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"How dare you behave like that outside of work!!"

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  • #46
    The exact terms the school used were 'innappropriate correspondence with students'. No animated pictures in the e-mails at all, just a 'Merry Christmas to you too'.

    It was a single-sex religious school, and I was the youngest member of staff. I'd also made a few complaints of sexual harassment so I suspect the school was looking for an excuse.
    Proactive Karma Engineer


    • #47
      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
      When I wear pants, does that mean that I, as a woman, am a crossdresser?
      I don't know, but I'd be careful about wearing pants around Mrs. Suzie the dim-witted lesbian.

      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #48
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        I mean, what if you HAD been crossdressing? They gonna fire you because of that?

        The gall!
        Days like that I'm really glad my persona isn't Scottish. Just imagine if I were wearing a kilt?

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #49
          We have the nanny state in England. Pretty much everything you thought you could do is now being challenged by politically-correct gimps sitting in councils who have no idea of what their naive well-meaning decisions are doing.

          For instance, in Winchester:

          They now ban everyone who doesn't live in my road from parking their car there. What about us, we ask, who only have this house for a year and are then moving over the other side? No, you don't count.

          People who hang outside Sainsbury's and ask you what you've bought today. Look at my single bag of snacks for roleplay and ask me where all my f+v's are and do I worry about saturated fat. No, I reply, this is for roleplay tonight and I happen to like chocolate a lot so I will eat it if I so feel like it. Starts getting nasty - if you eat non-Fair Trade chocolate you'll die and people will be exploited. My response? "And I care because?" You think as a student I can afford that crap?

          Winchester has one of the most lenient busking rules in England. Fire spinners, harpists, clarinettists and saxophonists, Native American panpipe players and even crystal water glass players all get my spare change. If you are obviously stoned, playing a plastic whistle from the pound shop and screaming at people who simply walk past you is not going to get you anywhere.

          We visited Marwell Zoo yesterday. We had lots of fun and were probably the only ones of our age group there - everyone else was groups of kiddywinks and their minders, school trips and old people. We had our lunch on the hill of Marwell House and we rolled down the bank just like the kids did - but as we were setting off for the tropical house we heard some bint mutter something along the lines of we were milking the system and not doing work. Uh, we're students and we get long holidays? And we have just as much right to go to the zoo and roll down hills as everyone else, especially since we're very open with enjoying our freedom?

          And lastly: some visitor to the university kept grabbing people walking through campus and questioning them about their free time. Any nerds she found (i.e. us) she started berating because the way we spend our time 'was not productive enough' though anyone who said they studied or played sports were praised. Even people who went to religious and debating societies were yelled at for disrupting the status quo of 'our teetering country'. She even mentioned to one of my friends with whom nobody has won an argument that she could bet he watched porn on the internet. His response? "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. It's none of your business what we do because we are adults now and you have no control over what we do. C'mon guys, let's go finish our Call of Cthulhu campaign."
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #50
            But sports are okay.

            Creative, interactive storytelling games, debates, ect are a waste of time, but a freaking child's ball game is encouraged and praised.

            Any raw eggs that need cooking may now be applied to my scalp. Watch out they don't burn.

            "Days like that I'm really glad my persona isn't Scottish. Just imagine if I were wearing a kilt?"

            Hell, don't wait. Wear a utilikilt to work.


            • #51
              Quoth myswtghst View Post
              Wow, now I feel rather lucky. The agents in my call center are a rather rowdy bunch, and actually well known at several area bars for our "antics" but no one at work seems to mind. I've actually seen one of our higher ups puke on the dance floor of the bar we had our holiday party at. That was...well, shall we say, something to remember.
              OMG!! That reminds me of how I got my job managing store #5 for Loser Liquors.
              So, I've been there for about two months when the owner showed up and asked for a couple people to help set up at THE SHOWROOM for a wine and cheese tasting event, complete with a full buffet (hence the need for the extra help). Bossman says that as long as we show up dressed like a guest (no jeans), we could stay and eat for free. I signed up. So did my then-manager of store #5, whom we shall call "Dave," for narrative purposes.
              So, Dave and I show up the next Friday at THE SHOWROOM, wearing our finery. Dave was passing the wine table, when I heard him say, "Oh, cool! Cabernet de Fû-Fû, 1971. That was a great year." So he took thew bottle and disappeared for a while.
              Party starts, things are going great. The jazz trio is playing, people are eating and drinking, and Dave finally reappears. And he starts sampling every type of wine being offered.
              At one point, I notice Dave sitting in a chair (and by this point, he's basically keeping the chair from floating away). He stands up, and he looks like he's "in trouble," shall we say. I go over and ask if he's ok. He mumbles something and proceeds to start holding up the wall. Then he starts to walk away, toward the buffet table. He stares at the buffet table and without warning projectile-vomits ... all over the buffet table. I swear, time stopped in that room -- the jazz trio quit playing, and everyone went silent and froze in place while Dave finished up. When he was done, he simply looked up and said, "Oops."
              Monday morning, I get a phone call. Bossman wants to meet with me. I was free, so I went in. Bossman explains to me that Dave was now "exploring employment opportunities outside of Loser Liquors<' and he offered me the job as manager, because:
              1. My attendance was perfect, and
              2. I had a functioning brain in my head.
              I accepted. First thing we did was a store inventory to see how much booze Dave had been "borrowing."
              The second thing we did was to discuss employee performance, but that would lead us into "The Saga of Miss Marcie," about whom I had forgotten (mercifully) until now.


              • #52
                Tease! Now you have to tell us about Miss Marcie.


                • #53
                  one time I was clocked out for lunch and decided to go on over to Richshaws Chinese Express for lunch. As I was getting my order this lady kept staring and staring at me. Now I hate when people stare at me; makes me uncomfortable so I do my best to ignore her; and she still stares so I finally get annoyed and say "What? Do you want me to buy you lunch..." The lady says no and snottily askes me where the cheese is. I reply in a snotty voice "Now how would I know?!" I return from lunch only to be told a complaint has ben filed against me by said customer. Luckily my boss was uber cool and disregarded it. In short I should be terminated regardless of wheather I was on lunch, vacation, or break or just going home." she demanded service and got none!
                  NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                  • #54
                    Quoth Kitten in the box View Post
                    well this guy said she was REQUIRED to be in a talking mood because he was a customer and that he was going to take it up with management. sure enough he did....she wasn't in trouble or anything but was told "there was a better way she could have handled it..."
                    Well geez, there was definitely worse ways to handle it too, I think that was a pretty fair way to handle it, really. She didn't break his nose or anything.

                    And what else can you say besides "oops" after you totally hurl all over the buffet?
                    That killed me.

                    I am rarely if ever recognized outside of work. I did have 2 people at the last High School Equestrian Meet come up to me and confirm with me where I worked, though. Didn't ask me anything work related, at least.


                    • #55
                      Quoth Eireann View Post
                      Tease! Now you have to tell us about Miss Marcie.
                      The saga is here:
                      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                      • #56
                        Quoth Eireann View Post
                        Tease! Now you have to tell us about Miss Marcie.
                        Before I post the link, you must read the following disclaimer:

                        I, Bonnie Bitch, accept exactly ZERO responsibility for anyone else's reaction to The Saga of Miss Marcie. All events described therein are true, to the best of my recollection. The Saga of Miss Marcie is thisclose to being graphic. It is disturbing, sick, and wrong on many, many levels. The onus of any injuries sustained during the course of any and all laughter related to The Saga of Miss Marcie is the sole responsibility of any and all Readers, Browsers, and Casual Perusers, all of whom are cautioned to proceed at their own risk.




                        • #57
                          I just read that. Good God. You have my fullest sympathies.
                          A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
                          Friedrich Nietzsche


                          • #58
                            This reminds me of an incident that happened years ago when I worked for Publix. I was in high school, and a number of the employees were going to a party at one of the stockman's homes. The parents were out of town, so this guy decided to throw the party. At least thirty people went to this party, and within an hour or so, it got so out of hand that a couple of the neighbors called the police. Nobody was arrested or anything, just told to keep it down or they would have to file a complaint. A while later, someone called in a complaint, and the police had to send everyone home.

                            Later on, the store manager reprimanded everyone who had been at this party, a party that was non-company related and was held in the employees' own time, not on Publix' time. The reason they were all reprimanded was because the neighbors all knew this guy worked at Publix. One of the neighbors had actually called the store and complained about this guy, also stating that a number of employees he had seen at this party were there, demanding they be discliplined. And when these employees tried defending themselves, stating what they do on their own time is not the business of Publix, the reply was, "Well, you all give Publix a bad name by going to rowdy parties, and then having one of the neighbors not only file a police report, but also call my store (yep, as if you f***ing own the place!) yelling at me for what you all did."

                            Thankfully, I was on a band trip at the time this happened, so I could not go to this party. I am glad I was not there. However, this manager was pulling everyone into his office to verify the whereabouts of everyone on the night in question. I was polite in my reply that I was on a high school band trip, but also firmly stated that whatever I do off of Publix property should not be the concern of the store, and the company really has no right asking people what they do with their personal lives, as long as it does not happen on company property. Believe me, he knew better than to ask me anything like that again.


                            • #59
                              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                              When I wear pants, does that mean that I, as a woman, am a crossdresser?
                              Yes, but female crossdressers are HAWT!


                              Anyways, on the topic, I was once at an auto show when a guy that was a customer at the old Pecan store I worked at walked up to me and tried to tell me stories about how she knew the owner and blah blah blah(80% of the old people that come into that pecan store claim to know the owner).

                              I turned to the lady and said "I didn't pay $8 to hear about pecans... I paid $8 to look at cars"


                              • #60
                                Quoth Knifeman View Post
                                I turned to the lady and said "I didn't pay $8 to hear about pecans... I paid $8 to look at cars"
                                Try one, they're a controlled substance! *Ducks*

