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  • #16
    Quoth sevendaysky View Post
    (Mom noticed the shirt I had the other day had 'male buttons')
    Can someone please explain this to me? I know that button-down shirts/blouses meant for females are often "left handed"...but I don't know *why* >_< AFAIK, a greater percentage of females are southpaws than males, but it's still well under 50%, no? Somebody please explain, I'm just an ordinary brony here
    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


    • #17
      The story I've always heard is that women needed someone to do the buttoning for them since their buttons would be on the back of their dress, whereas men have the buttons in front, so they can do it themselves. So, since the person buttoning the woman's dress would be coming at it from a different angle, the buttons would need to be on the other side. As far as the left-handed thing is concerned, I've always heard that left-handed men outnumber left-handed women by about 2-1. (I'm a lefty myself, so this is a topic that I've read a lot about.)


      • #18
        With deoderants with anti-persperants one of the main differences other than scent is the strength of the anti-persperant. As men often sweat more than women, deoderants marketed towards men have more/stronger anti-persperants. I often switch to a "male" roll on in summer for this reason.


        • #19
          i see this at work more than a few times also. i'm in the kids department, and we have a line of basic tshirts - plain black or white, red, blue, long or short sleeved etc. some parents were looking for long sleeved white tshirts for their son, but at the time we were all out of the boys and only had girls. so i bring over these tshirts and at first they're all "perfect, just what we were looking for!" until they notice that on the inside of the tshirt where the tag usually hangs, the word "girl2girl" is printed. not visible on the outside, plain white long sleeved tshirt, completely indistinguishable gender wise .. but "nope, our boy won't wear girls clothes!" >.>

          i've yet to see a parent willingly take a basic tshirt (however desperate they are, such as extremely last minute costume shopping for a play) for a child if they suddenly believe the garment is for the opposite gender.

          i don't have the heart to explain that the design is 99.9% the same, save for the printed label on the inside >.>

          though i HAVE had boys and men come to the fitting rooms to wriggle into the girls/womens skinny jeans XD this was just before our store started sending us "male" oriented garments of the same type though.

          i love mens antiperspirants, clothes, razors and body washes though, the womens type just don't cut it for me.


          • #20
            Quoth Merriweather
            Yeah, some people still freak out if you wrap a baby boy in a pink blanket - you'd think we'd have come past that, but nope, all sterotypes allive & well.
            In fact, traditionally pink, being related to red, a "hot" colour was for boys and the cooler, calmer blue was considered more suited to girls!

            So, if I saw a boy wrapped in a pink blanket, I'd probably comment on how traditional & "olde tyme" the parents were being
            This! In fact, my hubby and I have decided that we are going to dress any future children in pink sometimes and in blue sometimes, regardless of gender. Of course, part of that is just us liking to mess with people's heads...


            • #21
              I only use men's razors. Unless I want stubble 3 hours after shaving.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #22
                I use men's razors; they're ten times better than the women's ones, and about half the price.

                I also used to buy boy's trainers all the time, cuz I don't want to wear sparkly, pink or glittery trainers, dammit.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #23
                  My work shoes are mens, my shirts are mens, my winter pants are mens, my jacket is mens, my reg shoes are mens...except my gym shoes. My sandles are even mens. All because they fit better.


                  • #24
                    We have male and female product lines of uh... insertables. You can tell a gay male shop from a straight one just by looking at the colours they are ordering.
                    No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

                    However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


                    • #25
                      Quoth ShinyGreenApple View Post
                      I've found sometimes the men's razors work better anyways since they're made to CUT HAIR and not be all gentle and shit. I also carry a wallet in my back pocket at all times and rarely use the purse I have.
                      You sound just like me! I use a wallet, not a purse. I wear Old Spice High Endurance. I wear men's shoes at work because of the lack of women's work boots. I've recently started buying my jeans in the men's department because I seem to always be in between sizes in women's.


                      • #26
                        One of the first times I went out to lunch with my friend Biscuit from work, I took my purse with me inside Burger King and felt silly. It wasn't helped when he pointed at me and giggled "Hey, you look funny with a purse!" I took it as a pretty high compliment though, and I don't know why

                        I use Mitchum unscented gel deodorant, and while it doesn't say "Men" on the label, the container is bulkier and the one I buy is always stocked with the men's deodorants rather than with the women's. But I was SO happy to find a clear one that had absolutely no scent. None. Because I think I'd rather have a little BO than the awful stink of perfumes that would happen if I got hot or started sweating even a tiny bit, ugh, it's overwhelming. I felt like I was walking in a cloud of baby powder or 'shower fresh' odor. Now I don't stink of either.

                        I also get most of my t-shirts from the men's department because the designs are always so much better! On St. Patrick's Day, everyone was allowed to wear a green shirt to work that day. I ended up getting a man's one, because it just had some snakes and griffins and nice Celtic things on it. All the women's ones said things like "Lady Luck", "Kiss me, I'm Irish" and even "Gold Digger" on them. Uh, no thanks. Not to mention they were all skin tight, even the x-large sizes, and I'm positive my stomach would have ended up hanging out. Although I already have the 'Kiss me' one, I didn't think it was appropriate for work at all.
                        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                        • #27
                          Wow, it goes on into adulthood. How annoying.

                          We were at a kid's play area and Khan climbed onto a tricycle. This girl of about 4 shrieked, "YOU CAN'T RIDE THAT IT'S FOR GIRLS!" He happily ignored her.

                          I said, "Why is it for girls?"

                          She said, "Because it's pink and purple!"

                          "So those colors are only for girls?"




                          She stomped off, screaming, "IT'S FOR GIRLS!"

                          I think one thing parents don't think to teach their kids, that they should, is to MIND THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. I grow weary of other kids losing their shit when Khan colors outside the lines, literally and figuratively.


                          • #28
                            I actually prefer guys shirts. I like video games and stuff - plus the "girl" ones are skintight.

                            About the only "girl" shirt I do have is my "?? level Humanoid" WoW shirt.

                            Since my daughter is now wearing size six clothes *sniff* she's growing up so fast *sniff* I actually go into the boys section to buy her jeans - since the girl's section is either "super skinny", ripped up to hell and back already, or has words written across the butt. Uhm, she's almost 6 years old, and not a streetwalker, thank you very much.

                            We actually used to have a beautiful blue floral jumper that my daughter loved to wear when she was little. Despite the FLOWERS all over it, people still thought she was a boy, even with pigtails and pink bows.

                            My son has curly hair and even dressed up in shirts with robots or trucks on them- gets mistaken fora girl. He wonders why I'm holding off on buying him a rainbow dash shirt. (His fav pony!)


                            • #29
                              Some of my daughter's favorite t-shirts are "for" boys. She loves Transformers, Marvel comic heroes, Sonic, and Power Rangers. A lot of these shirts are in boys only designs. (Target and Wal-Mart being the "culprits" for not carrying the girls versions - if there are any girls versions). However, my most favorite shirt in her wardrobe is a Snoopy shirt with him sitting in front of the TV with a game controller in his hand with the word "Gamer" on it. I picked that one out all by myself! And yes, I did know it was a "boys" shirt. And I was going to allow my daughter to wear it. (Got a half lecture about it when picking it up - walked away from the idiot).
                              And you're welcome (in regards to my avatar).


                              • #30
                                Butch lesbian here

                                -I use a certain expensive men's razor cause it works better. Even my roomate uses it.
                                -I wear men's deodorant cause I hate smelling like flowers and sunshine.
                                -My whole wardrobe is men's clothing. I hate the feeling of skin tight clothes. I always get the nastiest looks from people when I am shopping.
                                -My cologne is all men's. The roomate's husband and I share our colognes .
                                -Hell, my hair cut is short (butch remember? lol).
                                -And lets not forget, I hate romance films. Love action or horror flicks. My music (should not be gender oriented EVER) collection is mostly metal and rock. Don't like much pop/rap/r&b music. Once I stop hearing about love and sex all the time, it might be worth it.
                                -I don't take forever shopping. Old guys always go "You what its like" I tell em "Nope, I get what I want and leave" and they shut up.

