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The getting back in shape thread

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  • #91
    Tonight, I actually went to the gym...and made over 500 calories disappear! I almost didn't go, since I was feeling a bit loopy. However, I had to get off my ass--I'm so out of shape it's not even funny

    Since I got there later than usual, I just did 45 minutes of cardio. Because I haven't done it in awhile, my legs went rubbery after the first 15 minutes. However, once I was done, not only were 500 calories gone...but I'd walked a total distance of over 3 miles...and climbed the USX Tower, all 64 stories of it...a total of 3 times! Holy crap! (If anyone is wondering, I was on the stair climber...which measures both overall distance, and the number of "floors" reached.)
    Last edited by protege; 04-06-2007, 04:21 AM.
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #92
      I finally did it!! I just ran 6.1 miles in 60 min. I have been working on it for the past 6 months and finally reached my goal. I have started weight lifting and have put on another 5 pounds. I was trying to lose another 10 pounds by april 24th, but now I have to 15 now. (sigh)

      I still have this damn roll around my belly. It looks like a tire when I sit or bend over. It makes me sick to look at it. I keep trying to tell myself that it is going away and getting smaller, but at times it is hard.
      Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

      Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

      I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


      • #93
        OK, I have been at my job for almost a year (June 5) and I have probably gained at least 20 pounds, if not more. (Feels like more.) Honestly, most people probably wouldn't believe me if I told them how much I currently weigh, but I seem to be gaining most of it in my belly, which really bothers me. Worse, almost none of my clothes fit me anymore. On top of that, I work in a warehouse, and have to walk across half the building and up 42 stairs to get to my office (there is an elevator but I refuse to be that lazy - the only times I've taken the elevator I was either with someone else or carrying something heavy, and one time I was sick and just didn't have the energy). By the time I get up the stairs I feel like my lungs will explode, and then I still have half of my distance yet to walk. (And when I run into my boss on my way up I feel worse cuz he runs marathons.) Before this job I was in the stores for the last 5 years so I was on my feet and lugging stuff around all day long. I didn't exercise, per se, but my day was a lot more active. Now I spend at least 3/4 of my day at a desk most days. (Last time I had an office job I didn't gain weight, but I walked 6 blocks to and from the train station almost every day (unless the weather was really bad, then it was 4 blocks by subway).)

        I try to go to the park when the weather is nice, but it's been cold lately. And I have a treadmill at home which I have been using at least a few times a week, but it's not enough. I really want to start running and I get discouraged when I can't breathe after 30 seconds. (I actually ran for a couple minutes on the treadmill last week but outside I can't do it. The treadmill moves and there is no change in terrain so it makes it a lot easier.)

        My eating habits are really bad, too. In general I just don't eat enough, but what I do eat is often not particularly good for me. I read fitness/health magazines, I know all the things I need to do and what I shouldn't be doing, but I need someone to kick my ass and make me do it.

        So who wants to hold me accountable?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #94
          Quoth Crazyredhead View Post
          I I have started weight lifting and have put on another 5 pounds. I was trying to lose another 10 pounds by april 24th, but now I have to 15 now. (sigh)

          I still have this damn roll around my belly. It looks like a tire when I sit or bend over. It makes me sick to look at it. I keep trying to tell myself that it is going away and getting smaller, but at times it is hard.
          Whoa, hey! Don't be so hard on yourself! If you have begun wieghtlifting, you will naturally put on wieght as the muscles get thicker and denser. Those developing muscles aren't filled with helium! If you can afford it, try to get a Body Mass Index (BMI) test to see exactly how bad off you really are. The spare tire effect may be alliviated by changing some of the exorcises you use. Try to see a professional trainer of some sort (even one available free to gym members) to get ideas on what could help you focus on that area. Good luck!
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.


          • #95
            Quoth Geek King View Post
            The spare tire effect may be alliviated by changing some of the exorcises you use. Try to see a professional trainer of some sort (even one available free to gym members) to get ideas on what could help you focus on that area. Good luck!
            Don't forget, you can have all the abs in the world and no one's gonna see 'em if they're covered in a layer of fat. Keep up the cardio!

            But yeah, if you're building muscle you might add a few pounds. A better measure is: how do your clothes fit? You can be losing inches even if your weight doesn't change.

            Crazyredhead - I can't run for 2 minutes and I wanna die when I get to the top of the stairs at work (see my post from last night). You're doing great! I am jealous (And where is that tire when you are standing/sitting with proper posture? I hate my belly too, especially when I tie my shoes in the morning. But when I stand up straight it's not so bad. I'll bet it's not as bad as you think! We're always our own harshest critic...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #96
              I've been meaning to drop the pooch for awhile now, especially as we approach another swimsuit season and I now live not even a mile away from a lake, but there's always so many reasons to stop trying. I can't ever get myself motivated to do much but relax on my days off. It probably wouldn't take much, but the problem is I spent 5 years in retail and was always up on my feet, roaming the store. Especially when we were supposed to be patrolling our departments or looking for customers to assist, so I was always in motion. Then I came to my current job at a call center, and I sit on my rear all day.

              Now, this may sound silly, but I think the Nintendo Wii is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I've been having a blast with the Wii Sports disc that it comes with. I've had it a week and I've already noticed small changes. Probably not as much as spending a couple hours in the gym, but it's impressive considering it's a video game. It even has a workout option, but I haven't done much with it. Boxing is probably the biggest workout. Though you don't have to even get off the couch to play, it feels more natural to get up and actually move like you're really doing it. After 10 minutes of punching, blocking, and dodging, I feel wiped out, and feel the muscles is my arms and upper body actually burning. Like I said, it's probably not as significant as an official workout program (like that pilates DVD I bought 3 years ago and have never even once taken out of the case), but I may just find myself stretched out on the beach in one of the new 2 piece swimsuits I bought without being self-conscious.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #97
                I think that this thread was forgotten. I have finally reached my goal of less than 160 pounds, I'm 158. I'm so happy I'm pink. I have been running for almost a year and have finally gotten halfway decent. I'm still working on running non stop for 6-7 miles. I found that I start off to fast and burn out about half way through. I have a 5K run this month on the 18th and am still working on it. I also found that I am still adicted to running, I actually get up on my own at around 6am and go out and run. I have run a couple of 12 milers but most of my runs are around 10 miles. I am going to try and shoot for 155 by the 22nd but if I don't I won't be to upset, I'm just happy to be where I am now. I figured one I get down to 155-150 I'll be getting into my size 13 slip Levi's. I can put them on, but I have to lie down to zip them up, and I have a large roll of me around the top of them.

                I have a goal to get down to 140 then I will take it 5 pounds at a time till I get close to 130. I used to be 120 but I had no muscle tone. Now with running and these legs, I probably will never get to 120, unless I stop eating, and I don't want to go through that again. I've also been drinking protein shakes to supplement my eating, it really helps along with the multivitamin. Mainly cause I don't eat enough anyways.
                Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

                Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

                I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


                • #98
                  I admit, it's been awhile since I was last at the gym. I haven't been slacking off though--I've been doing yard work. My home's previous owner just cut the grass...and left the rest to go to shit. All the plants look pretty bad, so I've been ripping them out, along with the wooden border. Whoever put that border in should be shot. Not only do 2-foot-long spikes hold the layers together...but there are *additional* spikes pounded into the ground!

                  Where am I going with this? Well, ripping that crap out was a nice workout. Rather than cut the 3x3 wood beams in half, I snapped them instead. Nothing hard about that--lay them across a stack of cinder blocks, and swing the 40-pound fence maul. Usually they broke with the first whack After using the maul for awhile, it burns off some energy.

                  I'd rather go to the gym though, since it's a more controlled environment. Plus, I don't have to clean up broken 3x3 beams
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #99
                    Dear gods, I've been away from here a while.

                    First off, Crazyredhead - CONGRATS!

                    Myself, it's been paying off, slowly.

                    I noticed my eating patterns change only after I realized I couldn't stomach a breaded chicken finger. How it happened I don't know, but for a good while, I shaped up my eating: Carrot sticks, Polly-O string cheese, various fruits and veggies and eggs and brown rice being the sole source of grain are staples in my diet. Yogurt replaced sweets.

                    It worked miracles.

                    I moved rooms for the summer to 1. finish school and 2. be closer to work and one of my roommates has a series of workout DVDs, exercises specifically designed to target the middle of the body. I got hooked, then started running again and, to a shock, I 1. ran a 10-minute mile and 2. lost inches. I dropped to a size 14 at about April. I'm shrinking rapidly from that and am now able to wear the jeans I couldn't fit into 3 years ago. Which are a size twelve.
                    Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of the blanket nest.


                    • Gratz Ladymage and Crazyredhead!!

                      Awsome! Reaching those goals is an awsome thing.

                      Personally, I haven't seen a big difference in the way my pants fit. They are a tad looser, but I am seeing differences in my chest, legs, and back. I'm seeing a slender down in the sides of my chest and abs, Sadly, just not in the front. I still have a belly, although the wife swears it's going away. (she says she's losing her couch pillo.) And I still have the good ole furry man boobies.

                      I did however reach my goal of bench pressing 310lbs.

                      During my usual workouts, i'm able to put up 280lbs 10-12 times.

                      310, I can usally put out about 6 reps. I was sooooo happy when I was able to do that.

                      Also was able to make it to 100lbs on each arm for arm curls. w00t!

                      I've seen dramatic increases all the way around in weight. Sadly I don't think my new routine is giving me the cardio I wanted, so I may need to change a few things to try and work off the fat under the abs.

                      On a side note....i was watching T.V. at work one night when I noticed most of the guys in the worlds strongest man competition aren't really all that slender either, they can sure move the weight, but they weren't the slender guys you would picture when you think of lifters. I'm hoping this isn't the way i'm turning out.
                      Last edited by NightWolf; 08-05-2007, 05:21 AM.
                      "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


                      • Quoth LadyMage View Post
                        Dear gods, I've been away from here a while.

                        Quoth LadyMage View Post
                        First off, Crazyredhead - CONGRATS!
                        Also ditto. And to you, Ladymage, as well.

                        Glad to hear that some of us are making progress...not too much for me, although I can see the occasional bright speck of light in the darkness. At the moment I am still stuck in the size 14/16 rut, but I've been working quite a bit on motivation, both for exercising (I despise the gym) as well as cooking and eating well at home. It's going to be a matter of telling myself to go and do it, and to look at it as taking care of myself and therefore a necessity. I'm hoping to be able to report at least a little progress by my birthday next month, this space.
                        Not all who wander are lost.


                        • Hmm - I managed to get on the scales at my parents' house for the first time since I moved out. I've not been active in the warehouse as much as I should, but...

                          Wow. I need to eat less.



                          • I wouldn't say you need to eat less perhaps. Maybe just less more often? I'm finding that is working well for me. I usually eat about 2-3 hours apart. Nothing major. Maybe like an Apple and a granola bar or something. I just don't overdo it when it comes to the big meals like supper or lunch. I'm trying to keep my calorie intake around 400 per meal. (easier said that done however)

                            and water...omg the water. I'm supposed to drink about 1gal or more a day. I've managed to find a way to fit it all in, but holy cow thats a lot of water to suck down. So hard to stay off the soda kick. Curse you soda!!!

                            I am starting to get a little worried about my protien intake though. With all the HiT lifting i'm doing I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting the proper amount of protien. Might just have to add a few shakes to my routine, sadly i just hope i can fit it into the budget.

                            Glad to see you are trying to keep motivated Puck. I'll have to drop into chat in the near future and keep ya pumped!
                            "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


                            • What? Nobody commented on me snapping 3x3 beams?

                              But seriously, I'm trying to lose my "spare tire." It kinda sucks that it will *not* go away, leading to stupid comments from some people
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                              • Quoth protege View Post
                                What? Nobody commented on me snapping 3x3 beams?
                                Ooooh, aaaah!!! Look at those biiiiiiig muscles on you!!! *bats eyelashes*


                                Thanks, NightWolf - I've been trying the "healthy snack meal" routine during the workdays, and it does seem to be helping to keep me away from temptation. We had some cookies in the office the other day, and I ate only one -- highly unusual for such a baked-good fiend as me, but I was thrilled. Hubby and I are also getting into the "100 Mile Diet" - which promotes eating only things that come from a 100-mile radius (or thereabouts) of your house. From what I've seen so far it's going to mean a big increase in our fruit & veggie consumption, which can only be a good thing. For myself I've also considered going semi-vegetarian at least occasionally so that may make a change as well.

                                As for water, I have a 1000ml Nalgene bottle at my desk, and generally, I get through 2 bottles of water a day with no problem. I don't sweat over my caffeine intake, since it consists of a mug of black tea in the morning and one (two, tops) can of diet soda.

                                I'm also getting back to exercising, every evening after work, for at least 30 minutes. The gym is a mere block from home, so there are no excuses whatsoever. I also get out of bed a little earlier and do some stretching and light yoga, and I'm finding it makes a difference in my energy level.
                                Not all who wander are lost.

