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Tomato Terror

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  • #16
    Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
    I don't have any allergies but I detest walnuts. So if I'm looking a cookie or brownie, I will ask if they have nuts. When they say they aren't sure, I will say ok, and choose something else. I've been asked, oh, are you allergic? NOpe, but I'm perfectly happy with someting else if what I wanted has nuts since they're gross
    See, now, that's perfectly reasonable, and will never get you your 15 seconds of fame.

    I'm the same way with hazelnuts. I'm not allergic; I just don't like the flavor. People keep telling me I should try Nutella, and I just respond that I don't like hazelnuts. No biggie, I'll stick with peanut butter.
    "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
    -Mira Furlan


    • #17
      Quoth Ghel View Post
      See, now, that's perfectly reasonable, and will never get you your 15 seconds of fame.

      I'm the same way with hazelnuts. I'm not allergic; I just don't like the flavor. People keep telling me I should try Nutella, and I just respond that I don't like hazelnuts. No biggie, I'll stick with peanut butter.
      Non-sequiter: If you do like other nuts though, I suggest almond butter:

      Freaking a-may-zing.

      Back on Topic: It's doubly annoying when the hiss-fits are thrown because the customer didn't request "No pickles" or "No tomatoes." I have a friend who goes, "Buger, medium, do not tomate." It was pretty amusing to watch the gears in the waiter/ess' head grind to a momentary halt.
      My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
      It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


      • #18
        First--Oh yes, yes we can tell you're full time again. You poor thing! Now, as to the stories:

        1) Another idiot that wouldn't know the difference between rare and well if the cow itself walked over and told them! Why is this a difficult concept?

        2) Were I one of the people who these dimwits wanted to delay their meal, I'd be pissed. I'd refuse to eat out with them again, most likely. Wow!

        3) First, it's a tomato, not a spider or a rat or a swamp monster that eats brains. Second, what's so hard about either ordering your burger with no tomato (or in my case most of the time, ketchup only) or picking the tomato off? Wow!

        4) Perfect reply to that would've been "Alright sir. You have a wonderfully awful meal, then!" Really...some people.

        5) Some people honestly don't know the difference between shouting and talking. I have an aunt and uncle that used to be that way. That said, here, have a big bucket of earplugs for you, your CWs and your customers next time Shouty McShouterson comes in!
        "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


        • #19
          Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
          Bean Allergy

          The kitchen got very busy. A lady came to order.

          SC: I want the pasta meal, but it contains beans and I’m allergic. Can you make it without the beans?
          Me: I’m really sorry, but that particular meal is pre-made earlier in the day. The beans will already be mixed in the pasta.
          SC: Well you’re just going to have to go through the whole lot and pick them out, aren’t you??
          Me: The kitchen is very busy, I don’t think they have the time to go through the whole lot and pick out beans.
          SC: They’re just going to have to!
          Me: I’m not going to ask them to do that. You have an allergy and if they miss one then who would be to blame?
          SC: God! I’m not really allergic! I just don’t like them!
          Me: I’m still not going to ask them to pick them out. They’re too busy.
          SC: Fine! I’ll order it as it comes! But I’m not going to enjoy it!

          It took all my strength not to say “Is that a threat?”
          Oh wow. I would be so tempted to recommend to the chef, "Hey, this lady says she LOVES beans and if you have any extra, dump 'em all on!" I mean, she said that she isn't going to enjoy it anyway, right?


          • #20
            Quoth RealUnimportant View Post
            Oh boy, you really do get 'em!
            CRML works in a pub. Any time you have customers and alcohol in the same vicinity, you're going to get things like this.
            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


            • #21
              Quoth AmbrosiaWriter View Post
              And for the love of all the Holy Emperor of Mankind, when I was FIVE I was aware enough that if McD's (or any restaurant) put pickles (which I hate) on my burger, I just lift the bun, pluck the pickles out, give them to my brother to eat, then proceed to nom away. At FIVE.
              Exactly. Some of my child customers are more mature than the adult customers. It's ridiculous.
              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


              • #22
                I'm sorry CRML but GODDAMMIT this was funny

                This was by far the most hilarious thing I've ever seen you post.

                I love the phrase "sex pest"......there's gotta be a way to use that somewhere

                And wow I didn't realize tomatoes were that scary. Someone needs to chill the fuck out.

                But all in all this story and the responses are hilarious.
                Great YouTube channel check it out!


                • #23
                  Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                  SC: I AM NOT A SEX PEST!
                  Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.


                  • #24
                    Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                    Can you guys tell I’m full time at the pub again?
                    No really.....

                    Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                    Tomato Terror
                    Why am I snickering at the title? When the plum tomatoes in my back yard start ripening, I'll wonder what I was thinking between batches of sauce....OTOH, I forgot what store-bought sauces cost 'til about last month.
                    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                    Who is John Galt?
                    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                    • #25
                      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                      SC: There’s a t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-TOMATO in my burger!
                      That was me at age 8. Except it was pickles. I can only eat a plain burger, everything else tastes terrible.

                      One would think, presuming the man's age to be greater than eight, that he could control himself a little better than that.

                      When you removed the tomato slice(s) and threw them out, did he complain that the burger still tasted of tomato?
                      Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


                      • #26
                        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                        I don't have any allergies but I detest walnuts. So if I'm looking a cookie or brownie, I will ask if they have nuts. When they say they aren't sure, I will say ok, and choose something else. I've been asked, oh, are you allergic? Nope, but I'm perfectly happy with someting else if what I wanted has nuts since they're gross
                        I have never really liked putting nuts into brownies. I will eat them, I happen to like walnuts =) but I would prefer no nuts. Also no frosting. [Though my mom made killer cheesecake brownies. I need to rummage the box for the recipe.]
                        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                        • #27
                          Good grief, if I want a steak or burger cooked a certain way, I don't even bother with terms like "rare", "medium" etc, because every restaurant treats it different. I'm fine with pink, so long as it isn't still bleeding on the plate. This usually gets me the exact done-ness I like, whereas asking for "medium" could get me a dry burger or one swimming in it's own blood. *shrugs*
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #28
                            Tomato Terror
                            I'd have been so tempted to have come back out with a full tomato sat right next to his burger, and act like I couldn't see it
                            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                            • #29
                              Quoth AmbrosiaWriter View Post
                              Actually, what's pretty funny about the situation as I was (and still kind of am) a very picky eater. It's due to a very sensitive, and specific taste palette. If I didn't want something I just wouldn't eat it, and at a young age learned how to make particular things I knew I would eat (sandwiches, mac and cheese with supervision.)

                              I know I frustrated the heck out of my mom at times, but I wasn't really a fit thrower. It was probably a combination of my temperament combined with knowing that if I threw a fit my dad would throw me.

                              So even if you are picky, no need to throw a hiss-fit. I bet Tomato Wife was embarrassed at his reaction. Especially because it was just a "I DON'T LIKE THEM" rather than "I'll die if I eat them."
                              Ambrosiawriter, I have been married to a super taster for about 30yrs, being a picky eater can be a social liability if those around you will not leave it be.
                              "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

                              I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


                              • #30
                                Quoth pitmonkey View Post
                                Ambrosiawriter, I have been married to a super taster for about 30yrs, being a picky eater can be a social liability if those around you will not leave it be.
                                I'm taking this to mean "Why won't you try this? It tastes amazing? Come on really?" kind of not leaving it be? I'm sorry it was a bit unclear to me.

                                If that was your meaning, I've gotten that a lot. It's especially irritating when someone throws something (like cilantro which I have a mild allergy to - it floods my palette with the taste of soap) and claims that "I won't even taste it."

                                Then I do. Then I get annoyed because now I don't want to eat it and now I'm hungry and even more cranky.

                                If that wasn't your meaning, I apologize, and request clarification.
                                My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
                                It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.

