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The getting back in shape thread

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  • Quoth Rapscallion View Post
    my left knee is really giving me warning noises and pains
    Need a nurse?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • As long as it's you and not Sheldon...



      • Maybe you should see your doctor about that knee.


        • Been ages ago. I don't plan to have it drilled any further - did that when I was back at school. If I don't push it, I'll get through. Having less weight bearing down on it constantly is my main aim, and maybe I'll go if that doesn't sort it out.



          • had to buy a new swimsuit AND a new set of workout clothes. I'm hovering on the cusp between fat ladies clothing and regular clothing.. FINALLY
            "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


            • Found a deal on the Biggest Loser DVDs, 3 of 'em. Cardio Max, Power Sculpt, and Weight Loss Yoga. I tried the yoga one for the first time tonight and oh my geez, a more intense yoga workout I've never had! I like it because it's 30 minutes of yoga, and feels like I'm doing cardio without pushing myself to the extremes. It's quite nice actually.

              I'm weighing and measuring myself again tomorrow. Pants feel a bit lose, so maybe I lose some inches! Here's hoping! But that means I'll have to go buy a belt, and I really don't have much money. Ah well, I'll figure something out!


              • Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                As long as it's you and not Sheldon...
                No need to fear. It'll be me.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • Lupo - string's pretty cheap.

                  calulu - Well done! You will be so chuffed when you no longer even have the option of those fat girl stores!

                  Raps - what about weight training to strengthen your knees?

                  I am really quite sore today. I think it's from the ice skating on Wednesday night. But usually I'm 1-day DOMS, and that was 2 days ago now. I hope it wasn't the run last night. Only did a 3k, as I don't want to push it since I've got the 10k race tomorrow. But I'm hoping this soreness in the hip flexors goes away! It was actually difficult driving this afternoon because my hip didn't want to raise my leg to move it from the accelerator to the brake. That's how bad it's been.

                  Whoopsee. Hopefully fine tomorrow!


                  • Strength isn't the issue. It's probably still loose cartilage from a hockey injury when I was sixteen or seventeen. Twisted around to follow the ball and the one stud still in the goalkeeper's pads finally decided to work. Ninety degrees around at the knee. Had some cartilage (I think) drilled out shortly after. Never been quite right since.



                    • Weighed myself in this morning. It's the one month, "anniversary", if you will, since I started this lifestyle change thingie. Since my last weigh in last week, I've lost 1.8 lbs, and half an inch off my arms, waist and my hips. (I was right, I DID lose inches...yay!!)

                      Monthly total since starting this change is 8.6 lbs lost, 1 inch from my waist, 1 inch off my hips and half an inch off my arms.

                      Not too shabby, I don't think!

                      One-Fang: Great minds must think alike! (Sorta) I have these scarves/wraps that I'll sometimes use in my hair, but they're super long, so I might see if I can make 'em belts for now. And I've also got this braided string/rope bit made out of leather, that is usually worn with a skirt, but might work in pants. We shall see.

                      Either way, I'm quite pleased with my progress. And so is my grandmother, when I spoke with her the other day. You see, we lost my aunt in 2007, due to complicates from extreme obesity. (She had an enlarged heart, and it just gave out one day, couldn't support her anymore. She was over 400 lbs, I think, and only about 5'7) Grandma says after loosing grandpa, she doesn't want to bury anymore of her family in the near future, so she's happy that I'm finally making a change.

                      Anyhoo. I'm off to pop in another workout DVD, get some cardio in before I have to shower and go to school. Catch everyone later!!


                      • Recently started on ADD meds. Loss of appetite is one of the side effects that I'm expiriencing. Before I had to work to remember not to eat and not to snack when I got bored. Suddenly, I'm having to remind myself that I probably ought to eat a bit more and I'm not doing any of the bad snacking I was before. I've been doing fairly good so far but I need to figure out a good diet and excersize plan. As of the 19th, I have lost 12 pounds. I'm excited about it, but I know if I don't start eatting right and excersizing, it won't keep up as good.
                        "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                        • Four times on the hill (ease knee back into it - test it out), one hour, 698 calories. Knee doesn't feel too bad at the moment, but will be monitoring it. Max pulse 168.



                          • Why do I forsee ADD meds soon being advertised as the miracle new weight loss pill?


                            • So...I was hospitalized in March. I was suffering from kidney, liver, and heart failure. I'm out now, but I haven't hit the gym.

                              Probably because I can't even be at rest without my heart skipping beats and fluttering. I get woken up during the night because I stopped breathing for a while. Forget laying on my back.

                              I am 21 years old.

                              I don't know what to do. I'm sure my weight can't be good for my heart, but I can't exercise to lose the weight either. It's very frustrating.


                              • Ouch. What do your doctors tell you to do?


