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sigh...I'm *just* a woman....

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  • sigh...I'm *just* a woman....

    Hi there! I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I've been in customer service for more years than I care to admit to and have seen and heard a lot. But then I began I began answering phones in a call center that is customer service for a cellular company. There seems to be something about being a faceless voice that brings out the true sucky in the customers!

    Me = well,!
    SC = (check URL...oh, right!) Sucky customer

    Me: *spiel*
    SC: Yeah, like I was just in the *dealer* store to get the new *phone* that's just out, and they told me it would be nearly $700! I thought there was a promotion going on?
    Me: Yes sir. That new *phone* is only $400 through us if you order the *promo* plan and agree to renew your commitment for another 3 years.
    SC: Well, the dealer said that you could really give it to me without the plan and still give me that price if you really wanted to (and pigs fly)
    Me: I'm sorry you received that misinformation , but I do assure you, you must purchase the plan to receive the promotional price. (as I'm speaking, I look up the model he's asking about, and discover (OMG!)it's out of stock! I don't see this call heading in a good direction) Oh, I'm sorry sir, Unfortunately it is temporarily out of stock.
    SC: That's bull***t! they just had it at the *dealer* - you're lying, it's in stock!
    Me: Yes sir, they may have had it there, but our supply is temporarily out of stock. We expect another shipment in any day now, so perhaps you could call back in a day or two?
    SC: No, that's not convenient for me - I'll tell you what (oh-oh! a phrase I have learned to dread) - you call up that dealer and have him give me a *phone* at a promo price and then I'll sign up for that plan.
    Me: I'm sorry sir, but it doesn't work that way - the dealers are franchisees (sp?) and set their own prices on products as their profit margin allows. we have no say in their prices.
    SC: But the dealer said that you would!
    Me: Yes, sir, and once again I apologize for that you were misinformed, but we cannot do that.

    This customer then continued on his one track rant, telling me what I "could" do if I really "wanted" to (good thing he didn't know what I really wanted to do....when ARE those magic phones that we reps can reach through coming out??) for a solid half an hour, while I made every possible suggestion (and a few that were only in my mind) on how to solve this for him, and the only one was to make the dealer give him his phone *NOW* at the promo price. all the while I hear his buddy in the background saying things like "come on, dude, get over it. she just can't do any more. let it go" This lovely gentleman, in the course of his rant, managed to imply (never actually say, so I couldn't warn him or release him) that my main problem was that I was just a stupid woman (BTW GRRR! I was steaming by then), and now the piece de resistance:

    SC: The dealer wouldn't lie to me! HE knows what HE is talking about (emphasis his)
    Me: Once again, sir, I do apologize on behalf of *company* for you receiving information that is incorrect but....
    SC: That's it! I'm not getting though to you! I want your supervisor - HE'LL know how to handle this!
    Me: If that's what you wish sir. I'll just put you on hold for a moment or two and I'll see if a supervisor is available. *HOLD*

    I sit back, look around...nope, supes are still mega-busy, they won't have time to take this, and I don't really feel like going out of my way for this ***** anyhow. Leave customer on hold another minute, go back on the line.

    Me: I'm sorry sir, but no one is available at the moment. May I have one of them call back when they have a few minutes free?
    SC: Well, if that's the best you can manage, I guess it will have to do. You tell your supervisor that I expect a call from HIM as soon as possible.
    Me: Certainly sir, I will let the supervisors know that you are waiting for their call. You have a good night ( through clenched teeth) and thank you for calling *company* CLICK

    Me: Hey Dave, I got a customer that expects a call from one of you as soon as possible.
    Dave: What's up?
    I tell Dave the tale, along with the emphasis on the "he" and "him" bits. D laughs, and says "Well, with how busy it's been tonight, I don't think we'll get a chance to call back today, so how about we give the call to the supervisors tomorrow?"

    Me: I'm sure either Bev or Sue would love the chance to talk to him!

  • #2

    My last manager was a woman. She was awesome and really knew how to run a business. She'd come up through the sales rep ranks, but knew a lot about the field side of things, and what she didn't know she'd ask me. At that time, all the sales rep were women, and would often get jerks who refused to believe their answers to tech questions, and insisted on talking to a man. The reps would alert me to what kind of asshat I was about to deal with by saying "Oh, Manly Man! a customer wishes to speak to you!"

    I have a very deep voice. I also have a southwestern drawl, so these guys were always happy to hear me get on the phone. At first.

    I'd take the call, listen to the jerk, then tell him I really didn't know, let me put you on with my boss. I'd put him on hold, tell my Manager what he wanted, and if she didn't know the answer I'd make sure she did, then let her talk to the jerk. It was great! Everyone in the office loved that so much they'd put whoever they were talking to on hold just so they could listen in!


    • #3
      My last boss was a woman and she definitely knew how to run a business -- to benefit herself. She was ruthless, volatile, and you didn't want to mess with her no matter if you were a guest at our hotel or an employee. She lived for guests who wanted to get into a shouting match because she'd come down on them with thunder. Nobody could outscream her. Disagreements with employees often degenerated into screaming fights also.

      This is the woman who fretted that she had become too American because whenever she went back to India to visit, their expectation of a shy, demure, quiet servant always got blown all to hell. Picture a beautiful woman in a multi-colored silk sari, adorned with so many gold necklaces and bracelets that she jingled when she walked, slugging the guy who groped her on a train in Mumbai. Not a slap either. Closed fist. She was trying to break bones. Picture this same woman getting into a fight with a cop who demanded a bribe, and having to be dragged away by her husband before she got the both of them arrested.

      No... never underestimate a lady.
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #4
        Hehe, three of my favorite people in Denver are all cops...and women. They've appeared in a few of my posts (AD and KT, as I abbreviate them all-too-often, the third hasn't appeared here yet).

        The best part is that AD could quite easily kick my ass, much less any punk who decided she was no threat because she's ONLY a woman.

        God, I hope I see that day...
        "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
        "What IS fun to fight through?"
        "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


        • #5
          One of the cops who tended to show up to calls from my store was what most people would call a "tiny little thing". I found out from one of the LP guys that she was a friend of his, and had once pinned him flat on his face in under ten seconds in a sparring match. Considering I'd seen the LP guy pin and handcuff a shoplifter who got violent when challenged, that gave me a whole new level of respect for her.
          It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


          • #6
            Ohhh yeah. I used to frequent an auto shop that was owned and managed by a woman. I loved taking my cars to her, cause she wouldn't bullshit you just cause you were female. She was Hispano (native New Mexican), spoke Spanish, and employed numerous Mexicans under her.

            Several times I witnessed some redneck or other ignoramus come in and refuse to speak to the Mexican guys, demanding a manager instead. They were obviously assuming it would be some white guy. They'd go get her, and she'd come out, this attractive older woman with her hair tied up in a pencil, grease all over her, and a pair of filthy overalls on. She'd look the ignoramus in the eye and say "I am the owner here. Is there a problem?" real aggressively. They always backed down.
            Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


            • #7
              Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
              One of the cops who tended to show up to calls from my store was what most people would call a "tiny little thing". I found out from one of the LP guys that she was a friend of his, and had once pinned him flat on his face in under ten seconds in a sparring match. Considering I'd seen the LP guy pin and handcuff a shoplifter who got violent when challenged, that gave me a whole new level of respect for her.
              Just goes to show, size doesn't matter vs. skill
              "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
              "What IS fun to fight through?"
              "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


              • #8
                Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                this attractive older woman with her hair tied up in a pencil, grease all over her, and a pair of filthy overalls on.
                I'm picturing Gypsy from Gilmore Girls, but older.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Two of my former coworkers were like that. You gave them any trouble, they would give you trouble right back. And Lord help the person who made a sexist or racist remark around them. You would see them pull off their name-badge and start taking off their earrings. And me, seeing this happen, would go, "Oh, crap. Uh... hide." And I'd seek shelter.
                  PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                  There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                    "Oh, crap. Uh... hide." And I'd seek shelter.
                    In the backseat of the alien spaceship?

                    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                    • #11
                      Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
                      They'd go get her, and she'd come out, this attractive older woman with her hair tied up in a pencil, grease all over her, and a pair of filthy overalls on. She'd look the ignoramus in the eye and say "I am the owner here. Is there a problem?" real aggressively. They always backed down.
                      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                      I'm picturing Gypsy from Gilmore Girls, but older.
                      That's because you've not met Mercedes Thompson from the Moon Called Trilogy. That woman KICKS ASS.

                      If you like fantasy novels, specially dark fantasy, get the books in either electronic or paper. You'll love them
                      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                      • #12
                        Quoth Bliss View Post
                        That's because you've not met Mercedes Thompson from the Moon Called Trilogy. That woman KICKS ASS.

                        If you like fantasy novels, specially dark fantasy, get the books in either electronic or paper. You'll love them

                        WHOOO! yes Mercy RAWKS

                        Anyone who can *lets see if I remember some of these things, drag a 600 lbs. Werewolf, fight demon ridden vampires, and fix Volkswagons, well all I can say is I love it.

                        (waits on next book, and would go out to buy the spin-off series to see how it is.

                        and yea back on topic, while working as a guard (probably see this in a future post) had one of my supervisors (who's now a friend) actually stare down a billigerent driver, twice her size and weight (think biker stereotype) never have I seen someone back off so fast.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                          "Oh, crap. Uh... hide." And I'd seek shelter.
                          Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                          In the backseat of the alien spaceship?

                          That was one of my favorite lines from that movie.

                          And I hate the whole "I need to speak to your manager, can you call him over?
                          "...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?!" ~ Kalga

                          "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            In my area, we have a few Hutterite colonies. These guys come into my store. Both of the technology departments supervisors are women.

                            These guy don't like talking to women, they flat out ask them to get them a man. They always come get me. I'm busy with customers computers as the in house tech. These interuptions are pointless.

                            What we have started doing with these guys who want to talk to a man is that the supervisors come get me and come with me to talk with the customer. I say, okay, what can we help you with? When they start asking questions, the supervisor answers the question and I repeat what she said. If they ask why we are doing that, I say, she would tell you the same thing I would. If they don't ask, it's a weird enough that they won't ask for a man next time.

                            How do we get away with this in a big box? Awesome general manager
                            Hello, I'm a Mac. My global domination plans are almost complete.

                            It's On Like Donkey Kong.


                            • #15
                              Oh I had to deal with that before. Unfortunately, I went about it the wrong way. I didn't choose the adult, diplomatic way to go about things, and I also didn't choose to tell the guy to get bent and if he had such a problem being trained by a "little girl" he could talk to the boss or get bent and get the hell out.

                              I was assigned this trainee.....some guy my grandfather's age (early 60s) who had came OUT of retirement and back into the workforce. He should have stayed retired. He resented me from day 1 and was a total sexist sack of shit. My way of dealing with him was treating him the same way he treated me. I treated him like an idiot. I used my leverage of more experience and more job knowledge to bring him crashing down and make him feel like a total fracking moron every time he questioned me and made me feel dumb.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

