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Wherein a Manticore is sexually harassed.

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  • Wherein a Manticore is sexually harassed.

    I love Halloween. I make a point of putting on a good show of fine costuming every year and acting the part in the street on the Night of Magic.

    So I made a handworked full body Manticore suit for Halloween. It covers me from head to toe and then some, with a flexing scorpion tail, a high shoulder ridge, four long legs, shaggy grey fur, and a messy black mane with a skeletal vaguely humanoid face that had a huge rictus grin. If possible I will be posting pictures.

    When I wear it you can’t tell there’s a human under there. I walk about on four legs, with a weird stalking sort of gait, grinning like a corpse. A lot of the comments I got began with “WTF is that thing??” and “Is that…real??” “Whoa, awesome costume!!” Very fun.

    But there were these choice gems of humanity I feel need some public recognition.

    One: Bee Brat.

    This nine year old dressed as a bee-fairy-thing was at first afraid, but then she came up to me and was yelling at me, “What?? What?? You wanna fight? You want some? I know you can't touch me! You're not allowed to touch me!” ( I live in a neighborhood where anything I physically do to these kids would get me on some kind of list, not to mention sued out of house and home..And they KNOW THIS.)
    Then the little hellspawn starts KICKING ME and pulling on my tail, and encouraging her friends to do likewise, annoucing her accomplishments to them and telling then to “Rip off his mask! Rip off his mask!”
    (All monsters are Default Male unless they have DD boobs, apparently)

    Two: Snotling gang.

    The little male snotlings were in a gang, ages all around twelve or so, and they kept alternating between behaving exactly like the Bee prostitot, and complimenting me, and constantly reaching out to shove me, tug at the carefully constrcuted art I was wearing, or try to reach my mask and rip it off.
    They kept leaving and coming back for more of this behavior.

    I said little if anything, because part of a successful illusion in monster costuming is not to speak. By the time the Snotlings were on their second go, however, I did manage to hiss, in creepy monster voice, a few remarks at them, hoping they’d go away, ie, “Does you mother know you’re out? Didn’t she teach you manners, little morsel? Run along HOME now!”

    Three: Kinkfreak lady.
    It gets better. The Snotlings returned and they brought their Escorts. I won’t say parents, because the brats kept up with their alternating vague compliments and harassment right in front of said spawn-generators, with no scolding and not so much as a “Don’t hit the nice person in the costume, kiddies.”

    Male Spawn-donor seems more polite, though, and very impressed to hear I’d made the outfit myself, so he asks to take a picture or two. I’m trying to be a good sport so I relent, and then the Female

    seizes me by the shoulder
    and hikes up her skirt.

    I’m thinking WTF is she seriously-???

    I never got further with that thought because then
    she throws her stockinged thigh over my foreleg and grins
    and a flash goes off, blinding me through the mask.
    Then she claps me on the shoulder, leans over and says, “Thanks, bitch!”

    I was still in a state of WTF as her mate stood next to me and there was another flash.

    Shortly afterwards, thankfully, the whole brood took off down the street to disturb other people. Apparently if you don't have a face and LOOK human, then you aren't anymore, and deserve to be treated like a declawed version of the thing you're dressed as.
    "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa

  • #2
    Oh if only the ghouls and ghosties would really come out at night so a costume like that would inspire FEAR!!

    Then it would be "I don't have to touch you kiddie. I'll just let my friend, the boogie man who lives under your bed, know how you've been acting"
    Bark like a chicken!


    • #3
      Quoth Skeksin View Post
      Then it would be "I don't have to touch you kiddie. I'll just let my friend, the boogie man who lives under your bed, know how you've been acting"
      Unfortunately these kids have seen Freddie and Jason enough that a boogey man threat is gonna make them sneer. They know everything already.
      "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


      • #4
        That's where you remind them, you're in a mask, and they don't know who you are, try giving the police a description.
        If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


        • #5
          What brats! Laws or not, anyone kicking another human deserves to have the offending leg grabbed and lifted so they fall over backward, and possibly some Bas Rutten type techniques applied to those who inflict pain.
          Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


          • #6
            That is actaully why I don't dress up anymore...rotten brats took the fun out of it.


            • #7
              So, how'd you get the Bee Brat to eventually go away? And what did the snotlings say when you hissed at them?
              Drive it like it's a county car.


              • #8
                I'm not gonna lie, I was a jerky kid. I'd try and pretend I wasn't scared by teasing people in costumes. But I knew better then to EVER touch them. That's just too far, I can't believe that. Next year go as the witch from Hansel and Gretel and throw them in a make shift portable oven.
                "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                ...Beware the voice without a face...


                • #9
                  Stupid annoying brats.

                  And please post pics if possible, I'd love to see your costume (I'm a sucker for mythological creatures).

                  "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth Automan Empire View Post
                    What brats! Laws or not, anyone kicking another human deserves to have the offending leg grabbed and lifted so they fall over backward,
                    that's funny as shit to do to kids, I did that to a kid once and then their mom came in and told them to get up when they started crying


                    • #11
                      You should join my social group for cosplay.

                      Back on topic: I would have told those kids to fuck off. If you can't beat them, try to get back at them some other way.
                      Check out my cosplay social group!


                      • #12
                        O_o Stop the planet, I want off.


                        • #13
                          Now, I'm not one to advocate for violence against children, but seriously, those kids needed some discipline.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Sharsarannon View Post
                            I said little if anything, because part of a successful illusion in monster costuming is not to speak.
                            While I understand trying to stay in character, when you're being attacked, even by children, you're being attacked. Kids are taught to shout when they're threatened, I don't see why you can't do the same. Better yet, get a loud police-style whistle or an air horn if you can manage it with your costume. It won't hurt them but you can bet it will startle and stop them temporarily, as well as getting people's attention around you.

                            As to the lady with the skirt? I'd love to say the same answer but she sounds one shell short of a nut factory. She might like it.

                            Why must someone always ruin such a fun holiday?
                            "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                            "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                            • #15
                              It's kids like that that give me second thoughts about wearing my costume for the con next weekend in public. It's not homemade, but it's expensive, and my brother paid a lot to give it to me for my birthday. If someone tried to do something to it, I'm not sure what I'd do to them
                              "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"

