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But I'm Jewish...

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  • But I'm Jewish...

    ...and the law is the law, that price is the price and "no" is not antisemitic.

    In my area, their used to be a rather large Jewish population. For reasons I don't know or care, it has dwindled over the last decade or so. It is now mostly concentrated in a small section of a nearby town and mostly older. So anyway, a few days ago I am going to drop off some paperwork to the SM when Older Jewish SC stops me.

    OJSC: Exxxxcuse meeee!!!
    M: How can I help you?
    OJSC: Do you sell <some sort of cleaning goods product>?
    M: I'm not sure. Let me ask the Grocery manager.
    OJSC: *sigh* Fine. *mumbles* not this again!

    I go to the the nearest phone and call them. We do carry it however it seems several years ago they changed their name and it is now called <X> not <Y>.

    M: Ma'am, I checked and they said we do carry it, but it is now sold under <X>, but it is the same product.
    OJSC: Oh, no, no, no, no! It is <Y>. I have bought it before.
    M: It used to by <Y> but they are now selling it under <X>. It is the same product, just a different name.

    Now they get sucky and very stereotypical.

    OJSC: Now you listen here. I came to buy <Y>. I'm buying it. I'm Jewish, got it, Jewish and have no problem arguing until I get someone competent!
    M: ....
    OJSC: and you better not be dong this because I'm a Jeeeeewish lady!

    They stomp off and eventually I happened to see them spending a long time arguing with FEM and the cashier at checkout. I later talk to the cashier. OJSC was demanding that we not charge tax on things that are by law taxable. OJSC eventually had about half the order voided off and muttering something about Hitler and Jewish people several times while in line with the cashier.

    So, OJSC, F**K YOU! Your little stunt has earned absolutely no sympathy form us to save a few cents/dollars/what ever you point was.

    After this "lady" I almost prefer getting the race card.

  • #2
    I'm Jewish, and I think that lady was a raging douchewaffle. And how DARE she act that stereotype and make the rest of us look bad by association. Grrr....

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Quoth Jester View Post
      I'm Jewish, and I think that lady was a raging douchewaffle. And how DARE she act that stereotype and make the rest of us look bad by association. Grrr....
      It just goes to show that the only thing that is completely non-biased in this world, that knows no race, creed or color, that afflicts all equally, regardless of race, gender or religion...

      ... is Suck.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #4
        Quoth Polenicus View Post
        It just goes to show that the only thing that is completely non-biased in this world, that knows no race, creed or color, that afflicts all equally, regardless of race, gender or religion...

        ... is Suck.
        Oh my, that was...poetic. Very nice.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Way to pull the card, LADY!
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            I fail to understand how being Jewish has anything to do with anything ? She's the one who brought it up to you. How on earth would you have known she was Jewish until she told you ?

            Seems to me although folks don't want to be discriminated against due to their race, religion, orientation, etc. they sure do like to point it out to you to gain an advantage. To me, that is a form of discrimination.
            Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


            • #7
              I was shut one of those types up with a little honesty and some knowledge he didn't expect a Gentile to have. He was pulling the 'I'm Jewish' bit on a cashier and i (in line behind him) slightly loudly said 'You're Jewish? REALLY? Race, religion or both' He turned and started nastily with a 'What the hell are you..' And I just raised my voice a little more and said ' cause my nieces are Jewish religion, but of course, since their mother isn't Jewish, they aren't by race. Of course they are GOOD examples of Jews. Polite, well mannered, we can take them out in public without being embarrassed by their behavior. <slight pause> I see you're alone today..."
              It was sad, he tossed his money down, took his receipt and stamped out. I was in a bad mood, I wanted to be meaner....


              • #8
                Quoth ShootMePlease View Post
                I fail to understand how being Jewish has anything to do with anything?
                I believe the woman's point was something along the lines of this:

                "Since I'm Jewish, you should know that I am smart enough to not be ripped off by the average thieving merchant, as we are a wise and thrifty lot who pay attention to our money."

                Of course, what the average person hearing her go on like that would have heard would have been more akin to this:

                "Since I'm Jewish, you should know that I watch every transaction conducted by every merchant, as we are a penny-pinching and miserly lot who would screw over our own grandparents for a nickel."

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Awful. Simply awful. I'm sorry that she pulled that on you. Hell, if it were me that had encountered her, (Keep in mind, I'm probably more Jewish than she is. I don't even know her, and chances are I'd be more Jewish than she is by default. I'm mad j00ish, yo. >.>') I would have reminded her to do her own research on the product, and read the back of the bottle for any equivalents. Sometimes you can find the same thing for less. I do it myself all the time. What's so hard about it?
                  SC: "Are you new or something?"
                  Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    I'm Jewish, and I think that lady was a raging douchewaffle. And how DARE she act that stereotype and make the rest of us look bad by association. Grrr....
                    wow, hot, Jewish, and a bartender.....purrrrr.....wait you aren't fond of cats...dammit anyway!
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                      wow, hot, Jewish, and a bartender.....purrrrr.....wait you aren't fond of cats...dammit anyway!
                      Let's address these one at a time, shall we?

                      Bartender? Damn straight, mama.

                      Jewish? By descent, not by practice, faith, or upbringing. So yes and no.

                      Hot? Darlin', you need to visit the eye doctor, because your prescription isn't doing you any favors right now. Tall, dark, and handsome I'm not. More like short, dark, and goofy.

                      Aren't fond of cats? Wait, what? Me? ME? Not fond of cats? Are you kidding me? I love cats! I like dogs, but could never really picture having one...but I've always been a cat guy. Oh, you're thinking about the whole "no pets in the apartment" thing, aren't you? Silly roommate that doesn't like cats, and this apartment is just not the right setup for a cat. But I'm a cat dude.

                      Where DO these rumors get started?

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post

                        Where DO these rumors get started?
                        The same place that says Oswald didn't work alone, that there are aliens in Area 51, and that Elvis is still alive? "grin"
                        Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.


                        • #13
                          I'd have been tempted to say, I'm a lapsed Catholic, what's your point?
                          Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.


                          • #14
                            Quoth lobo94 View Post
                            The same place that says Oswald didn't work alone, that there are aliens in Area 51, and that Elvis is still alive? "grin"
                            Elvis can never die. He's in the music, man. His body's toast, though. The dude ain't walking around or anything. But he does live in the musical and spiritual sense. Anyone who thinks they see him working at a 7-11 needs to get back on their meds. Especially since, if he were alive today, he'd be 76, and rather than shaking his pelvis, he'd probably be in need of pelvis replacement surgery.
                            Last edited by Ree; 05-22-2011, 12:19 PM. Reason: Removed comments best left to fratching.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              People who act like this get my Irish up.

                              (I'm actually Irish, so I get to say this.)

