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Size to Suck Ratio theory

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  • #31
    1) I'm 5'2, "fluffy" although I still have a figure, hourglass if you will, 32 yrs old but often mistaken for 22.
    2) Female
    3) Shy, quiet, professional, conservatively dressed knowledgeable about the job (usually), softspoken, higher voice (I can sing soprano)
    4) Probably about average abuse though it seems like more. I had probably 70% customers just "there", 20% crappy and 10% really pleasant/fun to deal with. Oddly enough, though I got waaaay more grief when I worked in a phone center (probably about 50/50 abuse-wise) than when I worked on a sales floor. I got a lot of patronizing because of the age thing.
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


    • #32
      1) 6'0" and my weight fluctuates from 180-220 fairly quickly no matter how I eat. I'm 21 but I'm going grey already (have been since I was 15) so people tend to think I'm older.
      2) Male
      3) Friendly, laid back, I do my best to help decent or better people in anyway I can.
      4) Surprisingly not a whole lot, but after 6 years of experience in customer service it seems like a lot.


      • #33
        1. 5' 8" about 170 lbs
        2. Male
        3. Usually friendly but try to go unnoticed
        4. Given the fact that I used to take complaint calls in a call center (supervisor), I used to get a ton of sucky customers but didn't take crap from them. I'd be as nice as they allowed me to be without abuse. In my current job, I take a lot of crap from "internal" customers especially because the entertainment industry is a lodestone for the "entitlement" types.
        "If ignorance is bliss, then I work in Heaven."


        • #34
          6'5", 240lbs. If I shave my head I look like a skinhead nightmare.


          I vacillate between happy-go-lucky and jaded apathy.

          Honestly, not a whole lot, although whenever I'm in a really pissed off's like a beacon to every whiny dipshit and dumbass in the universe.
          Shut up and jump.


          • #35
            1) 5'3" over weight
            2) Female
            3) Perky and helpful
            4) two a**holes a month... for the last year... plus a few crappy people..... so... less then about to get a rifle.


            • #36
              1) 6'2", 340 lbs. I'm the designated fat man.
              2) Male
              3) Usually calm and cheerful, but very obsessive-compulsive
              4) Not really a whole lot of intentional crap, mainly bad-timing things that just piss me off or customers "trying to help" that do more harm than good. On the rare occasions I get real suckitude though, it's the worst forms of suckitude out there.
              "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
              "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
              My MySpace
              My LiveJournal


              • #37
                Quoth JustADude View Post
                So, to try and figure this out once I'd like people to post a few things:
                Ooh! Me next!

                1) 5'2-4, 150-160 lbs., long blond hair, blue eyes, VERY pale skin, large... tracts of land, look way smaller than my actual weight

                2) Female (remember, tracts of land)

                3) Easy-going, generally friendly; except when I'm involved in a task, then I have a bad habit of tuning out my surroundings

                4) I've gotten several flare-ups where the person was just a jerk. But I'm very good a diffusing "situations" before they get ugly. Some of my co-workers have complimented me on how "patient" I am with some people.
                Last edited by Tigress; 05-23-2007, 06:03 PM. Reason: bleh; pushed the button too soon
                A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                • #38
                  The ol' lady checks in...

                  1. 5' 2 1/2" 130 lbs.
                  2. female
                  3. Usually calm, focused and deliberate, but usurps authority when everyone's looking, but no one's doing anything about it.
                  4. In current, university setting, suckiness lurks in the shadows and strikes at unlikely moments, such as:

                  In an elevator car, alone w/2 very tall, muscular Neandrethal jock-type students, one with a broad-tipped Sharpie poised to write a pithy social comment on the elevator door.
                  Librarybabe: Excuse me, but if you want to mark your territory, you should go outside and pee on a bush.
                  Guilty-looking student: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......okay.

                  So, small women can be QUITE intimidating given the proper environs.


                  • #39
                    1) 5'4" or 5'5" and 160lbs
                    2) Female
                    3) Friendly, innately asocial, helpful and cheerful
                    4) A max of five SC's in the 8 years I've been working with customers, so very little. I count my blessings.
                    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein

                    Whoever said that "Nothing is impossible" never tried to slam a revolving door.

