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The faire SC

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  • The faire SC

    I didn't expect to get SCs when I was working at the Ren faire, mostly because I'm the blending in the scenes person holding a camera.
    Unfortunately that didn't work out yesterday on our first day.
    We are open rain or shine, if it's raining we will close early as soon as it starts getting dark, but we will be open until until at least 5pm. Even though it was pouring and I didn't need to be there I went and joined the cast for the opening day.
    We actually did get people showing up. Some had a great time, little kids got to splash in puddles and everyone got lots of time chatting with the cast and good seats for the shows under the tents. The only thing we didn't run was the joust.
    I ended up being tracked down by a few guests during the day, which is strange cause only the cast and merchants knew I was staff since my staff shirt was covered up by my coat and they wouldn't have tattled to anyone that I was staff (it was my first day/year working the faire).
    So it's pouring rain, a bit windy, and COLD. You've decided to go to the faire, that advertises rain or shine. Why do you think we are going to give you free tickets for the next sunny day? Everyone is here, shows are running, we are all shivering in the cold, still in character. We aren't giving out free tickets, the best we can do is there are discounts on the games, which you should know since the guys running the games are chasing you down to play, since they want to keep warm that way. So I had to say no to about four people, then just to be sure I pointed them to the boss guys who were also shivering, soaked and wandering the faire grounds like the rest of us (love them!)

    Funny SC story for the day. There is one woman who is insistent that she should get free tickets, she is starting to get loud with me about how unfair it is that the weather is like this and she is there. Around the time this is happening I notice one of the HUGE knights from the jouting company come around the corner along with his tall squire, and from the other side I notice two of the prince's guards men heading my way doing their "mission for the prince" (meaning getting food, talking to the ladies, acting cool) so I let the woman keep going and just keep nodding and agreeing this weather is awful. I'm keeping my eye on the guards and knight and notice they see what's happening at the same time and stroll over to see whats up. I explain that the lady is upset about the weather, and she jumps in to say how awful it is that she is there in this horrible weather. The squire gets a concerned look and looks at the knight "Sir! I fear this poor lady may have been forced here!" The knight nods and takes her hand, "Aye, milady, who is the awful cad who forced you here on this poor day, I will speak to him about that, no lady should be forced here to suffer in the mud and rain." The guardsmen nods and put their hands on their swords saying they will join him to find this menace. She stutters out that it was her idea to go to the faire today. The knight sighs still looking concerned and has her assure him that she was not taken against her own free will and pats her shoulder and smiles. "Milady, did you not know? We will be here for five weeks! Please come join us on another fine day, but I'm afraid you won't be getting any coin back for today's visit. No one forced you here."
    She stopped arguing after that and left shortly after.
    I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.

  • #2
    Pwned by her own mouth. You don't argue with a big guy with a sword that he knows how to use...


    • #3
      It's amazing how little someone will argue with you when you're in armour and carying a sword.
      If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


      • #4
        to that knight! Way to pwn a SC!

        Seriously, how difficult is it to check the Weather Channel, or even just look out the window before going somewhere? If the weather's bad, and you can go another time, wait for better weather! It's not rocket science.

        Wish the faires around here lasted more than one weekend...
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Quoth Nyoibo View Post
          It's amazing how little someone will argue with you when you're in armour and carying a sword.
          Hmm...I wonder if they'll let us start wearing armour to work


          • #6
            This is why I LOVE Ren Faires. (We have a great one in my area, but I can't make it this year.) The cast members are generally quite clever and eager to draw you into the fun, as long as you're willing.

            (My fav Ren Faire story: I was taking my professor's two kids to the Faire, and there was a Puritan out front trying to keep us from going into "that den of iniquity!" We laughed at him and went inside. We forgot that minors are not allowed to carry anything other than wooden weapons. The boy had a prop sword, so we had get our hands stamped, take the sword out to the car, and come back in. The Puritan accosted us again, and said, "It's not too late for you, child! You can still avoid hell by staying away from the Faire!" I held up my hand with the stamp on it and said, "Actually, my good man, we already have the Mark of the Beast." He stammered and let us go in. Our Faire always has fun Puritans. )
            "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

            My pony dolls:


            • #7
              I wish there were more knights like that running around town!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                She probably went that day specifically to try to cadge a free ticket.
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  That made me happy. This is one of the most awesome things I've read in a while. Kudos to the players!
                  The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


                  • #10
                    The most attention I ever got at a ren faire was the summer I had a blue streak dyed in my hair. EVERYONE on the staff was inquiring if my 'strange malady' was contagious, or calling me to the booths to try to sell me 'cures', or things like that. It was quite fun.

                    Then there was the time I went last summer with my best friend and his newborn son. There's nothing like seeing grown men in full garb attempting to coo midieval "welcome to the world" speeches at a month-old baby. "Did you bring this baby here just for me--oh! He's brand new! Welcome to the world, little one!"

                    This last one was just me having FAR too much fun. It was a special Halloween joust, and the crowd had gotten nearly silent because they were too tense watching the action. So when our champion, Sir William, made his final heroic charge at the deathknight, I just bellowed out "WILLIAAAAAAAM!" And this ROAR all of a sudden let loose from our side of the stands right at the climax of the joust as people started whistling and cheering the bad guy's death scene. I was quite pleased with myself the rest of the night.
                    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                    • #11
                      I still want to play guard gargoyle at a ren faire. If I had a suit of chainmail would be even better .
                      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
                        The most attention I ever got at a ren faire was the summer I had a blue streak dyed in my hair. EVERYONE on the staff was inquiring if my 'strange malady' was contagious, or calling me to the booths to try to sell me 'cures', or things like that. It was quite fun.
                        Oh you should wear horns, they will ask you what beast you be, or if you've angered a fairy! I heard that all day today lol.

                        Quoth Mytical View Post
                        I still want to play guard gargoyle at a ren faire. If I had a suit of chainmail would be even better .
                        You would be a fantastic guard gargoyle for a faire.
                        I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                        • #13
                          Never been to a Ren Faire, but it's on my 'To Do' list. There is a pretty big one that takes place about....4 or 5 hours away from here. Apparently very wheelchair friendly. If I ever got to go, I would more-than-likely attempt to disguise my chair as...I dunno. A horse, probably, for reasons of 'Just because I can'. XD
                          "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


                          • #14
                            Not sure which weekend I'm gonna hit that faire.... But I loved it last year. The Rogues (bagpipers) were amazing.

                            That woman was an idiot, and that knight ruled.
                            "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                            "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                            • #15
                              Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                              This is why I LOVE Ren Faires. (We have a great one in my area, but I can't make it this year.) The cast members are generally quite clever and eager to draw you into the fun, as long as you're willing.

                              (My fav Ren Faire story: I was taking my professor's two kids to the Faire, and there was a Puritan out front trying to keep us from going into "that den of iniquity!" We laughed at him and went inside. We forgot that minors are not allowed to carry anything other than wooden weapons. The boy had a prop sword, so we had get our hands stamped, take the sword out to the car, and come back in. The Puritan accosted us again, and said, "It's not too late for you, child! You can still avoid hell by staying away from the Faire!" I held up my hand with the stamp on it and said, "Actually, my good man, we already have the Mark of the Beast." He stammered and let us go in. Our Faire always has fun Puritans. )
                              I was at Plymouth Plantation one summer, and sat down on a bench next to one of the women there and was chatting with her about the weather [she started the conversation with a comment on the sun] and somehow it wandered to idle hands and satan, so I pulled out a lucet loom and started making cording =) We ended up with me teaching an impromptu class on cording and drop spinning [I had my craft backpack with me]

                              I really wish that I lived close to there, I would kill for a job - I could either sit and spin, weave, cord and hand sew, or I could work in a kitchen if we could figure out how to do it with minimal standing and walking. I could make do with handmade axillary crutches if I had to.
                              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.

