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The getting back in shape thread

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  • I seem to have almost made it back into exercising today. It's been extremely cold and wet lately, so it's made running hard. But I've got the half marathon next weekend (31st)!! Eeek!

    So sheer panic drove me to take a run on the streets after work (cut off due to rain), head down to the gym straight away for another few km, then go down to the other gym after dinner for another few km.

    Altogether less than I was hoping to run today (about 9km total, wanted around 15). But it's a start, since I haven't done any exercise at all in about a week.

    Gotta watch it now though. Don't want to overtrain this weekend and not be able to do the event!


    • Rads, thank you for making me feel awesome!

      I did sorta fall off the wagon last night. There was a "Spirit Night" for my daugther's school where you go to a local restaurant and order food and part of what you pay goes back to the school. It was 5 Guys. If you haven't heard of 5 Guys, it's a restaurant where the regular burgers have 2 patties on them, and if you want a one patty burger you have to ask for the "little" ones. Plus you can as many condiments as you want. I actually went over my calorie intake by 210 calories.

      I'm not walking today. Today is housecleaning day, but fortunately, housecleaning also burns calories so I'll be putting that under my activities section of my calorie counter journal. And I'll be eating a little bit lighter today to make up for my dinner last night.


      • Quoth idrinkarum View Post

        I did sorta fall off the wagon last night. I actually went over my calorie intake by 210 calories.

        I'm not walking today. Today is housecleaning day, but fortunately, housecleaning also burns calories so I'll be putting that under my activities section of my calorie counter journal. And I'll be eating a little bit lighter today to make up for my dinner last night.
        It's not falling off the wagon, IDAR. I think that's one of the things that sets people up for failure. the idea that if they don't follow the diet plan exactly, then they've screwed up. It's ok to indulge every once in a while, really it is. It's about a healthy lifestyle, not a restrictive diet. (Just my POV on it) Besides, 210 calories? Psh. last time I "fell off the wagon" I had a milkshake. 1000 calories over my limit. (I went for the large, with whipped cream. Totally worth it.)

        I believe the important think is getting back into, like you're doing tonight. So, technically, you didn't fall off. You just hit a speed bump.

        and yes, house cleaning does burn an amazing amount of calories! Kind of awesome, really. Good luck with keeping active, and try not to beat yourself up about treating yourself every now and then. Better 200 calories now, than binging later because you've deprived yourself for so long. One of my new mantras that I'm trying to make an everyday part of life is "Everything in moderation"

        And with that, I think I'll cease rambling. It's wicked early here and I'm not sure I'm stringing things together coherently. Apologies if it sounds like I'm on a soapbox and lecturing...

        I'm gonna go do my morning back later, and hopefully more coherent.
        Last edited by lupo pazzesco; 05-22-2009, 12:32 PM.


        • Ok, worked out for about 1 hour, 20 minutes. Walked for 50 minutes, Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga for 30 minutes, plus periods of stretching to stay limber. All told, I burned 563 calories. Not bad, but I think my HRM is on crack. At one point it had my heart rate at 245. Um. No, not possible. But it's not the best on the market, so I should probably save and invest in a better quality one. Blip on that aside, maximum heart rate was 162. (which is much more likely given my level of activity.)

          Time to shower and face the day. Yippee...


          • Four times, one hour, 776 calories (can tell the weather's warmer), max pulse 176.



            • Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
              It's not falling off the wagon, IDAR. I think that's one of the things that sets people up for failure. the idea that if they don't follow the diet plan exactly, then they've screwed up. It's ok to indulge every once in a while, really it is. It's about a healthy lifestyle, not a restrictive diet. (Just my POV on it) Besides, 210 calories? Psh. last time I "fell off the wagon" I had a milkshake. 1000 calories over my limit. (I went for the large, with whipped cream. Totally worth it..
              Agreed. A reasonable snack is about 150 calories or so (I bring apples and string cheese to work and eat it about an hour before I get off so I have energy for the gym); 210 isn't that big a deal.

              My mom and I went to Sam's the other day and they had these 5-layer cheesecake things I was drooling over (jokingly; wasn't planning to get them). We looked at the nutrition information - 500+ calories and 300 of them from fat. 51% of your fat for the day.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                My mom and I went to Sam's the other day and they had these 5-layer cheesecake things I was drooling over (jokingly; wasn't planning to get them). We looked at the nutrition information - 500+ calories and 300 of them from fat. 51% of your fat for the day.
                Y'know, lowfat cream cheese (2tbsp, 60 cals) with a little splenda and vanilla whipped in, can be dumped in mini graham cracker crusts (110 cals each) and refrigerated. Then, top with a slice or 2 of strawberries. Or shaved chocolate. Or cool whip...well, you get the idea. Mini no bake cheesecakes for under 200 calories, AND minimal fat.

                Weighed in this morning. I lost 3 lbs this week and an inch or so off my hips. woo hoo!! It's amazing what adding walking to my workout regimen has done! I likes it!


                • Wii Fit age 36. In my defence, I did it earlier than usual this morning.


                  • Wii Fit age can vary enormously from day to day, I found. For me, it depended which of the tests it gave me.



                    • Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                      Y'know, lowfat cream cheese (2tbsp, 60 cals) with a little splenda and vanilla whipped in, can be dumped in mini graham cracker crusts (110 cals each) and refrigerated. Then, top with a slice or 2 of strawberries. Or shaved chocolate. Or cool whip...well, you get the idea. Mini no bake cheesecakes for under 200 calories, AND minimal fat.
                      Might have to try that. Actually, I think I might have a similar recipe somewhere on my computer. I like chocolate pudding (I make it with skim milk) in graham cracker crust.

                      I didn't work out, per se, today, but I did several loads of laundry, so I was up and down the stairs several times (not to mention lugging the basket), and I did a few arm exercises with dumbells while I was down there. Plus a few minutes of running around the backyard with the dogs playing toss the stick (he doesn't actually bring it back so I'd have to go get it and we'd play tug of war).
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • I didn't go walking yesterday, as I said in a previous post, but I did a lot of housework and stuff. I ended up working off almost 1,000 calories just by cleaning house, vacuuming, and grocery shopping! I'm so proud of myself.

                        Plus, when I figured out my calories, I realized I was under by 5 calories.

                        Yes, yes, I know I'm pretty spiffy.

                        ETA: I did 15 minutes this morning, but it was a little too much. I've been averaging 12 minutes and that extra 3 minutes was just too much for me. However Child Rum went walking also (Mr. Rum was up late last night gaming, so I let him sleep in and since I can't leave Child Rum alone in the house ... She had to come with). We had fun. We talked about how Dora and Boots live in the forrest. Boots is a monkey. Dora is a girl. And that she, Child Rum, even kicked a soccer ball in P.E.!
                        Last edited by CaroPhoenix; 05-23-2009, 02:39 PM.


                        • Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                          Wii Fit age can vary enormously from day to day, I found. For me, it depended which of the tests it gave me.
                          That seems to be the case. I do much better on the stillness test than the agility test. But there is a general downwards trend.

                          ETA: Today's age: 38. And it gave me my two least favourite tests.
                          Last edited by edible_hat; 05-24-2009, 01:37 AM.


                          • One hour, five minutes, four times on the hill, 817 calories - partly increased due to evil daystar being in full force. Knee support found in the bottom of a drawer and applied - touch on the tight side, but it may have helped.

                            Oh, and I was in shorts. Fear the sights!



                            • I got up early with every intention of going out for a walk this morning. but I'm opting to crawl back into bed. I had a friend over last night until almost midnight and prefer more sleep before work. I'll walk tonight, after work. Sleep now. Sleep gooood.


                              • Wow...hadn't posted in this entire forum in a while. In any case, I wanted to update as far as my own working out. I really haven't been coming early to work or staying later to get in really tough workouts, but what I have been doing is this.

                                Last month was an "abs" month. That means that every break I would walk a certain amount of mileage on the eliptical machine. When done, I would do an abs exercise until I couldn't do anymore reps. On lunch, I would do an abs exercise until fail, then do a LOT of running on the eliptical, then another abs exercise until fail.

                                This month was a legs month. It operates pretty much the same way except now I'm up to 2.5 miles on my lunches and .55 miles on my breaks. I increment by .05 on breaks and .25 on lunches each week. Not sure if I should transition back to abs or maybe my arms next month. Either way, my legs are SOLID now...and this is for someone who already had good there's gotta be something to it.

                                Haven't really lost any weight, though.
                                You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

