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  • Dear rummy,

    I have a kitty like that. I'm convinced she's not a cat, she's some sort of furry dog-like squirrel creature.

    They're fun, aren't they?


    (P.S. The kitten in my avatar was her, three and a half years ago. Hard to believe she's all grown up now)


    • Dear SO,
      I love you, and I truly want to marry you, but DON'T JUMP ME OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE THAT!
      Now I'm all happy-crying, and it's really hard to research parts when I'm crying..
      "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


      • Quoth 411guy View Post
        Am I just too noble for our time?
        Dear 411,

        Yes, yes you are.


        Dear Milk,

        I has luff for chu~! Kees kees!

        HOWEVER! You are the last in my cup. You suck.

        Gonna get more milk on Sunday (bloody Sunday),

        Dear Grocery List,

        Don't forget bleach so you can mist the dishes before you rinse them.

        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • Dear Nose,

          Why is it you keep getting runny and sneezy at nighttime so I don't feel like going to bed?

          I don't like you!



          • Dear Self:

            Congratulations! You successfully dyed your hair without staining the walls and sink this time!! Way to go! Now you don't have to explain that no, it IS indeed reddish brown hair dye rather than dry blood in your bathroom. Rather awkward moment, that...

            and now you has hair that looks purpley in the sunlight. Yay. Go me.



            • Dear Migraine,
              Please don't decide to come back.. I can feel the edges of you trying to decide to come back and I really don't want to be flattened again..

              Not happy


              • Dear Candy Bar Sitting On Top of My Computer Tower,

                You were given to Bishamon as a sacrifice to make him happy. Because he's not Sai-Chan, I'm not going to offer him blood.

                Stop. Staring. At. Me.

                -Considering making another sacrifice to my wallet to get you a candy companion so you can stop mocking me,
                -Das Mel

                Dear Tooth,

                YUCK! That's it, I'm sick of you! When I get my cash, I'm paying to have you pulled out!

                -The Mouth You Reside In
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • Dear Students,

                  I do not give three damns about the high school production of whatever crappy musical you were in or saw. 95% of all high school theatre is crap. And claiming you're a "theatre junkie" because you saw High School Musical at Random High School? Yeah. NO. A "theatre junkie" would know that play titles are italicized/underlined. I know people who go to the theatre EVERY week. Once a week. Reads plays every day. Lives and breathes the stuff. You do not qualify.

                  And learn how to freaking write!! gaaaahhhhhh.....

                  ~ The Frustrated Lady who Stands Before You

                  Dear Health Clinic,

                  Please be able to get me an appointment tomorrow? I don't want to pay extra for urgent care, and I want to go while I'm experiencing the migraine. And please just...fix it? The pain and insomnia gets very old.



                  Yes, I'll go to the doctor. I promise. Really. OKAY, I'M GOING TO GO!

                  ~ The Baby


                  Since last fall, I've been having headaches, mostly above/around my right eye. I haven't been able to figure out a trigger, I don't get an 'aura', and OTC painkillers don't touch it. The pain lasts for days and sometimes keeps me from sleeping. Mom finally fussed at me enough to convince me I needed to get myself to a doctor. Me no likey doctors. And I have massive fear of pain medication addiction (both parents have suffered from medicinal addictions).

                  ~ Needs to Sleep so She Can Read Artaud Over the Weekend
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • Dear Me--

                    Stay AWAY from the cookies.

                    I mean it!



                    Dear hip--

                    Spontaniously get better, just like you spontaniously decided to hurt like there's no tomorrow.



                    Dear Becks--

                    Thanks for not laughing at me about the seafood thing.


                    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                    • Dear Self

                      Enjoy your last day at *Company*. All your work is done, so you can surf the net and play Freecell with a happy heart.


                      Dear TTO

                      I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!


                      Dear Not the Midnight Mass

                      I saw you guys perform twice - once in elementary, and once in high school. I've gotten tickets for your 20 year anniversary show and I CAN'T WAIT!! Looking forward to the funny accapella!

                      The report button - not just for decoration


                      • Dear self,

                        I know it bugs you that that person deleted you from myspace. However it is only bugging you because you can't remember who it was. Get over it.


                        Dear people who read this.

                        I only noticed the above because my number of friends went from 40 to 39.

                        My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                        • Dear Body,

                          Why do you all of a sudden feel run down?



                          • Dear Nurses Station Catalog,

                            Mrs Drafter has circled that pendant in every catalog since Christmas so I got it for her birthday next month.

                            Why does it not look like the picture in the catalog?

                            I hope she likes it because I'm not too happy about it right now.


                            • Lizziebeff,

                              Not a problem.





                              The same thing happens to be every once in a while.

                              I have a mental list that I check first, to make sure it's no one that I care about.

                              If it's not one of them, I shrug, and life moves on.

                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                              • Dear Me,

                                How did you get sick? I was being careful. Wearing weather appropriate clothing. Washing my hands. Drinking Orange Juice. Trying to stay away from sick people. But I'm sick!

                                Earlier I felt like I had hit a wall. I took a nap. I'm still tired. My nose is dripping like a faucet. I am coughing up phlegm and I feel like crud. I'd cry, but then my nose would be so clogged, I couldn't breathe!

                                Please get better by Tuesday.

