I’m surprised you really need to ask.


    MC Shake & Bake is still out there. He’s really giving it his all this week, I hope he didn’t quit his day job. Tonight he was engaged in some sort of…rap battle(?) with another “artist”. I’m not sure what the rules of engagement are for this particular type of conflict. It was already underway when I arrived, so I don’t if a challenger can just pull out a microphone as they’re walking by, wander up and throw down the gauntlet at you. Sort of like Pokemon trainers.

    Perhaps they are doing battle over prime busker spots. It would explain why MC Shake & Bake shows up at varying locations and why if he’s not at the corner, there’s always a vastly superior performer at the corner. Regulating him to right outside the entrance of Granville where it smells like pee.

    I fully admit not knowing exactly what the rules are here, but I was under the impression that any sort of rap battle required an audience to carefully gauge the amount of “serving” occurring between the competitors. However, there was not a single person watching these two go at it. Seriously. Absolutely no one was watching. There wasn’t even that many people just walking by. There was just me and one other guy waiting for the light to change. And the other guy had the same look of “Oh god, seriously?” that I’m sure I had on my face too.

    I almost felt kind of bad for them. Or at least for the guy challenging MC Shake & Bake. I don’t think he was aware of the career ending vortex he had walked into. Although if he didn’t know before, he certainly knows now after MC Shake & Bake uttered the following: “Like the Canucks, shootin’ ice bowls-“. Ice bowls. Ice bowls. No, not "goals". I'm sure he was trying to head that way, but he tripped up and said bowls instead. That aside though. Dude. Seriously. You’re working with the one hockey team in the entire NHL that you can actually rhyme with “Pucks” and you go with bowls?! What is wrong with you and how did you ever get it into your head that you could rap?

    The War Of The Roses
    ( Jesus this is what, the 4th week of this? )

    SC: “This is Mr Brown, I’d like to leave a message.”

    Again? But that trick never works.

    SC: “I haven’t been leaving very much because the manager actually bullied me into not leaving so much.”

    ….”Bullied”? Seriously? I’d bet money he “Politely asked” or “Told you to stop before he filed charges”.

    SC: “He said I was leaving too many messages and not to do it. Which is ridiculous!”

    You’ve left over 60 messages. 60! You don’t think that’s too many? What exactly is the threshold for “too many” in your world? 100? 200? 500? If you’d been calling the manager directly rather than us all this time, you’d have already been arrested.

    SC: “You can’t bully someone into not leaving messages when your own info says to call them afterhours to leave a message.”

    Actually you can. As most sane people would interpret “leave a message” as “leave a message” not as “Call and leave over 60 meticulously detailed messages raving insanely about a neighbour than demand that their children be taken away”.

    SC: “Broken window, glass all over.”
    Me: “Your window was broken?”
    SC: “Yes, I don’t know how it got broken. I think it was all the banging and stomping from upstairs”

    So your window just mysteriously broke itself all of a sudden and you’re blaming it on the upstairs neighbour? Seriously? You’re trying to tell me that your upstairs neighbour is so loud that the vibrations can shatter glass? Yet no one else in the building has ever overheard even a peep from this person except you?

    Please seek professionally help.

    Did I Miss Something?

    I’m sure there’s a perfectly valid reason for half the females I walked passed tonight to be wearing cat ears. I don’t know what that reason is…..nor can I honestly imagine one that makes any sense, but I’m sure there is one. I hope there is one. I like to try to maintain the mental illusion I live in a reasonably normal city. Despite witnessing daily arguments to the contrary.

    One of them even had a tail.


    Me: “Good evening, <company> emergency l-”
    SC: “Harry Potter’s glasses are ROUND!”

    Y….yes, yes they are. I was not aware there was any sort of vehement debate going on over this topic. But if it helps any, I’m totally with you. Those glasses are indeed round and we should draw and quarter the unbelievers who say otherwis-…er….I mean, uh, yes, agreeing with you. Definitely round.

    Thats Not How This Works

    Me: “Alright, I’ll page the tech and have him call you back there.”
    SC: “No, you will call him right now.”

    Oh ho ho, what’s this? You presume to order me to do something? Insolent mortal! You know not what powers you trifle with. The rules are absolute and they do not bend themselves to conform to your selfish whims. You endanger your very existence, or at the very least your access to expedient tech support, by making such foolish demands of me. Me. The lord and master of…..uh….the….pages…..and stuff.

    An Epic Struggle

    Tonight I emerged from Granville station into the midst of a Rap Apocalypse. MC Shake & Bake was battling for the corner spot with not one, not two, but three other buskers. Going toe to toe with two other rappers, and a dude that was beatboxing on a flute. Little did any of them realize the sheer career ending power of MC Shake & Bake. Seriously, this man is the antithesis of talent and his black tendrils of power extend well beyond his person. Enveloping and destroying any and all promising talent that wanders too close.

    Case in point: This is a 4 way musical battle between 3 rappers and one dude that can beat box a flute, taking place on the busiest street in Vancouver, on the busiest night in Vancouver, and still, still it only managed to muster up an audience of one guy. Just one person actually cared enough to stop and watch. And I’m pretty sure he was just extremely intoxicated and making fun of them too. Seeing as he smelled like Tequila and Lysol, and was standing a little ways away striking ridiculous gangsta poses whenever one of the 3 struck a ridiculous gangsta pose. Then on top of that, Reefer Beat was a little ways up from them and he had totally giving up in the face of what he was hearing. He wasn’t even trying to play. Any and all inspiration or love for music he once had, had died.

    So MC Shake & Bake managed to totally negated the performance of 4 other artists. 4! This man must be stopped, or at the very least his dark power somehow harnessed for the good of humanity rather than its misery. It is after all a truly impressive, if terrifying, ability. Perhaps we could get him front row seats to every Nickelback concert in Canada.

    First Impressions

    Me: "Good Ev-"
    SC: “Uh, do you guys do CODs?!”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “Oh…uh…..I want make ordar”

    I believe it’s time to introduce you folks to the concept of “First Impressions”. You see, first impressions are, well, the first impression that another person has of you from the moment you waddle up and flop open the cranial steam valve that is your mouth. First impressions are quite important, and very difficult to change. So you really want to make sure you’re giving off the best first impression possible. Now, I know you probably aren’t aware of what a good first impression truly is. So let me run down a handy little list of examples with you:

    Good First Impressions: “Polite”, “Intelligent”, “Well Prepared”, “Nice”, “Literate”, “Has opposable thumbs”.

    Bad First Impressions: “Rude”, “Blathering”, “Sloped forehead”, “Needs to wipe chin after completing a thought”, “2nd Grade Reading Level”, “Unfortunate byproduct of an inverted family tree”, “Screaming for a lifeguard from the shallow end of the genepool”, “Humanoid incarnation of the black void where coherent thought goes to die”, “Smells funny.”.

    annnnd rest.

  • #2
    Me: “Good evening, <company> emergency l-”
    SC: “Harry Potter’s glasses are ROUND!”
    Get this. He has a lightening bolt shaped scar too.


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Gah, and I thought last week was bad....

      Did I Miss Something?

      I’m sure there’s a perfectly valid reason for half the females I walked passed tonight to be wearing cat ears. I don’t know what that reason is…..nor can I honestly imagine one that makes any sense, but I’m sure there is one. I hope there is one. I like to try to maintain the mental illusion I live in a reasonably normal city. Despite witnessing daily arguments to the contrary.

      One of them even had a tail.
      We have a cat circus that has a home in chicago and tours the country. My best friend (a guy about 6 inches shorter than me) and my fiancee (RIP my love) all went to the cat circus together. My friend and i purchased felt cat ears and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Afterward we enthusiastically met the cat rock band while they played with their instruments, and purchased a lot of crap.

      We then made my fiancee go to the local brewery with us, we never removed the cat ears. He spent the next hour pretending he did not know us as we loudly dug through our loot and told the bartender all about how awesome the cat circus was.

      I would like to submit that as the reason that they were wearing cat ears. There was a cat circus in town! See, it is completely logical.
      "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
      - James Joyce


      • #4
        Quoth NateTheChops View Post
        Get this. He has a lightening bolt shaped scar too.
        My mind is BLOWN.
        PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

        There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


        • #5
          MC Shake & Bake still sounds better than some of the musical acts they've been having at the coffee shop downstairs.

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          “How come every time I call this number I receive death threats?”
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            Hot Tips

            SC: “How come every time I call this number I receive death threats?”

            I’m surprised you really need to ask.
            You really need to work on that brain-to-mouth filter, Gravekeeper. You shouldn't warn them like that!
            I speak English, L33t, Sarcasm and basic Idiot.


            • #7
              What the heck website were you on?
              there, now we know his problem...
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Did I Miss Something?

                I’m sure there’s a perfectly valid reason for half the females I walked passed tonight to be wearing cat ears. I don’t know what that reason is…..nor can I honestly imagine one that makes any sense, but I’m sure there is one. I hope there is one. I like to try to maintain the mental illusion I live in a reasonably normal city. Despite witnessing daily arguments to the contrary.

                One of them even had a tail.
                Could have been an anime convention in town- I used to dress like that when I went to those.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  ... I would dearly love to drudge up this man’s website and/or Facebook page. Purely for the entertainment value. You know he has one. Someone that thinks he’s that awesome despite the glaring reality before him undoubtedly has a virtual pen where he preens himself.
                  You mean, someone OTHER than himself?
                  Hot Tips

                  Me: “Good evening, <client>.”
                  SC: “W05”
                  Off topic: At a local supermarket, there's a code that's repeated every few minutes, spoken by a recorded voice... "Attention Deli Department... 012". I've asked people who work there what it means and no one will tell me.

                  Although, I think I have a kid convinced that on his last day of work there, the next time he hears it, he will run through the store shouting "OH GOD, NOT 012!!! ANYTHING BUT 012!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"
                  Hot Tips

                  SC: “How come every time I call this number I receive death threats?”
                  How come every time you receive death threats you call this number?
                  ... snip ...
                  An Epic Struggle
                  You know, I was joking before when I said that we'd be seeing MC Shake'N'Bake on "Urban Star", but now I'm thinking it'd be a good idea. It may bring about an end to the endless 'war of the talentless' reality shows out there.

                  WE HAVE TO TRY, DAMNIT!
                  "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


                  • #10
                    The dying cry of someone’s mental bull moose toppling over in the desolate clearing of their mind. Mortally wounded by a pinpoint strike of inquiry.

                    Me: “Good evening, <client>.”
                    SC: “W05”
                    Me: “……..”
                    SC: “I’ll call back later.”
                    Ah, but by then the correct secret code will be Q13!!

                    As for MC Shake & Bake, I think the majority of the population of Vancouver must be going blocks out of their way to avoid him. Even the people that don't have anything better to do than stand around and watch somebody, ahem, "rap."
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      I love cat ears. I really wish I was brave enough to wear mine all the time. Maybe not the accompanying tail, though.
                      "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                      "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                      Amayis is my wifey


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Good First Impressions: “Polite”, “Intelligent”, “Well Prepared”, “Nice”, “Literate”, “Has opposable thumbs”.

                        Bad First Impressions: “Rude”, “Blathering”, “Sloped forehead”, “Needs to wipe chin after completing a thought”, “2nd Grade Reading Level”, “Unfortunate byproduct of an inverted family tree”, “Screaming for a lifeguard from the shallow end of the genepool”, “Humanoid incarnation of the black void where coherent thought goes to die”, “Smells funny.”
                        Going by first impressions alone, I believe I have served some of these same cusstomers.
                        I'm sorry, but I've reached my maximum allowable exposure to stupidity limit for the day. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          ….does the DMV have a 24 hour hotline?
                          I am sure some of them do. Like, say, New Jersey. (Notice a few lines down the toll free number that can be used not just for information, but for complaints as well.) And it's not just New Jersey. This page shows us that several States have toll free numbers for their respective DMV's. Besides New Jersey, you can freely dial the DMV's of California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia. (However, it appears several of these numbers are only valid when dialed from within the respective State itself.)

                          Oh, and before you start snarking about the silly Americans and their toll free DMV numbers, I also found toll free numbers in the Ministries of Transportation for Ontario and, yes, even your home province of B.C. I would not be surprised if other Provinces offer such free methods of contact as well, but I would say my point's been made, wouldn't you?

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          …..wait wait wait, back up a moment. You’re calling around for a fake driver’s license? Is there seriously some place that will not only readily commit a felony for you, but actually has a website and a toll free number?
                          Yes, there is seriously such a place. Probably several, actually, but I couldn't resist showing you this one, as it has a (ready for this?) 24 hour toll free phone number!

                          Why would such an obviously illegal enterprise so freely advertise their services on the net? Simple: their services are not illegal. No, seriously. The First Amendment protects the rights of Americans (and presumably non-Americans living in the U.S.) to produce I.D. cards. As long as such I.D. cards do not claim to be driver's licenses or actual government-issued I.D.'s, it is 100% legal. And many fake ID's are just that....ID cards that in some small area state "not a government-issued ID." I have seen some ID cards of this nature that on the surface appear to be genuine IDs' from various states, but the little disclaimer somewhere gives it away. As long as they are not producing actual replicas of actual government-issued ID's, this is all absolutely legal. (This information is all part of our alcohol-awareness seminars we get every few months, as those conducting such seminars educate us on what to look for with fake IDs.)

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Hey, you know who knows all the local forgers and counterfeiters? The FBI! Maybe you should give them a shout. I’m sure they could hook you up. They probably have a toll free number too!
                          They have several, actually.
                          For major cases, call 1-800-225-5324 (or as they like to put it so cutely, 1-800-CALLFBI).
                          For fraud, waster, and disaster relife abuse, call 1-866-720-5721.
                          To report the sexual exploitation of children, call 1-800-843-5678. (This number is run jointly by the FBI, several other law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.)

                          However, the FBI does not have a toll free number for their main office. To reach them there, dial 1-202-324-3000.

                          Of course, none of these numbers would be effective for reporting the above website, as nothing they are doing is, as I've pointed out, actually against the law.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Me: “Alright, anything else?”
                          SC: “Uh, hang on.”
                          This seems to be an ongoing pattern with a lot of your callers. And somehow, because of it, I suddenly feel the need to break out in song. And I feel a wave of Motown coming on....(sung to the tune of this song)

                          "Set me free, why don't cha dude
                          Hang up the phone, why don't cha dude
                          'Cause you don't really hear me
                          You just keep me hangin' on
                          You don't really need me
                          But you keep me hangin' on

                          Why do you keep a calling around
                          Ordering all these pants?
                          Why don't you get out of my life
                          And let me stop with these rants?
                          Let me get back to work
                          And you can get back to your booze

                          Heyyy, set me free, why don't cha dude
                          Hang up the phone, why don't cha dude
                          'Cause you don't really hear me
                          You just keep me hangin' on
                          No, you don't really need me
                          But you keep me hangin' on

                          You say you want these camo caps
                          You just gotta find the page.
                          But how can you find the page
                          When reading's clearly beyond your mental range
                          And there ain't nothing I can do about it

                          Woo, set me free, why don't cha dude
                          Woo, hang up the phone, why don't cha dude
                          Woo, set me free, why don't cha dude
                          Hang up the phone, why don't cha dude
                          You don't really hear me
                          But you keep me hangin' on
                          You don't really need me
                          But you keep me hangin' on

                          You claim you will pay for this
                          But your dumb ass wants it all free
                          Now that you've placed your order
                          You wanna make it C.O.D.
                          You know you don't have a dime
                          So go waste someone else's time! Heey!

                          Why don't you be a man about it
                          And set me free
                          Now you don't care a thing about me
                          You're just using me
                          Go on, hang up, hang up that damn phone
                          And let me work tonight
                          'Cause you don't really hear me
                          You just keep me hangin' on...

                          You don't really hear me,
                          Let me be...
                          Set me free..."

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          I was under the impression that any sort of rap battle required an audience to carefully gauge the amount of “serving” occurring between the competitors. However, there was not a single person watching these two go at it. Seriously. Absolutely no one was watching.
                          Not technically true. After all, you were watching, albeit briefly. Were you not, you would have been unable to report on his activities and lack of an audience.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          . You’re working with the one hockey team in the entire NHL that you can actually rhyme with “Pucks” and you go with bowls?!

                          Hello? No, this is not Gravekeeper. This is Jester. What? Okay. Yes, I understand. Yes, I'll tell him of that error. Got it. No problem. Thank you for the call. Yes, you have a great day too.


                          Hey, GK...? The Anaheim Ducks just called.....

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          I’m sure there’s a perfectly valid reason for half the females I walked passed tonight to be wearing cat ears. I don’t know what that reason is…..nor can I honestly imagine one that makes any sense, but I’m sure there is one. I hope there is one. I like to try to maintain the mental illusion I live in a reasonably normal city. Despite witnessing daily arguments to the contrary.

                          One of them even had a tail.
                          Like you, GK, I live in a town that's a bit....different.
                          Unlike you, I don't harbor any illusions that this place is anything resembling "normal."
                          So such a sight not only wouldn't phase me all that much, if at all, but quite honestly, to anyone who’s lived down here for any length of time, such a thing wouldn’t even register more than the minorest of blips on the Weird-O-Meter.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Tonight I emerged from Granville station into the midst of a Rap Apocalypse.
                          Pardon me, but wouldn't that be a Rapocalypse?

                          Just a thought.
                          Last edited by Jester; 04-05-2011, 07:21 AM.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Becks View Post
                            MC Shake & Bake still sounds better than some of the musical acts they've been having at the coffee shop downstairs.

                            this sounds all too familiar to me when I had to brave the Chicago L system.. it was a matter of "luck" if you actually got MC Shake and Bake's much better twin. some were just HORRIBLE.
                            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jester View Post
                              Pardon me, but wouldn't that be a Rapocalypse?
                              Swear I read that as a Raps-pocalypse first...which might actually be really damn awesome, harnessing the might of Raps to end somebody...
                              "I call murder on that!"

